How I Met Your Mother

Well yeah, but S6 is at least having a bit of a return to form. The whole Barney and Robin thing was idiotic, because it limited the shows best character. He's back to being really funny again now.

Him and Marshall are basically saving the show. Otherwise I wouldn't still be watching it.

That is true though. There was absolutely no chemistry between them. The only good chemistry I have seen in this show is between Robin and Ted.
I never thought this show would be any good but once I gave it a shot I realised why it was so highly rated. I just like how it's usually just a good laugh without any emotional baggage attached.

And I agree, the Robin and Barney thing was rather rubbish. In fact I find her appeal as a character diminished since then. She became a male Barney and not a very funny one.
there isnt much to work with in the last episode, without coming out as complete dicks.

btw, did anyone notice the countdown from 50 to the sad news, in the previous episode.
Why does this thread not come up when you enter the title in search?

Anyway, one reason to watch the episode from day before :


the last few episodes have been utter muck.

Putting it kindly. I've not laughed once in any of the episodes recently.

Ted is just crap, worst main character ever and the actor is embarrassingly poor. Marshall's story line is good because it stops the silly and dumb things they do, it actually shows they aren't all just big kids. Barney is going up and down where he shows some character development but then slots back the next episode and then changes again, hopefully the decide on what to do.

I'm just not finding it that funny anymore, but will stick through it as I've watched it till now.
How so? I loved the Minnesota episodes, they were heart-breaking and funny at the same time.

Heartbreaking yes. But funny? Not even close. It's been 3 seasons since HIMYM was last funny. Even this season only the Lost episode was genuinely funny.

I can't believe the show is yet going on.
Renewed for another 2 years. What on earth?

No surprise, it will run until the mother is shown. Because believe it or not, there are tons of people who want to stop watching it, but at the same time dont want to miss the whole purpose of the show. Plus, Segel mentioned that his contract doesnt end until 2013, ie. two seasons.
I gave up on this, Barney was it's only saving grace and even he couldn't hold it up any longer. I don't actually give a shit who the mother is, the show is supposed to be funny and it's not.
Yup. I really want to stop watching it as well but I keep watching it because of ...well not having much else to watch on Tuesdays. And Zoey too :drool:
I gave up on this, Barney was it's only saving grace and even he couldn't hold it up any longer. I don't actually give a shit who the mother is, the show is supposed to be funny and it's not.

Tbh it was funny for the first two season. It's a shame about how pathetic it's turned out since then though. It could have been a great show.

Now even Barney annoys me and I have a huge urge to go all Call of Duty on Lily and Ted
I have officially stopped watching it. After 6 episodes this current season, I couldn't take it anymore. I seriously don't give a feck who the bloody mother is!
Barney is legen...

wait for it

wait for it

wait for it

hold on

here it comes

just a little bit more

ok, almost there now
