Oh man I just clicked play on a video with the words "Ben Shapiro" in the title, this is going to be my Youtube suggestions for the next six months

wedding cake bakers do bespoke cakes as their standard so that argument is pure horseshit
My first amendment professor showed us a Peterson video complaining about this and at the end apologised for giving him another view.
Let’s not forget the times Ben Shapiro forgot he was mr free speech and showed his true colours:
These pricks don’t give a shit about free speech.
I always think it's interesting how both Shapiro and Peterson have incredibly high, whiny voices, and are always essentially whining with their already whiny voices...
Yet people who oppose their whining get called whiners. Strange times.
My first amendment professor showed us a Peterson video complaining about this and at the end apologised for giving him another view.
Let’s not forget the times Ben Shapiro forgot he was mr free speech and showed his true colours:
These pricks don’t give a shit about free speech.
Yeah I like Kyle. Wish he’d stop the impersonations/voices though as they’re not goodI do like Secular Talk, along with Jimmy Dore he is the only Young Turks associated channel I still pay any attention to.
You might, and I stress might, be a decent human being. That's probably why.I've been blackout drunk before, never done that.
I've been blackout drunk before, never done that.
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” also getting taken off a few radio playlists because it’s a bit too rapey.
I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be transgender and given the comments in here, it would be a nightmare.
"The employee, who appeared to be flabbergasted by the entire incident, apologized profusely — but the transgender woman was having none of the clerk's apology."
Sounds like a huge twunt who wanted to create a scene at all costs tbh
I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be transgender and given the comments in here, it would be a nightmare.
Did you watch the video? The "victim" totally over-reacted and created a situation where she was the only aggressor as everybody else tried to appease her.
Sadly sometimes people will get somebody's gender wrong by accident, even without then issue of transgenderism and gender identities. I couldn't be arsed to waste money on haircuts at Uni so other than the year where I shared a house with a fellow punk and we'd shave each others heads with the exception of the mohawk I spent a good few years with increasingly long hair often with the mohican or psycho quiff pulled back in a ponytail and would occasionally have someone mistakenly address me as a lass if they approached me from behind. It's something you laugh off, not lose your shit over unless you are actually looking for a fight.
No way should the clerk lose their job, his apology was more than the aggressor here deserved. To be honest the police should be hauling her in for disturbing the peace and criminal damage.
Apparently the same person.
Did you watch the video? The "victim" totally over-reacted and created a situation where she was the only aggressor as everybody else tried to appease her.
Sadly sometimes people will get somebody's gender wrong by accident, even without then issue of transgenderism and gender identities. I couldn't be arsed to waste money on haircuts at Uni so other than the year where I shared a house with a fellow punk and we'd shave each others heads with the exception of the mohawk I spent a good few years with increasingly long hair often with the mohican or psycho quiff pulled back in a ponytail and would occasionally have someone mistakenly address me as a lass if they approached me from behind. It's something you laugh off, not lose your shit over unless you are actually looking for a fight.
No way should the clerk lose their job, his apology was more than the aggressor here deserved. To be honest the police should be hauling her in for disturbing the peace and criminal damage.
Shocked. Violent thug gives lessons in how to be a violent thug.
Clearly mentally unstable and shouldn't be allowed near the public unless she can learn to control her aggression.
Tbf there probably is some genuine mental illness there, considering her career you’d have to think PTSD is fairly likely. And that’s not even taking into account the whole gender dysphoria thing.
Still, though, that is fairly unhinged behaviour. And will obviously feel far more threatening coming from a six foot plus, biological male.
I think you are responding to my post? Apologies if not.
I did, and I agree that she was the aggressor and was in the wrong- my argument was that she could make her point in a more diplomatic (but not entirely passive) way, because she comes out of an interaction where most people can picture themselves in the clerks shoes and see her as just being an arsehole.
In fairness, you are likely secure in who you are, at least in your gender, so it is something you can laugh at. She is probably insecure about her ability to pass as who she wants to be and cannot see the funny side. I don't think that justifies her outburst and smashing up the store over an apparently innocent error, but it's not something I imagine she could laugh off easily like you or I can.
I agree that the clerk doesn't deserve any further action taken, I am just stating that this is a possibility if there is a mob response to demand it.
I can imagine, actually I cant, being misgendered is aweful, however, I think in this particular case it wasnt malicious and her reaction was abit over the top.
Did you watch the video? The "victim" totally over-reacted and created a situation where she was the only aggressor as everybody else tried to appease her.
Sadly sometimes people will get somebody's gender wrong by accident, even without then issue of transgenderism and gender identities. I couldn't be arsed to waste money on haircuts at Uni so other than the year where I shared a house with a fellow punk and we'd shave each others heads with the exception of the mohawk I spent a good few years with increasingly long hair often with the mohican or psycho quiff pulled back in a ponytail and would occasionally have someone mistakenly address me as a lass if they approached me from behind. It's something you laugh off, not lose your shit over unless you are actually looking for a fight.
No way should the clerk lose their job, his apology was more than the aggressor here deserved. To be honest the police should be hauling her in for disturbing the peace and criminal damage.
A little passive aggression from somebody who regularly feels victimised might be acceptable but in this case she went out looking for something to take offence at in my opinion. I'm hoping it's not the Navy Seal @Pogue Mahone posted above as she's done a lot of good in fighting back against Trump's rejection of transgender rights but she certainly looks to be the same person and from the GQ video posted also looks to be going out to physically address gender rights in a way that does a great disservice to her cause.Her behaviour wasn't great but I'm always wary of labeling things as overreacting, even if that is how it appears from my perspective. Walk in my shoes type of thing.
Apparently the same person.