Hi, lifelong Leicester fan here just going to post my views on the Maguire debate/saga/salty exchanges.
Firstly, as a player, like many he has pros and cons, immense in the air, fantastic bringing the ball out and very comfortable on it, can ping an accurate long range pass too. Can be caught out of position, not quick or quick to turn but good enough to be 1st choice CB for England now.
I personally want to keep him so we can have a real pop at breaking the established top 6 order again.
Unfortunately though, as ALL clubs know, silly money talks and some of the numbers being muted means every player has their price.
As a person Harry seems very level headed as well as large headed

and is very respectful of the opportunity we as a club have given him. I can no way see him agitating for a move or throwing his toys out like Mahrez, he's a real pro. If he does want to join you guys our owners will not stand in his way AS LONG as you meet their valuation. Regarding the valuation, let's face it, transfer fees are obscene and worsening but in a supply and demand situation we hold all the aces despite the size of your club. Young England CB with 4 years left on a 5 year contract and tough, highly successful business men who will not be bullied that's for sure.
Regarding yourselves and some of the exchanges on here with fellow Foxes, if you read Leicester forums you will seldom find anyone who would doubt the enormity of yourselves, history and past trophies, however, the point being made by some is that currently you are in transition and despite your size with no CL, sadly for you, you are not even the most appealing club in Manchester presently. I personally do not feel OGS is the man to oversee this transition but I thought Ranieri was a meh appointment for us.
Back on to Maguire, it seems to have gone very quiet and thankfully not so much bs clickbait, we're hearing conflicting reports, some saying he will join you, others saying he only wants to join your neighbours. One thing I am confident of is if he does join you or another club it will be £80million plus and on our owners terms.
In conclusion, this and other transfers of this value are not about lack of respect, club size/wealth it's about chance of success and winning the PL and playing in the CL.
It will be interesting how this unfolds, all the best.