Help me remember a game


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
Apologies in advance, because shit is about to get vague.

I say game, I only think it was a game though it might have been based on a tv show or film. I remember watching someone playing it and being traumatised. It would have been mid to late 90s I suppose and the game consisted of these young people in a creepy house. And people died a lot. In fact the aim of the game might have been to kill the people. I seem to remember something about a bed covered in spikes that collapsed in on itself or snapped up to the wall or something. If I had to guess what console it was for, I'd plump for the Megadrive but it could have been anything.

Disclaimer: Game may not exist. Vague recollection of game may in fact be repressed memories of real life trauma. Either way I am in need of your assistance.
Not a bad guess by the look of it but I don't think that's it. wiki says it's release date was 2003, and I think there was definitely a lot of killing and not just scaring in the game I remember.

Okay...the only other thing I remember playing that resembled anything like your description was Realms of the Haunting on the PC
Was it a point and click game. If so, was it Phantasmagoria? That game scared the shit out of me as a kid
Hijack thread time.

There's loads of games I have fleeting memories about but can't remember the name -

There's one which was a side scroller and you had a dog with you as well which you could get to attack bad guys at the push of a button.

Another one was a cowboy themed wild west shooter. You could play two players at a time. Another side scroller I think, with lots of sand.

There's one more I get nostalgic thinking about but the memory is about as hazy as my birth. Think it was on Sega, side scrolling action game which supported two players. You went around beating up people with punches and kicks.

These were all either on the Sega or SNES.
Hijack thread time.

There's loads of games I have fleeting memories about but can't remember the name -

There's one which was a side scroller and you had a dog with you as well which you could get to attack bad guys at the push of a button.

Shadow Dancer?

Another one was a cowboy themed wild west shooter. You could play two players at a time. Another side scroller I think, with lots of sand.

Sunset Riders?

There's one more I get nostalgic thinking about but the memory is about as hazy as my birth. Think it was on Sega, side scrolling action game which supported two players. You went around beating up people with punches and kicks.

Streets of Rage?
We will know once I'm on my lunch break. Suspense.
We will know once I'm on my lunch break. Suspense.

One out of three. Twas Shadow Dancer. Actually you can just forget about the last one since I'm not even sure if I remember it right. That cowboy one is driving me crazy though. Saw a video of Sunset Riders and that wasn't it.

EDIT: Scratch that, saw some more Sunset Riders and it brought the memories rushing back. That game was awesome.
@ Scrumpet. Sounds like Night Trap on the mega cd. Although the aim was to save the people in the house not kill them.

Ah, cheers, I think this was it. Whoever I was watching obviously just wasn't very good at it if there was lots of killing involved.
There was a game on an early console where the aim was to shoot waves of people but it was kind of a style. Anyone remember the name?