Guess the video game from the screenshot

Jeepers, the Vic20 could get nowhere near those graphics.

Choplifter was a full screen game with the scores and so on at the top - dig it out on WinMAME. :D

There used to be one in the cafe at Castle Leisure Centre in Bury years ago.

It's been a few years since I played the Vic 20, I was going purely on memory, which was obviously my error... The internet has helped fill in the blanks..

That's Nier isn't it?

I got so fed up with that game that I traded it, something that I rarely do...

It is indeed.

Shame you didn't like it though, granted its a very flawed game which requires you to invest a lot of time to appreciate it, but when you do its a fantastic experience. Real underrated gem for me. And yes, the soundtrack was immense.

It shits all over FF13 at the very least.
It is indeed.

Shame you didn't like it though, granted its a very flawed game which requires you to invest a lot of time to appreciate it, but when you do its a fantastic experience. Real underrated gem for me. And yes, the soundtrack was immense.

It shits all over FF13 at the very least.

I got stuck in a dungeon with sod all health potions left and the boss just kept killing me. The fight seemed to go on for ever. My last decent save was hours before & I couldn't face doing it all again. I was also fed up of running from one side of the world to the other in seeming endless fetch quests, which bored the crap out of me. I've only traded in two games, Nier and Lost (which I thought the Mrs would enjoy, but she didn't), so that shows how much I didn't enjoy it...
Yes & yes... I was king of Commando & found if you amass over 99 grenades the counter spazzes out and they become infinite! (On C64 anyway)

I had (and still have) a speccy - Green Beret was more my thing but Commando was certainly better than the Rambo game that came out around the same time. Ikari Warriors eventually trumped Commando imo
A few easy ones to keep'er lit.






I have a good one but how do you guys search for one where it doesn't say the name in the url? I'm a bit of a caveman at this.