Heading the ball and concussion

Banning heading would just lead to more bicycle kick attempts, and therefore more players getting kicked and landing on their heads.
I don't think in the future it will be as bad, because there's much less heading in today's game and they aren't playing with those big old heavy leather footballs that weighed about a kilo when wet.

And if we say dementia is a known and somewhat expected side effect of playing the game and heading the ball. If you do want to play the game and be a pro, just accept the potential risk and get on with it.
Yeah but in football they don't "tackle" with their head of have a random number of 300Ib gorillas piling on them

Given the high percentage of players in the NFL are of certain ethnic background. That might not be the smartest word to use.
Given the high percentage of players in the NFL are of certain ethnic background. That might not be the smartest word to use.
OK lets call them big mother-f*****s then :eek:
I don't think in the future it will be as bad, because there's much less heading in today's game and they aren't playing with those big old heavy leather footballs that weighed about a kilo when wet.

That's true. Its mainly the players from back in the day that suffer from dementia not so much players from the modern age.
In a couple of years, divas won't even hit the ball with their legs, it's gonna hurt them, they are on the field just so we can watch them dancing and be satisfied, rip football.