Halo Reach


Full Member
Jan 18, 2009
Downloaded this the other day, finally got around to playing it. Must say I'm not impressed with it. Seems to be absolutely no improvement on gameplay and graphics to Halo 3. Very distant game, doesn't make you feel part of the fighting.

Anyone else play it?
I just pre-ordered it. I'm wasn't really too interested in getting it right away, but I got it cheap and figured I'd end up getting it anyway.

That what what?

Honestly i wouldnt waste my time unless you're a big Halo fan.

Meant to type gameplay, stupid iPod

Fixed, cheers mate
Too late, can't be bothered to cancel :p

The only Halo I've played through it ODST, so even if it doesn't offer much that's new to the rest of the games in the series, it might be new to me :angel:

It was only £24 anyway.
Ya don't bother. I literally see no difference. Im not that interested in the Halo series so if anyone thinks any different let me know

As it stands it's Halo 3-3
I don't like Halo. Never have. It's gameplay is too simplistic, and it's conceptualization is all too cartoony. The bad guys don't even look evil. Master chief is a nothing character with no personality. You never feel like you are him.

Goes without saying that I won't be buying this!
I don't like Halo. Never have. It's gameplay is too simplistic, and it's conceptualization is all too cartoony. The bad guys don't even look evil. Master chief is a nothing character with no personality. You never feel like you are him.

Goes without saying that I won't be buying this!

You ought to play LOTRs first person shooter. The bad guys look evil and the good guys look like ewoks with out the facial hair.
The Halo storyline is just too stupid for me. I know you shouldn't expect much from an action based computer game, but seriously.

Don't set off the halo, don't set off the halo, whatever you do, don't set off the fecking halo, don't set it off, I repeat do not.....actually wait, yeah, set if off, it'll pretty much solve everything.
You ought to play LOTRs first person shooter. The bad guys look evil and the good guys look like ewoks with out the facial hair.


See, this is a bad guy:


You actually feel like making him suffer.

This on the other hand resembles a lot of peoples pets:

I'm in the can't be arsed with this camp.

The first one was jaw dropping at the time. The huge open world battles were immense.

Then the second came along and whilst the single player wasn't as good the mutltiplayer kept me hooked.

By the time the third had come out COD had long since surpassed it as an online game (for me) and the single player storyline was nonsensical.

Didn't buy ODST and won't be getting this until it's in the bargain bin (if at all).
Being honest I just got it to get me through to induction day. Octobers the month I go mad with games

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2
Medal of Honour
Fable 3
Fallout: New Vegas

I will cream
Halo is one of the most over-rated games series of all time, I admit, I enjoyed the first game - and the second was cracking on multiplayer but seriously for some reason it's called one of the greatest series of all-time. Fair enough you can't argue with it's sales but it has one of the most annoying hardcore fanbase in the world.

It became virtually unplayable on Xbox Live back in the day, basically me and a few friends would go on and end up in a large argument about our accents because we weren't American. My crowning glory was telling one yank to shut the feck up because you're speaking my language anyway.

I felt great.

What's the thread about again?
Halo is one of the most over-rated games series of all time, I admit, I enjoyed the first game - and the second was cracking on multiplayer but seriously for some reason it's called one of the greatest series of all-time. Fair enough you can't argue with it's sales but it has one of the most annoying hardcore fanbase in the world.

It became virtually unplayable on Xbox Live back in the day, basically me and a few friends would go on and end up in a large argument about our accents because we weren't American. My crowning glory was telling one yank to shut the feck up because you're speaking my language anyway.

I felt great.

What's the thread about again?

First one was a great game, to be fair. Subsequent Halos have been more about multiplayer than single player campaigns.
hes on about the beta.

I hate Halo, most over rated gaming series ever.

A couple of my mates love it, but it's really shit. Such cliche sci-fi bollocks.

I've also got the game, had it for a week or so now, and as Bob said, it's pretty shit. If you have a flashed Xbox it was available for download weeks back. Should hopefully be able to get FIFA and COD early also.
My mate has it and says it's basically exactly the same game as the one before. I've never really played any of the Halo games, they don't interest me at all.
Halo is one of the most over-rated games series of all time, I admit, I enjoyed the first game - and the second was cracking on multiplayer but seriously for some reason it's called one of the greatest series of all-time. Fair enough you can't argue with it's sales but it has one of the most annoying hardcore fanbase in the world.

It became virtually unplayable on Xbox Live back in the day, basically me and a few friends would go on and end up in a large argument about our accents because we weren't American. My crowning glory was telling one yank to shut the feck up because you're speaking my language anyway.

I felt great.

What's the thread about again?

This happens with pretty much any FPS online. The thing to do is as soon as they mention your accent, just ask them what language they are speaking. If they reply 'English', 1-0, if they don't reply or give you a shitty answer, just say 'o it must be French' and any time they try ripping you, pretend you can't understand them. They usually then move on to talking about a US/Brit war and who'd win.
This happens with pretty much any FPS online. The thing to do is as soon as they mention your accent, just ask them what language they are speaking. If they reply 'English', 1-0, if they don't reply or give you a shitty answer, just say 'o it must be French' and any time they try ripping you, pretend you can't understand them.

You really are a homosexual, aren't you?
My mate has it and says it's basically exactly the same game as the one before. I've never really played any of the Halo games, they don't interest me at all.

I played it, and it's not. At all.
First one was a great game, to be fair. Subsequent Halos have been more about multiplayer than single player campaigns.

Yeah I agree regarding the first one, I enjoyed it. Halo 2 was even decent, and good online. But it's not the greatest series in the world as some fanboiz like to think it is.

This happens with pretty much any FPS online. The thing to do is as soon as they mention your accent, just ask them what language they are speaking. If they reply 'English', 1-0, if they don't reply or give you a shitty answer, just say 'o it must be French' and any time they try ripping you, pretend you can't understand them. They usually then move on to talking about a US/Brit war and who'd win.

Doesn't happen at all on the PS3.

Can't wait for this, Halo 3 coop with 3 buddies was fantastic. Heard theres a few nods to the other games too so should be a great end to fantastic series (bungie end).

Judging from the reviews they have nailed it.
This happens with pretty much any FPS online. The thing to do is as soon as they mention your accent, just ask them what language they are speaking. If they reply 'English', 1-0, if they don't reply or give you a shitty answer, just say 'o it must be French' and any time they try ripping you, pretend you can't understand them. They usually then move on to talking about a US/Brit war and who'd win.

Might get those ignorant feckers that say they're speaking American:rolleyes:

I have argos vouchers to get rid of. Anyone know if they get games on release date?

Argos will probably have it for like £50. They really punish people stupid enough to not buy it in a game shop.
The Halos are massive for the same reason that Bioshock et al are regarded as absolute masterpieces - because the people that played them (console gamers) hadn't really been exposed to anything of that ilk before.

Fair enough, they're good games, and rightfully regarded as such. But, consider for a moment being a guy who has never really been into gaming other than a few consoles here and there. You've not been exposed to some of the amazing games that have been coming out on the PC (Half-Life, Deus Ex, System Shock) and the Xbox/PS2 - and latterly 360/PS3 - is your first exposure to proper gaming. A game like Halo or Bioshock would just blow you away. "feck me," you think. "This must be the best game ever."

But it's not... it's mediocre. Also, take into consideration the age group of most console gamers and then that particular social subsection's propensity for forming black and white opinions about something being the "absolute best" and you have a recipe for hardcore fanboyism about something that just doesn't deserve it. Telling a teenager something they believe is wrong is only likely to have them believe it more, which only entrenches them further in their misguided opinion that Halo is one of the greatest series of games ever produced.