Music Greatest living rapper?


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
Black Thought for me. Kendrick up there but any other thoughts?
For a moment I thought the title said crapper
Hmmm ... I think I had it right the first time :)
Nas for me. The last few years have proven his longevity and he will forever be embedded in the culture. Not to mention he genuinely has 6/7 extremely listenable albums - not sure many rappers could top that.

I'm seeing him at Madison Square Garden in a few weeks and can't wait.

KRS-One, Method Man, Nas and Kurtis Blow are all valid runners up but to me, it's always Rakim.
Have to be active:

It changes all the time.
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Either one of the Lil’s or Machine Gun Kelly
Top 5

Method Man
Andre 3000

Special mention to Slick Rick
Nas. He’s got a great argument to be the greatest of all time let alone just the best rapper alive
Kendrick Lamar

Can't pick between them. Used to think Kanye would get to that level some day :(
Agree with all the Nas shouts tbh, but not much love for black thought?! K dot up there but that last album was a tad underwhelming for me

So glad no ones mentioned Jay Z yet :D Well maybe 1 person did. They were wrong.

almost 30 years after Illmatic and he’s still putting out very good albums
Interesting thread. Not sure he’s the best of all time but anyone with a top 5 without Eminem is wrong in my opinion.

Nas is another of the very best.
Interesting thread. Not sure he’s the best of all time but anyone with a top 5 without Eminem is wrong in my opinion.

Nas is another of the very best.
Loved Marshall Mathers to Eminem show...he was the best around at that point. Just can't like him any more... the whole shock rap thing got old and these days it just seems like he puts together really intricate rhymes that don't mean a lot. Shame because he was amazing way back. Think my top five would be nas, biggie, black thought, Lauryn Hill and Kendrick. Very much just personal taste though, aware that's a pretty controversial take!