Hating Lukaku

Does anyone find it surprising that he was Mourinho favourite?
Very, even weird is he has gone on to say Conte is the best coach in the world. Pretty harsh on Jose who stuck by him through thick and thin.
For some reason I thought that you were a fan of both.:lol:

The problem is that there is a difference between a good player like Lukaku and Chicharito who will score goals if you put them on the field week in week out and a very good/great striker who will score goals and provide all the intangible that you labelled as bonuses, these bonuses are the difference between Europa League and perennial CL contenders. They are the difference between Immobile/Lukaku and Harry Kane/Firmino, even someone like Aguero falls short from that standard.
:lol: That's fair but noooooo, I will support someone who is trying to improve things for as long as they continue to try. The second they start being a dick I'm done with them.
You watched him against PSG and against Brazil right?

Why does the PSG game keep being mentioned in his defense? I dont remember him playing that well but scoring after a bad pass from a defender and scoring after a mistake by Buffon who couldnt control a Rashford shot for some strange reason.

It was a special night but that special night was purely luck. It didnt have to do with Manchester United being great or Lukaku having a fantastic game. It was a 1 in a 100 match. Still great that Lukaku scored those goals though... but i would have prefered him to score against Arsenal a few days later. Had we won the game against Arsenal (which we should have) i think top 4 would have been reached.

On a personal level he seems like a good guy... as a footballer he is overrating himself and i hope he is sold asap. If he leaves a few other players need to step up and score some extra goals though.
I don't hate Lukaku, but I don't particularly like his attitude and I think it should be obvious that he does not fit the style we want to play, because he is severely lacking in certain aspects of the game.

That said, he will probably score around 15 goals again in the upcoming season if we keep him. He has that in him. On the flipside, he is also likely to miss some really big chances in important games and mess up our general play when he is on the field.

If Inter or Juve give a decent offer, we should take it.
Obviously I can't agree with people actively hating and abusing players but he doesn't bloody help himself at all. At both Everton and now United he's built a reputation of running his mouth off while away from the club that is employing him. It's not a good look. Really irritates me aswell as he brings out these interviews where he claims he's always been written off and had to work so hard from his youth to get to the top and stuff and almost demanding respect from everyone else when he's not exactly respectful in his own actions to others.

Said it before where I think he's an absolutely brilliant forward but he just lacks the elite mentality that the top top players in the game have.
No hate here, but he's a saleable asset who will be under-utilised this season if he stays. Far better to move him on and reinvest the cash in someone who can fill a core weakness in the squad.
Obviously I can't agree with people actively hating and abusing players but he doesn't bloody help himself at all. At both Everton and now United he's built a reputation of running his mouth off while away from the club that is employing him. It's not a good look. Really irritates me aswell as he brings out these interviews where he claims he's always been written off and had to work so hard from his youth to get to the top and stuff and almost demanding respect from everyone else when he's not exactly respectful in his own actions to others.

Said it before where I think he's an absolutely brilliant forward but he just lacks the elite mentality that the top top players in the game have.
I don't think he is a brilliant forward, but he is good. Agree with the rest of your assessment, Lukaku does too much talking off the pitch when he isn't producing and tries too hard to protect himself whilst throwing shade at his teammates.

Now that he can't hide behind the manager, he's ready to pounce and not afraid to show it off, which is very unprofessional.
Just now on VTM news here in Belgium, it was reported that Lukaku was spotted at the training pitch at RSC Anderlecht again today! They also said he was supposed to be back in Manchester today.µ

What a tool he is.
I just think he's in physical decline. At Everton he routinely took defenders on and beat them for power and pace, scoring solo goals. At United I honestly cannot remember off the top of my head a goal he created for himself after picking the ball up 40 yards from goal with a chance to run at a defender. He almost seems scared to take defenders on nowadays and often resorts to cutting it back and playing in a cross which, to his credit, he's not half bad at.

