Homefront (360, PC, PS3)

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★

The "Thinking Man's Black Ops" apparantly. It's out now I think.
Got average reviews. (7/10 on ign, IIRC).

They said it was a good FPS but was nothing special and didn't do anything different. It has a very short single-player campaign as well.
Doesn't look like it offers anything new, the story is unbelievably silly too.....North Korea invading the US? :lol:

Think I'll give this a miss.
MP is supposed to be great. SP lasts about 5 hours. feck that.

Get Bulletstorm instead. It's immense.
I enjoyed the Crysis 2 MP. Bulletstorm doesn't have a deathmatch MP option, though.

I guess it depends on what you prefer, longer SP campaign, or riddling strangers with lead online.
This looks fantastic. 32 players, dedicated servers meaning no lag switching cheating bollocks.

Like a bigger version of battlefield online according to a mate of mine this morning. Will be giving this a go later, will post my impressions once I've had a game.
This looks fantastic. 32 players, dedicated servers meaning no lag switching cheating bollocks.

Like a bigger version of battlefield online according to a mate of mine this morning. Will be giving this a go later, will post my impressions once I've had a game.

Cheers mate, I'll look forward to them.
Played about 3hours online last night. Impressed so far. Had a few issues getting into games but when you get in on 24/32 player dedicated servers you can tell the difference.

Games modes look good, battle mode especially is unique, mixing standard deathmatch or capture and hold MP with AI commander instructions on high threat targets.

The points system allowing you to buy tanks, air stirkes or uav or flak jackets in game works well. Great cod like perk system.

Graphics are ok, not best in class but do a nice job and considering the online maps are huge its understandable. Maps are also fantastically designed. Some ready made online classics imho.

Single player I have had an hour on. I love story driven games and this one was has started well.

Reminds me a bit of Deus ex which is a good thing.

I've been waiting for something different in FPS so I am well happy with this.

Getting mixed reviews so obviously is not for everyone, but I'm with the reviewers that have given it a big thumbs up so far.
Was initially looking forward to this so haven't enjoyed watching it become more and more apparent that it was going to be a mediocare run of the mill shooter over the last few months.

hard to judge without playing it.

Nothing average about 32 players in lag free gaming on the xbox, actually quite unique.

The true test is whether I still want to play it a few weeks down the line but it is great fun at the moment no doubt.
Nothing average about 32 players in lag free gaming on the xbox, actually quite unique.

Nothing unique about it. Perfect Dark Zero, one of the first 360 games has 32player multiplayer, as does Section 8. On the PS3 there's also Warhawk and MAG at the top of my head.

I'd really advise you give PC online gaming a shout, you won't go back to consoles.
Games modes look good, battle mode especially is unique, mixing standard deathmatch or capture and hold MP with AI commander instructions on high threat targets.

Sounds like exactly what Killzone 3 has with dynamic change between game modes based on orders
Preordered this and was sent just as the average reviews started pouring in. The gameplay seems very average but there opening bit was very similar to the beginning of Half Life 2, walking through the scripted oppression. Some interesting bits but with it's short campaign and my indifference to multiplayer, I'll probably finish it over the next few days (playing on Guerilla) I'm already anticipating trading it in for Crysis 2 next week.
Just gave multiplayer a go and really enjoyed it. Seems much
More like Bad Company 2 than COD, which IMO is a good thing.
Nothing unique about it. Perfect Dark Zero, one of the first 360 games has 32player multiplayer, as does Section 8. On the PS3 there's also Warhawk and MAG at the top of my head.

I'd really advise you give PC online gaming a shout, you won't go back to consoles.

Clutching at straws. Did perfect dark have dedicated servers? No

As for PC gamin it is shite, I have a decent pc but I work on it so don't intend to use for games. The community is crap, cheaters, hacks, no comms plenty of reason to steer well clear of pc gaming.

Actually I would really get into pc gaming for driving sims and may well do in the future but with aim bots and the like I won't bother with FPS.

To bring back on topic, the servers on homefront work perfectly when joining alone but see to have issues if you a party up. A shame but I would imagine they will fix this pretty quick. Brilliant fun online and the dynamic orders in the BC game mode are brilliant and really add to what is already a very in depth shooter.
Preordered this and was sent just as the average reviews started pouring in. The gameplay seems very average but there opening bit was very similar to the beginning of Half Life 2, walking through the scripted oppression. Some interesting bits but with it's short campaign and my indifference to multiplayer, I'll probably finish it over the next few days (playing on Guerilla) I'm already anticipating trading it in for Crysis 2 next week.

