Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

I enjoed all of the films. But I thought the 1st 2 were the weakest.

Prisoner of Azkaban was my favourite. But the final 2 were excellent as well

I am shocked that Mockney did not enjoy the series.
I enjoed all of the films. But I thought the 1st 2 were the weakest.

Prisoner of Azkaban was my favourite. But the final 2 were excellent as well

I am shocked that Mockney did not enjoy the series.

I have to disagree with you Randall. The third book was by far the best in the entire series, and they ripped it to pieces to the point the movie was an incoherent mess.
I am shocked that Mockney did not enjoy the series.

I've never read the books - it's about a wizard in a school init - but I've always taken people at their word that they're well written fare and I'm glad they were popular and encouraged kids to read good, engrossing stuff.

Im sure if i had read them i would've understood the films a lot more, but as suposedly independent things in their own right, they were all utterly terrible nonsense.
Out of all these shitty movies, only the first two and the 2nd last were of any real quality. the first two simply because they replicated the books as closely as possible. The last because it was written superbly. The only downside was the lack luster scene where Voldemort went after Harry at Godrics hollow.

I just watched the 7th and I must say up until the fight scene, it was pretty well done, but feck me did they ever feck up the Potter/Voldemort fight. It was written so to give the indication that voldemort was mortal. Hence the reason in the book it states he was laid alongside the other victims.

They also fecked up the elderwand ending. Harry fixes his original wand with it and the elder wand goes back into dumbledores tomb. Doesn't just fecking snap it and throw it off a cliff.

Brevity. They didn't want the ending of the movie to be all about the elder wand.

I didn't really like the first two films - too childish - but, like you, I thought the second last was excellent.