How long will Liverpool's dominance last?

Two seasons tops. Premier League is too competitive, City have too much money, and Liverpool will lose some of their key players.
I think they'll dominate for a while. Klopp's signed an extension until 2024 (?) I believe, which gives them another 4 seasons after this. That'll basically see them to the end of the primes of their key players.

After that it'll be a big rebuild job, and it remains to be seen whether Klopp sticks around or not. But he'd be foolish not to see out the next 4 seasons with the team he has, he won't get a better one in his lifetime.

I think if Klopp did stay he could rebuild, because his signings have been impeccable so far. The man knows how to build a team. But whether he'll have the stomach for it after 9 years at one team remains to be seen. If they don't retain him then singing players of the calibre of Mane, Salah etc for the relatively cheap prices they got them for will be hard.

Edit: By 'dominate' I assume that means challenge strongly for the league + CL, not necessarily win them.
I think Liverpool will dominate for a few more years. They have something that City don’t have and that is huge mental strength. Pep is flakey and many of his players appear to lack the determination that VVD, Henderson and Klopp display.
FFP could also help as City/Chelsea are likely to be under very close scrutiny.
The thought that MUFC, Arse or Spuds are going to get close within the next few years is laughable.
There’s two things for me, firstly I think Klopp asks a lot of them mentally as well as physically and at some point there will be some fatigue.

Secondly, when they’ve achieved a level of success, they will expect to be rewarded accordingly, especially when the Real Madrid’s and PSG’s of this world are making counter offers. How they deal with that will be interesting, I’m not sure they can afford £200k per week across the board and they’ve got a good number of players who will be offered that if they move elsewhere.

Yes that is true, the players could be tempted away but I actaully thingk that the Coutinho saga has proved the grass isnt always greener on the other side. Sure the players will probably want a pay rise but wasnt that one of the reasons Liverpool didnt buy players in the summer becasue they were putting some of their transfer money into contract renewals for the current players? That to me shows that they plan really well, they have a;ready accounted for player wage increase. The players seem happy and thats is another reason why i dont think they will leave espcially when you have Jurgen Klopp as your mananger, Coutinho knows first hand live isnt always grand.

It's impossible to say. 12 months ago we were told city would dominate English football for a decade. Guardiola was a god. English football should be grateful to him for coming. Every six year old that couldn't tie his boots was being moulded every time pep picked his nose.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 2-3 years the entire side has fallen apart and been rebuilt poorly. Conversations about dominance should only begin after 2-3 titles and even then should be tentative

Partly agree, you cant say any team will dominate although your post contradicts the arguments that this league is a farmers league. I think the PL is intensely competitive but Liverpool have entered a perfect storm whereby others are transitioning and the fact that Liverpool is doing all the right things. Other teams will catch up for sure, but can Liverpool keep their noses in front (just as Fergie did more than a few times)?
I am less interested in when Liverpool will decline than when we will start ascending. Every year I tell myself that it can not be any worse and every year Utd finds a new floor.
Afcon in sodding Dec/Jan next year guarantees we're not going to be dominating next season.
Klopp capitulated at Dortmund way before his contract is due to expire at Pool, didn't he? His players couldn't handle the rigorous regime anymore, although Liverpool won't have to deal with clubs poaching their players like Dortmund did, they will however have to revise their wage structure to keep a lot of their current players. They're also benefiting from arguably the weakest PL in years. They're the only team out of the "big six" who haven't gotten drastically worse.

Anyway, no manager can dominate the PL anymore like Wenger and SAF did. Pep is the modern master of winning league's and even City fell off a cliff after two wins on the bounce. It's not unrealistic to think someone else will win it next year, it just won't be us, that's for sure.
No idea, I expected the greatest ever team Man City to have another great season in them, and look at what they've mustered this term. Liverpool haven't been great to watch this season but have been machine like in their grit and determination to get over the line every single game, it's been logic defying in many ways. I'd like to think next season will be different, I don't see how they can keep going like this without some changes here and there?

All I know is in this league every time in the last few years when a period of dominance has been predicted, it's flopped, so we'll see. You'd think the rest of the chasing pack can't be this shite next year.
“Dominance” it’s their first league title isn’t it? Chelsea and City have both spunked the league in recent years and a new challenger has come along.
I am hopeful we will win a major trophy next season too.

