Television House MD

Been re-watching this as I never made it past Season 5 when it was originally aired - forgot how good it is. It does get a bit formulaic but the end of Season 4 was as good as I remembered it being, exceptional TV. Expect the quality to dip in later seasons as they often do, but great show.
Been re-watching this as I never made it past Season 5 when it was originally aired - forgot how good it is. It does get a bit formulaic but the end of Season 4 was as good as I remembered it being, exceptional TV. Expect the quality to dip in later seasons as they often do, but great show.
Yeah I remember the end of S4 being quality. The Wilson’s Heart stuff right?
Been re-watching this as I never made it past Season 5 when it was originally aired - forgot how good it is. It does get a bit formulaic but the end of Season 4 was as good as I remembered it being, exceptional TV. Expect the quality to dip in later seasons as they often do, but great show.

There are plenty of amazing episodes in later seasons as well, to be fair.
Been rewatching it too for over a year now on amazon prime, stuck a bit mid season 6 atm. Think his team falls off with getting the intern on in s6, then the asian lady in s7 or 8 absolutely kills it for me with her annoying voice. Love Chase's character in latter seasons though, after him going through his things, seems more assured of a character.
I haven't re-watched any House episodes in ages!

I loved the early seasons. I've no problems with a show keeping to it's established formula (usually dismissed as becoming 'repetive and formulaic') - my issue is more the reverse: when shows start to change tone and feel as they progress and later series feel much different to earlier ones.

I think the latter happened with House when all his team split up and new ones came in. I never really warmed to many of the new characters, and don't have too fond memories of the later series. But I'm definitely overdue a re-watch of some of the earlier ones.
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I've been watching it again and reached season 6 (which we didn't see the first time around as it disappeared onto sky Only back then).

I think it's strength at the time was being showed in episodes with a week between them. Binge watching them 2 or 3 episodes at a time on a streaming platform highlights how patchy some of the writing was. At it's best it had some jaw dropping narrative moments but sometimes there are massive plot holes or weird character motivations that don't stand upto much scrutiny.

It's still worthwhile and we'll complete the whole show but it definitely hasn't aged as well - particularly with regards to some dodgy comments about sexual matters from a male dominated writers room.

Ultimately House and Wilson interactions are the best bits - 2 great actors creating a great onscreen relationship.
I remember downloading full seasons for long flights, and i had accidentally downloaded Full House instead of House.

Wasn't a very nice flight.
I remember downloading full seasons for long flights, and i had accidentally downloaded Full House instead of House.

Wasn't a very nice flight.
:lol: That's unfortunate.

On House, first three seasons are great TV. Some really compelling episodes. Season 4 is pretty great too, with a brilliant double finale. Seasons 5 through 8 are fairly mediocre, with some odd great episodes sprinkled in. Thing about House is that it was a good series with an absolutely brilliant lead character (and actor). He really carried the series and made it as compelling as it was. Half the time I watched the show for his unique blend of irreverent humour, extreme wit, and intellectual genius.
Haven't watched it for years, was one of my favourite shows back then.