Halo Reach

The Halos are massive for the same reason that Bioshock et al are regarded as absolute masterpieces - because the people that played them (console gamers) hadn't really been exposed to anything of that ilk before.

Fair enough, they're good games, and rightfully regarded as such. But, consider for a moment being a guy who has never really been into gaming other than a few consoles here and there. You've not been exposed to some of the amazing games that have been coming out on the PC (Half-Life, Deus Ex, System Shock) and the Xbox/PS2 - and latterly 360/PS3 - is your first exposure to proper gaming. A game like Halo or Bioshock would just blow you away. "feck me," you think. "This must be the best game ever."

But it's not... it's mediocre. Also, take into consideration the age group of most console gamers and then that particular social subsection's propensity for forming black and white opinions about something being the "absolute best" and you have a recipe for hardcore fanboyism about something that just doesn't deserve it. Telling a teenager something they believe is wrong is only likely to have them believe it more, which only entrenches them further in their misguided opinion that Halo is one of the greatest series of games ever produced.

They are massive because they are SO much easier to jump in and just have some fun. I used to half-life/CS on the PC, and they are amazing, yes - but it's not just one of them things you can sit down, have one or two games for fun and leave.

Plus they are so, so, so much easier for newer 'gamers.' That's why MW2 is the biggest (I think) selling game on the xbox 360 - it's just so much easier to drop in, and feel like you're good at it, more so than Halo. Nobody wants to play a game where they get constantly destroyed.

I've probably not got my point across very well, whatever. :angel:

I'm going to get mine in about an hour, since I'm a total nerd.
Shit I forgot about this. Didn't even play the Beta because I couldn't be arsed to buy ODST (which I didn't really enjoy).

There's no battle rifle :(
By the amount of views on this thread, is it safe to say that everyone has had enough of Halo?

No chance I will be forking out £40quid for this. I'll splash out for fifa 11 and maybe the next CoD, but not Halo.
Drove in town at 12 for a spin with the lads and Game was chock a block.

Clueless fools...
No way, Im a big fan and will be getting this in the morning

Maybe the forum doesn't have many XB360 owners then? Of the top 30 threads in the Entertainment forum by views and posts, two PS3 exclusives are represented, one of which hasn't even been released yet. The only other game threads in the top 30 are football related or Modern Warfare related. Just surprising, that's all, considering that Halo is XB360s largest selling franchise/IP.
I think the same has happened with Metal Gear as well, they simply took it too far, and milked it too much, same with Tomb Raider and others, even Star Wars films. Sometimes you've just got to let things go and try something new I think.
As slick as ever so far.

Musical score is top notch.

Roll on tonight for the footie and then co op on this baby.

Gonna be another classic.
As slick as ever so far.

Musical score is top notch.

Roll on tonight for the footie and then co op on this baby.

Gonna be another classic.

I might have to try and talk my brother into picking this up. Halo co-op on Legendary is one of my favourite ever gaming experiences. Me and my flatmate would literally spend a whole night trying to do one level, it was just immense.

Which Halo is the snow level where you get caught in a full on battle between the Covenant and Marines across like an icy Tundra? Had to be one of my favourite ever levels, we would spend hours upon hours trying to get through it on co-op.
I might have to try and talk my brother into picking this up. Halo co-op on Legendary is one of my favourite ever gaming experiences. Me and my flatmate would literally spend a whole night trying to do one level, it was just immense.

Which Halo is the snow level where you get caught in a full on battle between the Covenant and Marines across like an icy Tundra? Had to be one of my favourite ever levels, we would spend hours upon hours trying to get through it on co-op.

legendary co-op took about 6 hours to complete...
Done the first two levels last night. Fantastic, atmospheric, co op as good as ever.

The pistol is a beast, straight out of the Halo CE. The battle rifle is also deadly.

Already had some great firefights penned in with waves dropping in at you.
Actual game is a very poor mans Mass Effect.

Online is pretty good fun, but I'm sure there will be a time where I just can't be assed to play because the sad twits online are just too good for it to be enjoyable. Anyone else play this?
I think it has been outstanding thus far. Almost completed the single game. Multi player seems great so far too. Well deserved the praise it is getting from reviews
Brilliant game, loved the co op as per, firefight is great laugh with four of you together and multiplayer is arcade twitch shooting perfection.

The new perks really add a bit variety, shot gunning or swording out of cloak is fantastic.

The perk with the dummy you is great too when you see the enemy waste their clip on it and then you pop out and nail em.

