Europe increasing its defence spending, subsidised by welfare cuts is the inevitable consequence of the election of a far right isolationist US president. This was obvious geopolitics to anyone paying attention.
Europe, if the Brussels' decree, doing that will lead to the death of the EU. More inevitable in all possible should they/then scenarios.
Nations like Ireland simply couldn't manage it. The welfare in Ireland is the only thing that stops a large number of people genuinely revolting in my opinion and I've held that opinion for years. It's a unique (or seems to me semi-unique) social contract where the GDP is very high (albeit tax games) and 500 thousand or so are in receipt of welfare payments.
If you tried to walk back year on year increases to those payment in line with inflation and impose an austerity and said "Ukraine" (to an island nation that has only ever know the UK as an enemy over a thousand years) you'd be laughed at at first and basically thrown out of government second. I suspect similar for other nations. Not all are hit equally by the Ukraine situation. Those to the east, yes, I can understand it, and the Baltics, etc., but those in the "center", the "south", and the "West" just aren't hit anywhere near as hard by this. They do not believe for a second that Russia is going to come through Ukraine and invade Poland. They may sometimes admit it and sometimes pretend otherwise, but they do not believe it. Those who live closer to Russia have different anxieties which is fair enough.
I'm just saying, it will not work. The EU cannot afford to impose war austerity. It can come up with an architecture which increases defense spending without this and that's the only viable solution.
Just on the Irish (and British) front. The campaign(s) were run around the need to spend more due to a legacy of austerity coming close to tearing the welfare society to shreds. In healthcare (two tiered in each nation despite NHS and HSE) ,housing (crisis in both) and education (massive work needed).
You might win today's popularity contest becaues of Ukrainian sympathies but you will lose the war if you move in this direction and it will be an internal upheaval. Morevoer, not everyone in these nations even agree.
The welfare number for Ireland is actually 1.4~ million (5.5 million in the country last I checked). This is what makes it a relatively unique economy. The GDP soars despite it (indeed, the welfare is the social contract itself for a large part of the society). Cuts will mean massive demonstrations and upheaval. It cannot happen as a matter of political reality when all major parties ran on something entirely different. Talking about close to half the nation dependent on these payments. It would be the biggest revolt the nation has ever seen and citing Ukraine to that base of people isn't going to make a single difference.
For context, there is a housing epidemic in Ireland. That was the primary topic of the last election. A welfare topic as well as a social mobility topic. Intersecting. So I don't see all states being equal just because some states will have to increase spending. Or you see a nominal increase in Ireland (can be done) but nothing like the numbers for other nations.