I feel we have a clear strategy for the first time in ages. I believe ETH wants to play with two #8s in the team. This means that we want to press higher up the pitch and that we need a CB and GK that are press resistant and that can cover large areas of space.
Mount is one of the best #8 we can buy. Probably the best one. Under that formation, we also ensure more goals from midfield, thus reducing the need for a top striker. Onana is one of the best GK around with the ball in his feet, and he is not afraid of covering large areas of space if needed. Thus, he makes perfect sense.
The CB that we have been linked to us are CBs that are press resistant and that can defend higher up in the pitch. This also makes sense.
This formation will also bring the best out of Sancho and Antony, since it will enable their interlink play. However, this new setup will be heavily dependent on Casemiro. We will need to sign a decent back up because no one in the squad can replace him. Finding a back-up for him would be even more important than a new CB.
We haven’t signed anyone yet, but at least the names linked to us make sense in this new formation.