Don't know where we are after that.
The last time I saw something like this was the Chelsea team under Jose from 2004-2006. They looked simply imperious.
The last time I saw something was City in 2 previous seasons. In fact, they were even better. If even they can't get the result 3 years in a row, I doubt that Liverpool would. There's a limit on every manager's reign, and both of Klopp's previous projects ended up as failures (I'm not saying that his career was a failure though, the very opposite, just clarifying); he's going to exhaust that team sometime soon, despite the relatively young age of the squad. I also don't see a lot of room to grow for that team to be honest, as pretty much every player that they have plays at or even slightly beyond their personal best.

They'll be the favourites next season, but, hopefully, they'll go downhill from there. There's also a motivational factor — it's harder to defend a title than to win your first one (especially since it's been 30 years for the club).
Klopp capitulated at Dortmund way before his contract is due to expire at Pool, didn't he? His players couldn't handle the rigorous regime anymore, although Liverpool won't have to deal with clubs poaching their players like Dortmund did, they will however have to revise their wage structure to keep a lot of their current players. They're also benefiting from arguably the weakest PL in years. They're the only team out of the "big six" who haven't gotten drastically worse.

Anyway, no manager can dominate the PL anymore like Wenger and SAF did. Pep is the modern master of winning league's and even City fell off a cliff after two wins on the bounce. It's not unrealistic to think someone else will win it next year, it just won't be us, that's for sure.

I'm not sure that I understand your question but Klopp never capitulated at Dortmund, during the last season they were strangely wasteful during the first part of the season but fairly dominant in most games, during the second part of the season they fixed a lot of issues.
Basta with this “dominance”, their record for last year can be ridiculously good but for me dominance starts with at least one successful defense of a title. They’re yet to win their first Premier League.
All depends how long VAR/Refs/Media will want them at the top.
I never expected City to capitulate so much so honestly not sure.

Clearly Liverpool are on the rise and will probably add the league to the champions league. If so I can't see their players wanting to leave for other clubs, especially with Klopp at the helm. I think thats what it boils down to for me - it's when Klopp leaves.
How ruthless is Klopp at breaking a side up he’s built and then creating a new side?
I'm going to say they'll win the title this season, they'll win it again in 2020/21. In summer 2021, rumours about Klopp leaving will begin but they'll win it for a third time in 2021/22 and then he'll leave. After that, it's a crapshoot.
How ruthless is Klopp at breaking a side up he’s built and then creating a new side?
He's already added Minamino (although he's 25) and we're linked with the likes of Havertz, Werner, Tonali, even Sancho. Not saying we'll get any of those players but the fact we're apparently looking at young players combined with the fact that he recently signed an extension shows to me that he wants to be part of the 'rebuild' and leave us in a good state. I think we'll definitely add a young striker next summer and a big-name winger if Salah or Mane leaves (can't see that happening though).

As for dominance, we haven't dominated anything so far apart from the league this season. Everybody expected us to drop off after last season's challenge and thought City would easily win the league again, after how they'd performed for the last two seasons. That shows that it's impossible to predict, and nigh on impossible to dominate the league for a few years in a row. I think we'll be top 2 again next season because even if our level or output drops a bit (which will happen because this unbeaten run is unsustainable), we are still a whole lot better than everyone else bar City and that gap won't be closed in one offseason.
He's already added Minamino (although he's 25) and we're linked with the likes of Havertz, Werner, Tonali, even Sancho.

Havertz, Werner and Sancho will also be looked at other clubs, will Liverpool pay the wages other clubs will?

For Instance, Salah and VVD are on 200k a week, and sancho will want for example 220k, will that unsettle Mane, bobby and the like?
Havertz, Werner and Sancho will also be looked at other clubs, will Liverpool pay the wages other clubs will?

For Instance, Salah and VVD are on 200k a week, and sancho will want for example 220k, will that unsettle Mane, bobby and the like?
Sancho is on £190k so I don't think he will join us as we'd never offer him more than what our top players are earning right now.

If they'd want to join us, it's because of Klopp and because they wanna be part of a great team with a great chance at winning the highest trophies. If Sancho prioritizes money over that, we can't fault him for that but he won't come to Liverpool in that case, no.
Reminds me of a similar thread from 2015. How long will Chelsea dominate the league after Jose's return. I'm sure something similar was said for City.

Can see them dropping off next year. They've been able to play almost with the same starting xi game after game, and have rode their luck at times. Everything is clicking this season.

This was going to be the year they dropped off, as only the most one eyed Liverpool fan wouldn't have admitted that they were well off City's 1 point difference equal last year. They had outrageous luck repeatedly and should have been 10-12 points behind.

This year, we banter about VAR etc, but they haven't had anywhere near the mad runs of luck they had last year. Goalies were chucking massive clangers, they were getting dodgy pens, all sorts fell for them.