To me he lacks that extra gear that top strikers have to take defenders on and create half chances by making a yard for themselves and scoring goals that you can only tip your hat at as a defender.
Sky reporting it's by mutual agreement with the club. Think some on twitter are shit stirring
Sky reporting it's by mutual agreement with the club. Think some on twitter are shit stirring
Makes sense. They probably wouldn't allow a player from another club stroll into their training facilities if there wasn't consent from the original club. It does raise questions that he's being kept away from Carrington. Bad locker presence?
Weren't there rumours he wasn't popular with the rest of the squad?

Maybe that's why we've said don't bother coming back?
Makes sense. They probably wouldn't allow a player from another club stroll into their training facilities if there wasn't consent from the original club. It does raise questions that he's being kept away from Carrington. Bad locker presence?
Maybe all trust in him is lost after leaking the speed test stuff and Ole just doesn't want him around the place. Showing that he's burnt his bridges by leaking that.
To be fair to big Rom, he's done an astounding job at making me dislike him. I liked him and thought he was a lot better than he was being given credit for before the summer. Now I can't wait until we show him the door
The ESPN interview where he was proper arrogant made me realise I dislike him as well as him also being delusional and completely lacking self awareness

Yeah, funny part is ManUtd fans (except few) are not arsed if he leaves, Inter fans don't want him, Juventus fans didn't want him.

He rates himself way too highly (it's not wrong btw) but he talks so much nonsense without ever backing them up on the field.
I never thought he was good enough for Utd and I was right he hasn't been.

I honestly didn't think he'd be such an unprofessional prick though.
I've said it multiple times on here and in the real world, if he played as well as he spoke, he'd be a 5-time Ballon D'Or winner.

Last season was the final straw for me, so I've wanted him gone since October last year, but this little episode of his is frankly pathetic.
So I think it's fair to say Lukaku will be getting a Di Maria style reaction if he ever plays at Old Trafford with his new team then.
I never thought he was good enough for Utd and I was right he hasn't been.

I honestly didn't think he'd be such an unprofessional prick though.

Tbh, he turned me around at the end of his first season. Ironically, a period where he wasn't scoring much but he was putting in the hard yards and the other facets that he needed to improve were showing marked improvement. Then he had a good world cup and I thought last season he would hit the ground running but he just slumped further and further, and then started chatting more and more shit (that "grown ass man" comment STILL pisses me off when I think about it) seemingly unaware of how awful he'd been and his own part in our poor position. From that point on, the cnut was dead to me.

I look forward to him fecking off and gradually going back to his level, joining the likes of Fiorentina or Udinese in Serie A since he loves it so much.
Wishing injury on a player
So I think it's fair to say Lukaku will be getting a Di Maria style reaction if he ever plays at Old Trafford with his new team then.
I can only speak for myself, but I fecking hate him more than ADM.

ADM was an unprofessional twat, but he was pretty silent and didn't really be as disrespectful in the press as Lukaku has been. Then we have those fecking interviews he did last season when we were in the midst of our shit run under Jose, where he was almost sending a subliminal feck you to the players who didn't get on with Jose. And let's not even start on the big talk about himself which he never ever got close to backing up. The only thing he's genuinely world class at, is pointing to where he wanted the ball.

Seriously, feck him. Hope his fecking legs snap.
And yet both Rashford and Martial have managed to score more goals against top 6 rivals in those two years than Lukaku has, despite mostly being confined to supporting roles up front.
You mean playing as wide men. Which proves my point all the more. In the last 3 seasons only Rashford has scored against a top 6 side whilst playing as a cf more than once for us. And it less than 4 times.
I don't hate him. Mind you I will hardly remember he played for us in a few years.

Just replace him or use the money for a midfielder or two that's all I want.
You mean playing as wide men. Which proves my point all the more. In the last 3 seasons only Rashford has scored against a top 6 side whilst playing as a cf more than once for us. And it less than 4 times.

So you’re arguing that against top 6 rivals, there are more opportunities to score as a wide forward than there are as a centre-forward? Is there some reason why this does not apply against the rest of the league?
I don't hate him. Mind you I will hardly remember he played for us in a few years.

Just replace him or use the money for a midfielder or two that's all I want.

Hating him seems futile, I find the situation amusing more than anything else because it's a mix of delusion of grandeur and world class soft skinery.