New Member
Simple checking of the check boxes is in order.
Only Mods have that access right?
Problem solved?
Yeah but I can't do that. I don't really know what the feck is going on to be honest.
He seems genuinely affected by people mocking him so I wouldn't see why he'd hack the site to take 'revenge' or anything of that sort.
He can't hack anything, he's either been given false permissions, and/or is just wumming senseless. All he's done so far is edit and delete his posts.
Oh alright. All the confusion is making me confused!
There's no way to tell which one?
Surely the mods can issue an ultimatum-type thing to all the other mods to come clean if they have any role.
I'm sorry, I'm not very good at knowing how all of this works.
If this is a wum they will all know, and be laughing at people's expense in the mod room.
If this is a wum they will all know, and be laughing at people's expense in the mod room.
If this is a wum they will all know, and be laughing at people's expense in the mod room.
What's actually happened is we all raced in to say 'It wasn't me' before Geebs gave us a bollocking.
What's actually happened is we all raced in to say 'It wasn't me' before Geebs gave us a bollocking.
April 1 is a number of hours away.
April 1 is a number of hours away.
Is Scholesy a god damn genius?
Just a general question here.
Can you receive PMs from someone on your ignore list ?
I think my account has been hacked.
No, not as far as I know.
God help us all.
Are you scouring around to see who has permissions to do what?
Scholesy banned again!
All posts his posts matched his previous IP address.
He's either on a massive WUM, or someone else in his house/flat has used his account.
I reckon it's an April fool's WUM.
Why mess up? He has just been reinstated from a ban?
Defies logic.
This whole situation is quite bizarre to be honest Sultan.