2x G.N. Sweepstake Winner, Apprentice Winner 2013
Returns Monday 22nd September in the US. Can't wait, hopefully it's not as slow as last season!
Lost is a far better show
just watched the first ep, and ok what?
Wasn't Nikki in a fire last time we saw her? Why is she there?
Why is Peter inside that guy? Why is Noah there too, where was he at the end of S2?
First episode or two was going to be about closing up some loose ends from Season 2 but I think after these first two episodes is when it really starts and gets interesting. Episode 2 I thought was quite interesting myself. I think some people were so disappointed after Season 2 that they are gonna look for reasons to moan but you have to give it some time I reckon. Thing with Season 1 was so many stories going on I think even if you didn't like one another was bound to keep you interested. Another thing is a lot of these guys have changed since they got their powers and for many of them it has changed them. Look at Hiro and how he went from a guy on an adventure to someone who is a lot more serious now. This season from what I've read has a much more serious tone to it and a lot darker, a lot of the characters will become darker as well.
As for Niki, how do you know that is Niki?
Peter is there because Peter from the future has stuck him in that guys body. Reason for that is to keep him out of the way while he can sort things out, only he has gone and fecked things up again and now he has to go and find him. I don't know if you have read the official description of Episode 3 but lets just say he has to find him pretty quickly or something bad might happen.
Noah came and told Claire he was with the company but they have probably stuck him in the cell until they have a use for him. He had turned on them and was trying to bring them down so wouldn't be wise to stick him out on missions again but now I think he realises he has to help out.
Didn't realize there was an Episode 2, just watched it.
In Ep 1 though, what exactly did Sylar do with Claire's brain? It lookd like he just stuck his finger in it and suddenly he had her power.
Had no idea you were a Heroes fan, Jazz. Goes some way to countering the Arsenal fan-ness, I suppose.
I quite like what they've done with the plot now. They've answered a few questions from last season. We know how Niki didn't die because she had another personality who could freeze things. Probably froze the fire, makes sense. I'm really looking forward to the next couple of episodes.
I was checking some other forums and everyone there was saying this season's off to a good start
glad I'm not alone in thinking it was shit
way too many super powers now.
I quite like what they've done with the plot now. They've answered a few questions from last season. We know how Niki didn't die because she had another personality who could freeze things. Probably froze the fire, makes sense. I'm really looking forward to the next couple of episodes.
Am I missing something or they have botched it with Claire can not be killed talk/she is special angle. In S1, in future Hiro's version, Sylar kills Claire.
Before it blew up maybe she made an icy cocoon around herself?The place blew up mate. Also it wouldn't make much sense seeing how from being blown up, her personality changes and she is then the political adviser of Governor of New York. Seems like those two know each other quite well and are having a relationship. Between her getting blown up and Nathan getting shot is only a few days or weeks at max as well.
Ali Later has done a good job playing those characters (Nikki, Jessica, that girl who went off partying and Tracy). Even though it is the same actress you can distinctly tell the differences with each one.