I might get Bulletstorm or Crysis 2.
This looks fantastic. 32 players, dedicated servers meaning no lag switching cheating bollocks.
Like a bigger version of battlefield online according to a mate of mine this morning. Will be giving this a go later, will post my impressions once I've had a game.
Was initially looking forward to this so haven't enjoyed watching it become more and more apparent that it was going to be a mediocare run of the mill shooter over the last few months.
Nothing average about 32 players in lag free gaming on the xbox
On PC however this is generally expected, not looked at as a bonus.
Nothing average about 32 players in lag free gaming on the xbox, actually quite unique.
Games modes look good, battle mode especially is unique, mixing standard deathmatch or capture and hold MP with AI commander instructions on high threat targets.
THQ = poo.
Nothing unique about it. Perfect Dark Zero, one of the first 360 games has 32player multiplayer, as does Section 8. On the PS3 there's also Warhawk and MAG at the top of my head.
I'd really advise you give PC online gaming a shout, you won't go back to consoles.
Preordered this and was sent just as the average reviews started pouring in. The gameplay seems very average but there opening bit was very similar to the beginning of Half Life 2, walking through the scripted oppression. Some interesting bits but with it's short campaign and my indifference to multiplayer, I'll probably finish it over the next few days (playing on Guerilla) I'm already anticipating trading it in for Crysis 2 next week.
YEah playing SP on guerilla, great so far very deus ex like with a great narrative. The chance to talk to NPCs and get the backstory from newspapers is a clever diversion to the all out frantic shooter parts. Solid voice acting and shooter mechanics too. All in a surprise hit for me.
Only negative is the server hiccups online which I hope they can patch server side quickly rather than having to MS to certify which will take weeks.
Deus ex was a non-linear RPG. This is a linear shooter.
eh? an RPG lol, i think you will find it was a story driven FPS, like homefront but carry on.
It reminds me of Deus ex like I said.
have you played it or have anything to say on the topic or are you just gonna question whatever i say based on i presume are other people (reviewers) opinions.
You're the one that started this Deus Ex nonsense while clearly having no idea what you're on about
I've been playing Homefront and have played Deus Ex several times. The gameplay is nothing alike (bar the first person view) but some of the scripted conversations/set pieces are similarly done. I'd say more Half Life than Deus Ex though.
Either way, it's an enjoyable game so far.
I wonder if its because you have not played the game?