YEah playing SP on guerilla, great so far very deus ex like with a great narrative. The chance to talk to NPCs and get the backstory from newspapers is a clever diversion to the all out frantic shooter parts. Solid voice acting and shooter mechanics too. All in a surprise hit for me.

Only negative is the server hiccups online which I hope they can patch server side quickly rather than having to MS to certify which will take weeks.
DFreshKing, there really aren't that many cheaters out there. Or rather, there probably are, but anti-cheat programs are keeping most of them out. I guess it depends on what game you play. I saw a lot more cheaters in MW2 than I saw in TF2, despite playing a lot more of the latter. But even then they were relatively rare enough that they didn't take away from it too much. I'd just leave and find another game.

Even with cheaters I prefer playing FPS on PC than Console. It's just so.. not good, on console, I feel.

As for this game... I haven't played it, but I've heard nothing particularly good about it. At least not the single player, which is apparently basically CoD, if not even more on rails.

Edit: I just noticed you called it Deus Ex like.. surely not?! That doesn't fit at all with anything I've ever heard about it, or seen (preview videos, etc). Are you sure you're thinking of Deus Ex? :confused:
YEah playing SP on guerilla, great so far very deus ex like with a great narrative. The chance to talk to NPCs and get the backstory from newspapers is a clever diversion to the all out frantic shooter parts. Solid voice acting and shooter mechanics too. All in a surprise hit for me.

Only negative is the server hiccups online which I hope they can patch server side quickly rather than having to MS to certify which will take weeks.


Deus ex was a non-linear RPG. This is a linear shooter.

Deus ex was a non-linear RPG. This is a linear shooter.

eh? an RPG lol, i think you will find it was a story driven FPS, like homefront but carry on.

It reminds me of Deus ex like I said.

have you played it or have anything to say on the topic or are you just gonna question whatever i say based on i presume are other people (reviewers) opinions.
Deus ex is described a fps with rpg elements so whatever it is not really on topic is it?

The only wums are the idiots talking about other games in a homefront thread.

Why is it so difficult to keep on topic?

I wonder if its because you have not played the game?
eh? an RPG lol, i think you will find it was a story driven FPS, like homefront but carry on.

It reminds me of Deus ex like I said.

have you played it or have anything to say on the topic or are you just gonna question whatever i say based on i presume are other people (reviewers) opinions.

Honest question - have you actually played Deus Ex? Because anyone who calls it an FPS and similar to homefront has clearly never played past the intro cutscene. I don't see how it could remind anyone of Deus Ex - the settings different, the gameplay's different, level design...heck the only thing they have in common is that they're both played in a first person view.

It's like saying Call of Duty reminds me of BioShock.
You're the one that started this Deus Ex nonsense while clearly having no idea what you're on about

I said it reminded me of it, and it does, get over it buddy.

Yes I have played Deus ex kaos which is why I was able to say homefront reminded me of it.

Have either of you actually played homefront? to try again to keep on topic.
I've been playing Homefront and have played Deus Ex several times. The gameplay is nothing alike (bar the first person view) but some of the scripted conversations/set pieces are similarly done. I'd say more Half Life than Deus Ex though.

Either way, it's an enjoyable game so far.
I've been playing Homefront and have played Deus Ex several times. The gameplay is nothing alike (bar the first person view) but some of the scripted conversations/set pieces are similarly done. I'd say more Half Life than Deus Ex though.

Either way, it's an enjoyable game so far.

Agreed, reminds me of half life too but don't really want to get into another load of bullshit about whether i am right to say it. Very good game either way.
I'd agree in saying that it does feel like Half Life 2 at the very beginning with the dystopian intro, but when it settles it goes all COD-like with staged firefight after firefight.
chapter 3 was immense. Shocking narrative without giving spoilers. It really gains a emotive response which is a result for console FPS.

I love conspiracy/alternate reality so the story is right up my street. AI is impressive on guerilla, got into a few decent firefights which changed playing again after being dropped.
Yep, that's enough for some people.

Advertising dollars have had some in pact on these reviews no doubt. That or plain loyalty for playing a game to near death.

So one commented if it was called COD:Homefront it would have much higher scores across the bored.

Its more like battlefied online though but with more players, less lag and full comms. Sits slightly behind BF2 at the moment for me but nowhere near as far behind as some would say.

in fact if it was not for the destructible environments it would be a toss up, when the game is fully understood with all the perks, vehicles unlocked etc.. who knows. Its got a lot going for it.