Pogue Mahone
Brian Moore’s on board.
I expect it was a typo, but it's chariot, rather than charity. It's an African American spiritual song, it's about going to heaven.
You disagree?Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Yes I do.You disagree?
Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
The initial response was piss-poor.
Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Yes I do.
Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Useful context. Although they use the term “orientals”. Is that ok? Hard to keep on top of acceptable ethnic descriptors. Oriental seems very old fashioned. “Asian” definitely not useful, in a Uk context. As that would include Bangladeshi/Indian/Pakistanis etc
It annoys me as well, if I choose Asian as a porn category I get a load of squealing Japanese rubbish, not what I'm after at all.Useful context. Although they use the term “orientals”. Is that ok? Hard to keep on top of acceptable ethnic descriptors. Oriental seems very old fashioned. “Asian” definitely not useful, in a Uk context. As that would include Bangladeshi/Indian/Pakistanis etc
Noted..... this thread never fails.Yes I do.
AFTV dropped Claude because his comment will end up costing them money, not out of any sense of moral righteousness.Arsenal Fan TV pundit dropped for racist comment
Seriously is that what passes as racist nowadays?
Face jacker was even worse, you had the main man dressing up as the Ugandan guy in full black face! And that was only what, 5 years ago?Suppose they'd never get away with a series like fonejacker these days.
There is a pigeon in your bank account madam.
The video for anybody interested.
Useful context. Although they use the term “orientals”. Is that ok? Hard to keep on top of acceptable ethnic descriptors. Oriental seems very old fashioned. “Asian” definitely not useful, in a Uk context. As that would include Bangladeshi/Indian/Pakistanis etc
I genuinely think that if Claude had claimed that he was snoozing in his chair, dreaming of a shit film he was watching before stirring from his nap and declaring that he was about to turn it off, would be a more believable justification of why he said ‘DVD is going off’.
If you’re gonna lie at least do it right!
This is an interesting question actually. I'd always assumed it was quite offensive and have shied away from using it/ challenged its use before.
Someone on a Dr's FB forum (who was white) asked this question though, as she mentioned how she found it pretty offensive. To my surprise, almost all of the East and South East Asians said they didn't consider it offensive and some even said they took pride in it.
I'm still not going to use it but its interesting how perceptions can be different from what you think I guess.
It's quite possible that if he owned it and apologized that he'd have been okay. That initial reaction video though... Was weak as feck. 'Clean up on isle 4!'
Comedy, as with other art forms, shouldn't ever be constrained by political correctness. Free speech matters. Freedom of expression matters. Whether one chooses to watch it, listen to it or laugh at it, is up to the individual.
Well, other art forms probably should be. I think it's a good thing the Germans changed the words to Deutschland Uber Alles for example.
Comedy is a bit different in that it's funny because you're saying things you know you're not supposed to sometimes. It's often dependent on breaking taboos. Still, there's ways of doing it, some people clearly just do it to get a rise, while others do it because they're ignorant racists, sexists or whatever. Usually the second sort isn't actually very funny though.
This didn't happen btw. The current national anthem is just the third verse of the song.Well, other art forms probably should be. I think it's a good thing the Germans changed the words to Deutschland Uber Alles for example.
Twitter postsOther art forms should be? Why? Where does one draw the line? Who decides what is acceptable and what isn't it? How does imposing limits on freedom expression benefit or limit humanity?
You might have a point.Twitter posts
Where do people draw the line on comedians?
Are they allowed to cross the line in the name of comedy, knowing it is excatly that, comedy and everyone and everything can be fair game?
Or do they have to follow the rules as well?
Personally I think it's all a bit overboard and don't see any racist messaging, but wtf do I know? For those who might be unfamiliar with Trader Joe's it's a popular American grocery chain with a lot of private label foods. Not quite high-end like a Whole Foods, but they have a devoted and loyal following. Always thought they were pretty socially conscious and their shoppers skew educated and liberal, which makes this recent news somewhat more surprising.Trader Joe's renaming some of their products... and it's causing quite the storm in my neighbourhood.
Trader Joses.....
While I don't really shop there some of my neighbour's reactions are
"No other country in the world would consider making these changes. I’m afraid we are becoming the laughingstock of the world".
And this one who started it all on our local website:: "What I heard that Trader Joes is going to change their name... Because someone started a petition to change the name. because it says Trader! THAT IS SO RIDICULOUS! PEOPLE CALL THE HEADQUATERS : 1(626) 599-3700. ask for management.. Thanks "
She thought the company name was changing, not the products so she didn't even get that kind of important part right before her outrage got her venting online....
Another one that's incensed: "Will someone somewhere grow a pair and stand up to this BS cancel culture that is growing like a cancer in our society.... Anyone?"
And another: "Oh C’mon! I don’t mind changing names of military bases, taking down statues, even modifying some business names, but Trader Joe’s? That’s going too far. It’s sacrosanct In my book - so, leave it alone and go after harder targets!!!"
She's not even researched it that it's just some products...
And this beauty: "..this will lead to more unreasonable changes. That this will lead and is already leading to Maoist tactics of wiping out the past to impose the “new reality” where everyone will be stripped of the liberties and the way of life that we know and enjoy... By cutting connections with the past in one or two generations there will be no reference other than the hard “new order” imposed on us. It was this way that Mao Zedong managed to eliminate more than 5,000 years of history and cultural evolution... "
Personally I think it's all a bit overboard and don't see any racist messaging, but wtf do I know? For those who might be unfamiliar with Trader Joe's it's a popular American grocery chain with a lot of private label foods. Not quite high-end like a Whole Foods, but they have a devoted and loyal following. Always thought they were pretty socially conscious and their shoppers skew educated and liberal, which makes this recent news somewhat more surprising.
A 17-year old girl in CA raised issues with the labeling of their ethnic foods. For example, their Mexican food was labelled as Trader Jose's, Chinese food as Trader Ming's, Italian as Trader Giotto's, French as Trader Jacques, well you get the idea. I guess Ming is a little strange as all the others are some version of Joe, but never thought much about it and just assumed it was cos there's no variation of Joe in Chinese.
@Raoul I know you shop there, what do you think about all this?