Even better than Halo 3.
Who was trying to claim Halo is dying out? :lol:

(Not that it shouldn't, no creativity since the first).

To be fair Redlambs, it may not die out enitrely, but I know several avid Halo fans that haven't bought ODST or Reach simply because they don't think its worth it.

Its exactly the same as the cod phenomenon. You'll always have fans, but it will diminish as people realize its the same shit over and over again with only minor touches.
To be fair Redlambs, it may not die out enitrely, but I know several avid Halo fans that haven't bought ODST or Reach simply because they don't think its worth it.

Its exactly the same as the cod phenomenon. You'll always have fans, but it will diminish as people realize its the same shit over and over again with only minor touches.

It's not though, going by those sales. I've not bought one since the first myself, but there's always millions more ready to buy into the next installment of whatever rubbish gets peddled.

It confuses me no end, but that's fanboys for you ;)
It's not though, going by those sales. I've not bought one since the first myself, but there's always millions more ready to buy into the next installment of whatever rubbish gets peddled.

It confuses me no end, but that's fanboys for you ;)

I don’t get the hate. They are fantastic games (yes they are all very similar) but still very enjoyable. Very few people claim that it is the best series available, because it isn’t

Reach I must say is now my favourite out of the Halo series. The one player is top quality and really enjoying the multi-player too
Halo reach

Let's be honest from the get go here. Halo, the whole series has never been about the story line or single player mode. It is primarily a multiplayer game, a very very good one.

Before 8 year olds were running around in playgrounds mimicking killing each other (with weapon names most military generals would probably be alien to), after their parents decided that the Call Of Duty games were an adequate baby sitter (seriously, and we wonder why the next generations are increasingly violent?!), there was Halo.

Few would argue that Halo was the first online gaming sensation. Virtually every xbox owner who had any kind of Internet connection played the game, and subsequently "lag" became a household term.. Halo has evolved with the years, and now Reach has been released, I was extremely skeptical with it's market pulling power, especially with COD games now being released with the regulatory timing of a player being bought by Manchester City. How silly did I feel though, when release day came, and I saw queueing out of shops to get a hold of a copy. It seems Halo has retained fans, although with comment "yeah it has jet packs, so cool.", produced from one spectacularly stereotypical looking Halo fan, i was unsure how much uniqueness this game would show.

First impressions of the game, visually, was nothing amazing. When I saw the first piece of level on Planet Reach, I initially though "Mass Effect". Then on further reflection thought "Avatar". However I mean neither of those in a particularly good way. It seems like a half budget copy. Whilst roaming, some backgrounds still seem like a cardboard cut out. Players still move with a certain rigidity. Levels are predictable. This is by no means the worst looking games you will ever see, but with landscapes in other games literally taking it g your breath away, this falls relatively short.

But as I said, Halo has never been bought to look at the trees..

Single player. (Honestly, stay reading, it gets better.) I honestly know people who have played over 100 hours on Halo 3, and are yet to play the single player mode. Again, this one is nothing special. It lacks the intensity of missions in Call Of Duty, the amusement of Just Cause 2, although in all honesty, virtually every game does. However, it's ok. It would pass the time if your router breaks.. The levels awe far too long in most cases, which is rarely seen as a negative, but the missions lack variation, and checkpoints too!

But, again, as previously said, it's not about that.

Online however, the game is once again superb. Halo Reach somehow manages to bring players of all abilities together - and every game is relatively fair. Personally, in all honesty, I am awful online in FPS games. I can survive for about 20 seconds tops on COD before having to respawn because I have been humiliated by a 16 year old child. On Halo though, the game is much slower, and therefore much more enjoyable. It's hard to say exactly what makes the game just so good online, so please have a go and try for yourself!

Overall - 7/10
Fair Price - £27
I don’t get the hate. They are fantastic games (yes they are all very similar) but still very enjoyable. Very few people claim that it is the best series available, because it isn’t

Reach I must say is now my favourite out of the Halo series. The one player is top quality and really enjoying the multi-player too

Hate? That's a bit extreme. Halo 1 is still one of my favourite console fps' of all time, not that far behind GE and PD for me.

But, undeniably since the first one, console FPS' have moved on and the Halo series really has stagnated.
Buy it. If you have enjoyed the other Halo games you will love it

I loved the first one. But yeah, I bought this yesterday and graphically it's never looked better, whether a lot of that's to do with my HD plasma, I don't know...but it's visually decent nonetheless. As for gameplay, I've only played it for 30mins and I must say I'm enjoying it, however it does seem a bit easy. Is that down to the default settings?