Yaaas Broncos!
Do these people not understand what acting is?
The Ruby Rose thing feels like when people decide to focus on small negatives so they get to cry about how PC culture has gone mad.
The "row" wasn't even widespread and most of the "outrage" was actually her being cast because she's a superlatively shit actress (which made it seem like they just cast the first LGBT actress they could find) rather than her not being "gay enough". But yeah, SJWs.
The Jack Whitehall issue is more interesting. Though, again it seems to be a small fraction of people complaining, but it's been blown up. At some point, the "PC gone mad" people will find out they actually outnumber the SJWs.
Playing devil's advocate, that argument only goes so far. Is Mickey Rooney's character in Breakfast at Tiffany's OK because he's only acting?Do these people not understand what acting is?
I think what you say is definitely true. The absolute number of people on twitter losing their shit about stuff like this is a relatively small proportion. And and even tinier proportion of people as a whole.
The “problem” I guess, is the power they wield. Their complaints get amplified by the press, corporations yield to their pressure and big decisions are made in response. Not that anyone should light any candles for Scarllet Johansen missing out on the chance to play a trans woman but, you know, it’s not great when a very small group of very self righteous people wield that sort of power. And it’s not just rich celebrities who lose their jobs or feel the brunt of the law. Patient zero was that South African woman whose career/life was ruined by a lame joke before she got on a plane. And this is more of the same.
Playing devil's advocate, that argument only goes so far. Is Mickey Rooney's character in Breakfast at Tiffany's OK because he's only acting?
I don't get the outrage about why a 'gender fluid' woman can't play a lesbian though, but this shit always makes me feel old.
Was a white guy playing a stupidly over the top racist caricature of an Asian dude- worth looking in youtube and wondering how that film somehow survived that car crash to become iconic.Don't know the reference sorry, but what I mean is the idea that only a lesbian can play a lesbian or only a trans person can play a trans person etc is ridiculous.
Actors pretend to be people they're not. That's literally their job. It's like the "uproar" (I'm sure it was a tiny number of morons) over Dwayne Johnson playing an amputee recently because the role should have gone to a real amputee.
Straight people playing none straight roles shouldn't be in any way controversial.
Straight people playing none straight roles shouldn't be in any way controversial.
Agree with this, but then surely it's a media issue rather than an issue of political correctness?
I do think the South African woman is a slightly different issue, that is less to do with the media and more to do with actual mob mentality. By the time she landed, people had ropes out ready to lynch.
Idris Elba being Bond will cause a DM meltdown though, which will be fun.
A little bit of that and a little bit the of corporations being so desperate to be seen as progressive/politically correct.
Don't know the reference sorry, but what I mean is the idea that only a lesbian can play a lesbian or only a trans person can play a trans person etc is ridiculous.
Actors pretend to be people they're not. That's literally their job. It's like the "uproar" (I'm sure it was a tiny number of morons) over Dwayne Johnson playing an amputee recently because the role should have gone to a real amputee.
Straight people playing none straight roles shouldn't be in any way controversial.
I agree completely with this. Though I really don't have much of an issue if someone is gay complains about lack of gay actors getting roles. Plus I don't blame the gay community for not wanting Jack Whitehall representing them.
The Ruby Rose not being "gay enough" is largely bizarre and hopefully just a small irrelevant minority.
Was a white guy playing a stupidly over the top racist caricature of an Asian dude- worth looking in youtube and wondering how that film somehow survived that car crash to become iconic.
Idris Elba being Bond will cause a DM meltdown though, which will be fun.
The controversy is on the basis that there are relatively few good gay roles in cinema. So it’s a pity when gay actors don’t get the chance to play a character that is true to their sexuality (and yeah, I get that this kind of isn’t acting but you understand the point, right?)
It’s a tricky one though. Gay people are relatively rare, so isn’t it normal that gay characters in movies are relatively rare? What makes it harder, I guess, is that there seems to be a disproportionate number of gay people who work in the entertainment industry. Kind of like, fashion, I guess. Although I’m probably guilty of stereotyping here!
Oh I'd forgotten about that. It was the 80s and I was innocent when that came out.That's definitely a worthy issue to raise, as is actors with disabilities not getting enough roles (continuing from the Dwayne Johnson point).
Kinda like Short Circuit?
Playing devil's advocate, that argument only goes so far. Is Mickey Rooney's character in Breakfast at Tiffany's OK because he's only acting?
I don't get the outrage about why a 'gender fluid' woman can't play a lesbian though, but this shit always makes me feel old.
