Horror games

Definitely picking up both games. Bought Bioshock 1, cant wait to start playing. Not really getting the concept of Half-Life 2, seems to be a few different games packed on one disc, just had a quick read though and everyone recommends it!

Loading times aside Half Life 2 is a great play, having Portal and Team Fortress on the same disc as it means you should buy it.
Half Life 2 is amazing. The only "scary" part, I suppose, would be Ravenholm. I hear the PS3 port is garbage, though.
I played it on my laptop. Only a 17 inch screen, but it was excellent. I think I lost interest somewhere close to the end of Episode 2.
You got the Orange Box? Five good games for the price of one, can't go wrong with that.


Five games? And it's only £14 on Amazon. That's incredible.
That's the only console I've got Lance. Is it really that bad on PS3?
From 1UP.com

Despite several technical deficiencies in this port, The Orange Box is still one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of 2007. We do, however, recommend you steer clear of the PS3 version unless you don't own an Xbox 360 or a PC with a moderate graphics card.

It's really your call, but apparently the frame rate issues render the game unplayable at times. Apparently, the version of Portal has no such issues, which is a good thing.
From 1UP.com

It's really your call, but apparently the frame rate issues render the game unplayable at times. Apparently, the version of Portal has no such issues, which is a good thing.

Too bad. Well I just bought Bioshock and Dead Space... should keep me busy for a while :-)

The Bioshock soundtrack is outstanding!
I think the scariest gaming experience I've had was a custom level for the original Far Cry that involved going up onto cat walks over a dark, bushy enclosure full of those mutant monkey things, and then realising that to progress I had to get a lift down and run through the dark mutant filled forest to a bunker, Jurassic Park style.

Then and again I don't really do psychological horror. Jump scares are what it's at for me.
I think the scariest gaming experience I've had was a custom level for the original Far Cry that involved going up onto cat walks over a dark, bushy enclosure full of those mutant monkey things, and then realising that to progress I had to get a lift down and run through the dark mutant filled forest to a bunker, Jurassic Park style.

Then and again I don't really do psychological horror. Jump scares are what it's at for me.
That level was hard as feck. My copy always crashed at the same stage during it, meaning I never managed to beat the game.
the first Silent Hill was aces, it was not only scary but genuinely compelling too, you had to finish it desipte being so uncomfortable throughout. I've never played any other the others though, its was that scary i havent had the guts to! (tbf i was just a kid at the time)

i wouldn't say half life2 was scary at all, granted ravenholm was creepy but i never felt like i couldn't handle the enemies pretty easily. it is however one of the finest games i've ever played (and i've only done the PS3 version btw) it is absolutely brilliant and everyone should play it.

i thought nemesis was the scariest of the Resi games, that niggling fear in the back of your mind that at any moment that big mental guy could come crashing through a wall made for an excellent sense of anxiety with every room you entered, you never felt safe. Its a shame they've never used a similar character in later resi games imo
I think the scariest gaming experience I've had was a custom level for the original Far Cry that involved going up onto cat walks over a dark, bushy enclosure full of those mutant monkey things, and then realising that to progress I had to get a lift down and run through the dark mutant filled forest to a bunker, Jurassic Park style.

Then and again I don't really do psychological horror. Jump scares are what it's at for me.

Far Cry 1 was outstanding!