This year, they totally disproved the "rule" of buy when strong, not buying anyone at all!

There's absolutely no reason they'll drop off in the short term, all their key players are a good age, and almost invincible injury wise.

What we will see for sure, is a renewed challenge from other teams, they'll get stronger, and overhaul Liverpool eventually that way.
Always difficult to tell. I know Liverpool pushed City all the way last season but who foresaw City falling so far behind this year? Or falling behind at all?

Time will tell if Klopp and Liverpool can sustain the success after they get their title win. City, Chelsea and Arsenal have all fallen off after looking dominant initially. Just makes SAF's achievements so much more impressive. Winning successive titles is tough, winning 3 in a row, twice, is remarkable.
Sancho is on £190k so I don't think he will join us as we'd never offer him more than what our top players are earning right now.

If they'd want to join us, it's because of Klopp and because they wanna be part of a great team with a great chance at winning the highest trophies. If Sancho prioritizes money over that, we can't fault him for that but he won't come to Liverpool in that case, no.

I understand the feeling in respects to a player will want to join to be part of a team, but we have seen it with players joining PSG, City, Chelsea, Madrid, Barca in the past where they pay the big wages as well as a chance to win trophies.

As you say Sanchi is already on 190k so 220k would be minimum with the likes of Chelsea, United circling the wages will be driven up too.
Two seasons tops. Premier League is too competitive, City have too much money, and Liverpool will lose some of their key players.

Why will they?
Why would Mane or Salah move, when they're playing for Euro and league winners? It'd be madness to leave a system that suits them so much.
So... how long will it last? I need the nightmare to end soon. :(

The dominance will likely drop as soon as next season. I would give them couple years at most. Just like it happened to City. It's impossible to maintain this level of intensity for too long.

As for good form and consistently fighting for trophies - may last for as long as they have Klopp.
What we will see for sure, is a renewed challenge from other teams, they'll get stronger, and overhaul Liverpool eventually that way.
It's what you'd expect from a big team but how long does this trend need to continue before we can assume that it will not necessarily be the case? Arsenal and United, you'd think they're at their lowest point right now and can only improve and be better next year but arguably you've gone backwards since Mourinho left - I don't think it's a given that you'll be stronger at the beginning of next season than you are now, especially if Solskjaer remains in charge...
Why will they?
Why would Mane or Salah move, when they're playing for Euro and league winners? It'd be madness to leave a system that suits them so much.
Higher wages is the only reason, which Liverpool may not match. But I agree, I don't see them leaving any time soon.
No idea, I expected the greatest ever team Man City to have another great season in them, and look at what they've mustered this term. Liverpool haven't been great to watch this season but have been machine like in their grit and determination to get over the line every single game, it's been logic defying in many ways. I'd like to think next season will be different, I don't see how they can keep going like this without some changes here and there?

All I know is in this league every time in the last few years when a period of dominance has been predicted, it's flopped, so we'll see. You'd think the rest of the chasing pack can't be this shite next year.

Liverpool won't keep this level, it's breathtaking that only 1 team have taken points off them in 22 games now is it?

But they will very likely stay right up there
I understand the feeling in respects to a player will want to join to be part of a team, but we have seen it with players joining PSG, City, Chelsea, Madrid, Barca in the past where they pay the big wages as well as a chance to win trophies.

As you say Sanchi is already on 190k so 220k would be minimum with the likes of Chelsea, United circling the wages will be driven up too.
Yeah, definitely. I didn't realize he was on £190k already, thought it'd be more like £80-100k at Dortmund :nervous:
It's what you'd expect from a big team but how long does this trend need to continue before we can assume that it will not necessarily be the case? Arsenal and United, you'd think they're at their lowest point right now and can only improve and be better next year but arguably you've gone backwards since Mourinho left - I don't think it's a given that you'll be stronger at the beginning of next season than you are now, especially if Solskjaer remains in charge...

Oh I didn't mean from us necessarily!
And definitely not Arsenal, I don't think they'll challenge for the title in the next decade.

But City will be swept out of their ludicrous complacency and come back harder.
I still think when they're on song, they're the best team.
Hopefully not too long! They are buying well in the transfer windows and they have a good coach. However it all depends on the other teams I expect City and Chelsea to buy well in the summer.
As for us who knows will Ole be here? Will we have a good summer transfer?
Dominance? They are about to win ONE league title in 30 years.

Dominance in my opinion is 7 or 8 titles out of 10. Come back to this thread then if they achieve that.