Because you say so? This is not at all an isolated incident
How on earth not?
Definitions are constantly evolving and these campuses are where the majority of degrees which will lead to education on Liberal matters are obtained.
Taking just the link the posted earlier which was about a relatively harsh protest it's hard to see where the connection is. I don't see what intersectionality has to do with protestors calling a professor a race traitor, for example. It's the same mistake people make when talking about political correctness going mad and using such examples as evidence. If you're applying these concepts to these protests, they'd fail the test.
It's true that both are better, but 50 years ago society was dominated by old white men, so it could not really get much worse. Also i am talking about equality in the strictest sense, not necessarily justice. Take affirmative action for example, it's good for diversity for sure, but it's not really equal since it means people compete on uneven terms. Asian-Americans for example need to score a lot higher on their tests to compete on the same terms as other groups.
The strictest sense isn't equality, it's a nightmare scenario where eugenics and authoritarianism would rule the land.
Debate is all well and good, but we both know it often gets a lot nastier than that and i've seen activists throw under activists under the bus plenty of times.
Metaphorically thrown under the bus. We're talking about people saying mean things to each other, not actual fecking warfare. See, this is the real problem with the far left, they need a violent extremists contingent to give people some perspective.
When it comes the the respect campaign it was initially about fighting racism and discrimination in football, a pretty clear goal imo. Now on the other hand they want to include several other issues as well and i think it might weaken the original cause.
It was about respecting others from a different race, gender, religion and disabilities from the very beginning. It later included improving disabled access to football games. Maybe it's failed in your eyes, but I thought it was a decent campaign and it's latest addition is paying dividends for disabled fans.
Much of the basis of intersectionalism is based on subjective interpretations of oppression, which quickly becomes difficult when people in the same categories have different interpretations of similar events. Not only does it make it difficult to create a common actionable cause based on such subjective testimony. This can be said for any one form of oppression, but it goes from difficult to monumentally difficult with intersectionality when you have all these overlapping categories.
Why should everyone from the same background have the same goals anyway? That's a surefire way to exclude people who don't think as you do and the reason why even major political parties are broad churches rather than single minded groups.
Second, intersectionality creates a unified idea of anti-oppression politics that requires a lot out of its adherents, often more than can be expected from imperfect humans.
No it doesn't. One person from a group being a stickler doesn't =/= everyone from the group being sticklers. Are we going to say that conservatism is puritanical because Peter Hitchens is a puritan?
If you are expected to take everyone into consideration you become paralyzed in semantics and theory and once you start pulling in one direction it can lead to contradictory recommendations and if it does not end up in internal conflict, it often ends up in conflict with other areas.
That's how all groups work. Even in places where internal conflict got you shot in the head, say the front lines of WW1 and WW2 people would still protest.
Take the "body positivity movement", a part of intersectionality i'm sure you'd agree. Promoting body positivity is fine, but it quickly ends up in conflict with standard medical advice, because despite people not deserving to get bullied for their body, we all well know that obesity is an ever growing problem in the western world. Some of these body positivists also has advocated for heavy people getting the same rights as disabled people, which the latter group (also someone under the big umbrealla) is not too happy about.
What the feck are you talking about. That's it's own thing. You know, I'm starting to think you're under the impression that thing you don't like = word you don't like.