Yeah, sorry it was a somewhat specious argument tbf, with blackface bringing up lots of historical connotations which sets it apart from more modern moral dilemmas.To be fair, in cases that involve the race of an actor the problem itself tends to be less 'acting' and more the literal appearance of the person playing the character. Which is why people will find it offensive/outrageous when we're expected to see someone as something that they're literally not. Although suppose the representation argument is a key part of the discussion, which perhaps links the two together to an extent.
The Ruby Rose thing feels like when people decide to focus on small negatives so they get to cry about how PC culture has gone mad.
The "row" wasn't even widespread and most of the "outrage" was actually her being cast because she's a superlatively shit actress (which made it seem like they just cast the first LGBT actress they could find) rather than her not being "gay enough". But yeah, SJWs.
The Jack Whitehall issue is more interesting. Though, again it seems to be a small fraction of people complaining, but it's been blown up. At some point, the "PC gone mad" people will find out they actually outnumber the SJWs.
A is asexual. I think “allied” could come under the “+” bit which is intended to be all-inclusive. Dunno why they didn’t just go for LGBT+.
Sorry if it came across that way, but I wasn't downplaying the bullying aspect of it, even if she's a shit actress, she doesn't deserve to be hounded.Don't agree. The "row" however small it may be caused her to shut down her twitter. Essentially this is the same kind of cyber bullying that several women accuse right wing social media trolls of. Besides any argument along the lines of "how gay" someone is should be criticized even if it is only being perpetuated by a small section of zealots. Shit actors are hired everyday so there is nothing new there.
Sorry if it came across that way, but I wasn't downplaying the bullying aspect of it, even if she's a shit actress, she doesn't deserve to be hounded.
My point was that this is being framed as another instance of 'SJW gone mad' and I don't think it was that at all. Majority of the attacks were more along the lines of 'she's so shit, how did she score another role'. The 'criticism' of not meeting the required standard of gayness for the role was a tiny minority which has now been given undue attention, which in my opinion is pointless.
Is that genuine and not a piss-take? Lobs in every buzzword and is beyond even peak Guardian.
I can certainly believe that. Seems too much.I'm willing to bet good money that the original letter was sent in by a right-wing troll. Shame on the NYT for taking the bait.
I can certainly believe that. Seems too much.
Studies at the school have a Christian orientation, with three required Bible-studies classes in the first year for undergraduate students.[12] The school's honor code, called the "Liberty Way", prohibits premarital sex and private interactions alone between members of the opposite sex.[13][14] Described as a "bastion of the Christian right" in American politics, the university plays a prominent role in Republican politics
European masculinity? Big fecking nope for me.It's already given us an all-timer
Reminds me of the spoof research article claiming that a penis is a social construct.
They have to admit that the article was rejected by NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, a Taylor and Francis journal whose editorial board is dominated by Scandinavian academics. An recent article suggests that the journal is strongly influenced by 1970s type feminism: ‘We wouldn’t be boys if we weren’t clever with our hands’ – childhood masculinity in a rural community in Norway.
Considering that is it not included in the top-ranked 115 journals in Gender Studies, being rejected by NORMA indicates a failure to leap a hurdle 6 inches above the ground. As is often (or perhaps universally) the case with being rejected by a Taylor and Francis journal, you get an autoreply inviting you to submit the article to a journal in their open-access Cogent Social Science series that despite the Taylor and Francis imprimatur functions like a predatory journal. Basically, you pony up $1,350 (the hoaxers paid half the normal fee for some reason) and Cogent will be happy to put any crap you write on their website.
Because I have been published in Capitalism, Nature and Socialism, a Taylor and Francis journal, I ended up on some mailing lists that periodically generate mass invitations to the recipients asking them to submit something to open-access predatory journals (Internet-based) as opposed to the far more expensive and exclusive print journals found on JSTOR . For a number of years, University of Colorado librarian Jeffrey Beal maintained a list of such journals that totaled 1,155 as of December 31, 2016. Beal took down his website in January 2017, providing no comment why. One surmises that he got fed up with being harassed by the conmen operating in this field, including an outfit in India that threatened him with a one billion dollar law suit.
European masculinity? Big fecking nope for me.
Also, it's an actor, it'll be weird seeing a non-white bond but feck me they are making it sound like a crime.
... And I usually get hounded for my views of wanting super hero movies stick to stuff I liked from comics.![]()
I thought it was a random brexiter.Ya, that was such a meltdown from a big public figure I thought I had to post it.
I thought it was a random brexiter.
Who is he?
Edit: oh wait, Spencer is that English defense league cnut, isn't he?
Oooh. The nazi. Like genuine nazi, not the "he disagrees with me" kind.