Help me rebuild my music library

So far I've got

Mudhoney - Every good boy deserves fudge, Superfuzz Bigmuff
Nirvana - MTV Unplugged
Rage against the machine - Renegades
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood sugar, Mother's Milk
Jimi Hendrix - Best of
The Pixies - Doolittle

Give me your favourite albums ever, can be any genre.

tell me where your getting those albums from and if its illegal I'll have to report it!
Yea love Pearl Jam, someone else suggested it earlier I have it now. It's hard trying to remember your whole music library when it gets deleted so this thread has helped me remember some and also introduced music I'd never heard of it before.
Think you're nearly covered, buddy, some great suggestions on here.

For what it's worth, Trash Can Sinatra's, I've Seen Everything
TV on the Radio, Dear Science
Broken Social Scene, Broken Social Scene.
Oh, and didn't see Grace, by Jeff Buckley get a mention. Great stuff.
I am undecided on Radiohead. Sometimes I love them but other times I just think what a load of pretentious, wanky feck bollocks. OK Computer is my favourite of theirs though.

I don't think they're pretentious really, I think pretentious just gets thrown at bands all the time even if they're not pretentious at all.. I think the boys from Radiohead come across as fairly likeable, and make brilliant music, but some of their fans get all weirdly defensive if someone criticises them - I think fans who go on like that are a big reason why people don't like Radiohead.
I don't think they're pretentious really, I think pretentious just gets thrown at bands all the time even if they're not pretentious at all.. I think the boys from Radiohead come across as fairly likeable, and make brilliant music, but some of their fans get all weirdly defensive if someone criticises them - I think fans who go on like that are a big reason why people don't like Radiohead.

Hmm...yea maybe pretentious was the wrong word. Wanky, feck bollocks still applies though. I have to say, I didn't really enjoy King of Limbs at all.
Hmm...yea maybe pretentious was the wrong word. Wanky, feck bollocks still applies though. I have to say, I didn't really enjoy King of Limbs at all.

Well, to be honest, it kind of is for me too. I like it, but after it grew on me for ages, and I still don't think it's amazing. Way down the list in my favourite albums of theirs. Some songs on it that I really do think are brilliant but the first three never really grew on me enough. Still listen to it all though.

They've released four songs since the King of Limbs which weren't part of the album and they're really good - try 'The Daily Mail'.

edit - also, some of the songs from King of Limbs sound a lot better in the Live from the Basement recordings.
Right so this is going pretty well, I'm missing some classical music though. I don't even know where to start, anyone got any ideas?

Tchaikovsky, Bach, Elgar, Holst etc.

Maybe start with stuff you might already know like The Nutcracker?

Some great modern classical composers as well, like Hans Zimmer, Michael Nyman, Alexandre Desplat, John Williams etc.