Horror Movie Fans

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Right cnutos, having a quiet night in with house mates, a bottle or two of red wine and am looking for a good horror movie (or 2)

I've not been keeping up to speed on my horrors over the past year, so I'm wondering if you can suggest any. I've seen quite a few so you may suggest films I've already seen - but none the less your suggestions are welcomed

And by the way, I'm not into gore. I don't find it scary. I think for the most part my housemates are more into the psychological eerie horrors that play on your mind afterwards
I watched Last House on the Left last night. Not seen any horrors for quite a long time and I found it pretty good. There's a rape scene in it though, I fecking hate rape scenes and would rather they didn't put them in films tbh.
I watched Last House on the Left last night. Not seen any horrors for quite a long time and I found it pretty good. There's a rape scene in it though, I fecking hate rape scenes and would rather they didn't put them in films tbh.

No that would make me feel a little ill to be honest.
as a side question, what was the last great horror movie??

i can´t think of any good un´s

Honestly, I got so sick and tired of the same old shit being churned out that I stopped being interested in them. There's only so many times a director can play the whole 'girl is looking in a mirror and something black flies past behind her in the reflection" card, accompanied with a short, sharp schreek of jolting orchestrated music
what was that movie where some woman gets a scary phone call so she rings the police to see where that call came from and they ring her back and say "get out of the house because the call came from the phone in the upstairs bedroom" ?

Dunno, but it sounds like something from the Scream franchise
I'll tell you a horror movie I thoroughly enjoyed was 1408. I would be well into watching that again
The Entitiy was pretty messed up.
All those older psychological horror movies are the best. the shining etc
quartermass and the pit scared the crap out of me too, although I was a kid then.
Stephen King's The Shining, which was filmed in 1997, directed by Mick Garris got very good reviews. In fact some hardcore Kubrick fans suggest that this version is almost, if not better than Kubricks. I'd love to give it a look and see. Apparently it sticks very close to the book
Stephen King's The Shining, which was filmed in 1997, directed by Mick Garris got very good reviews. In fact some hardcore Kubrick fans suggest that this version is almost, if not better than Kubricks. I'd love to give it a look and see. Apparently it sticks very close to the book
I thought it was complete shit. I've never read the book, but if that's what it's like, I'll stick to not reading it. Kubrick's version is class.
I thought it was complete shit. I've never read the book, but if that's what it's like, I'll stick to not reading it. Kubrick's version is class.

Ah yeah, no doubt in the world that Kubrick's version is simply perfect, but I guess some are coming from the readers angle.

I'm not much of a reader myself and have never read the book, so I'm with Kubrick on this one

The Shining - Psychologically speaking I would say this is unmatched. But I've known people to hate it and find it boring.
The Thing - Sci-Fi/Horror; If you haven't seen it it's basically a bunch of guys stuck in the North Pole or some such place with an Alien who can take the form of anyone, so it's once again psychologically scary with the paranoia aspect of 'Who is human and who isn't'
The Others - Just fecking awesome.
The Descent - Claustrophobic horror about a bunch of girls who go caving and encounter underground monsters.
I'm sure you will have seen both, but 'Event Horizon' and 'The Hitcher' (original version) are worth mentioning.
Also -

The Ring (Japanese or American, although I prefer the former)
[Rec] (2007) <--- This looks promising but haven't seen it yet.
I'm sure you will have seen both, but 'Event Horizon' and 'The Hitcher' (original version) are worth mentioning.

Event Horizon is fecking quality!!!

I have a soft spot for Demon Knights to but that's kind of a gory and semi-cheesy horror.
Also -

The Ring (Japanese or American, although I prefer the former)
[Rec] (2007) <--- This looks promising but haven't seen it yet.
[Rec] is good, but if you are not into subtitles, you could try the American remake 'Quarantine.'
Slither for some quality, tongue in cheek, B-Movie type horror.
Let the right one in is awesome, its pretty creepy too.
Drag Me to Hell is good, seems like Sam Raimi is gearing up for a new evil dead. Its more like an old school horror film than all the gore films that’ve been out recently.
I’d recommend Primer aswell, its not horror but it’s a head melter that sticks with you for a good while.
There’s loads really, check the thread about Paranormal Activity, there was some suggestions flying around in there.
I was very disappointed with 'Drag Me to Hell.' Especially after reading some of the reviews it garnered.
Its fun, campy, good special effects and didn't take the cheap way out in the ending. I loved it.
[Rec] is good, but if you are not into subtitles, you could try the American remake 'Quarantine.'

Quarantine is a poor version of Rec.

Rec is the Spanish made version, then the USA version Quarantine followed. I much prefer Rec, having subtitles doesn't bother me. I just found it a lot more intense and scary than Quarantine, plus the acting was far better.
I liked Rec...I watched a ver that didn't even have subtitles..I just had a girl who spoke Spanish trying to explain to me what they were saying. Didn't bother me at all really, it's tense enough and obvious enough to follow and like regardless.
Rec is a really good film, recently watched it again when i was really hungover, i think its a tad too intense if your feeling fragile. Did they change the ending for the US version?