How can we cheat against Spain?

Too convoluted, unnecessary

Just have 'em go to the press the day later and tell all

"Eskimo sister with Di Lorenzo"
"Rodri, master of tempo"
"Morata wets the blanket and only the blanket"
"Fabian Ruiz's magic wand(it's not his left foot)"

Then let the missus sort them out

I mean, it worked for Germany in '74
In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.
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In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.

Lampards blasted goal (not counted) …. yeah , that one still upsets me as well.
In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.

They're only famous because they're against you.
Poison paella
Gallagher man marking job on Rodri might not be a bad shout?
English fans causing carnage outside their hotel all night?
In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.


Well... your only WC was decided by a goal that wasn't a goal...
- I also remember the robbery of the 1996 Euro, Spain was hardcore robbed against England (2 completely legal goals disallowed + 1 penalty).
- De Jong red card in the 2010 final still to be given. It is still difficult to understand wtf happened in the brain of the referee to not show the red card.
- 1994 WC quarterfinals, minute 90 (italy 2-1 up at that moment) and Tasotti literally breaks Luis Enrique's nose who bleeds profusely in a cross, not penalty/red card given. Tassotti was given 8 games ban by FIFA after the game.
- 2002 vs Corea (2 legal goals disallowed, one that was closer to a penalty and another one where the ball was inside the pitch by 50cm) (also Italy's game was horrible) is one of the biggest scandals of all time, only compared to what we could witness in the first editions
- 1938 WC that Mussolini bought (mainly vs Spain who was heavily robbed and also, Austria). One goal disallowed by off side and it was a personal play. Referee disallowed at first, then conceded the italian goal after talking to them. 7 out of 11 Spanish players couldnt play the rematch (zamora even had his ribs broken). In the rematch, 2 more goals were disallowed to Spain, the referee of this match was banned forever by his federation.

So well... they are famous to you because... those were against you, but they are far away from what Spain suffered.

Besides, it is shocking that nobody saw the Lampard's goal, it was blatant, but the Maradonan's hand is not easy to see (actually, like the 1966 WC goal, it wasn't a goal but it was close). The robberies committed to Spain that I mentioned were all absolutely blatant, and some of them (Corea 2002, Italy 1938) where pure corruption.
You cannot cheat against the foriner for cheating is its natural state of being, it is in its blood, the foriner lives and breathes cheating

Humble, honest lions of ingurland must remember their objective natural superiority over the foriner and not be discouraged by its inherent cheating and evil, foul sorceries such as beautiful, free flowing attacking football, speedy dribbling wingers, short passing and control of space through the ball
We need the Kane special where he challenges for a high ball by backing under the defender and making them fall over him and nearly snap their neck. Dangerous but the game is the game.
Kane should fall and whine after every challenge although he already does that.
In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.
You had at least one which went for you. 1966 being one.
Swings and roundabouts.
Send out 11 Tom Daleys' and put springboards at the touchline. Would be amusing if nothing else. Bonus points for landing on a Spain player and claiming a foul.
Its too late to learn the art of diving and play acting. Except a few Pep's boys, I doubt anyone can do it well.
Its too late to learn the art of diving and play acting. Except a few Pep's boys, I doubt anyone can do it well.
We've showed alot of improvement in this tournament regarding diving and playacting. Bellingham was brilliant at it in the last match.
Its too late to learn the art of diving and play acting. Except a few Pep's boys, I doubt anyone can do it well.

Too late to learn the art of playing football too. Except a few Pep's boys, I doubt anyone can do it well.
Its too late to learn the art of diving and play acting. Except a few Pep's boys, I doubt anyone can do it well.

What if Harry Kane uses one entire day to give a masterclass diving, play acting and cheating to the whole squad? He is experienced and might be able to transfer atleast some of his skills onto the squad. Even if he only transfers about 10% of his total skill, it will still be a very large gain overall.
In 2010, we had a shot that landed clearly two yards behind the goalline ignored by two match officials who simply waved 'play on' to the Germans. You look on some of the photo stills and the ball is so far back in the goal that the sheer audacity of Neuer defies belief. Then there's the blatant Maradona handball and the Koeman farce in '93, etc. With the Maradona one the referee justified it by basically admitting he was having ongoing problems with his eyesight.

We've had objectively three of the most famous refereeing gaffes of all time go against us.
Yep, very true.
You cannot cheat against the foriner for cheating is its natural state of being, it is in its blood, the foriner lives and breathes cheating

Humble, honest lions of ingurland must remember their objective natural superiority over the foriner and not be discouraged by its inherent cheating and evil, foul sorceries such as beautiful, free flowing attacking football, speedy dribbling wingers, short passing and control of space through the ball
The irony of this post :lol: