Film Great films that you could only watch one time

idi i smotri (Come and See).
I only watched a 12min video essay of it on YouTube and thought this is intense! Lost my appetite to watch the full thing let alone repeat watch it.
Requiem for a Dream. That overused song still gives me the shivers
Requiem for a dream (good shout, don’t think I’ve seen it again since I was 13)
Black Swan ( Never had a film hit me like that before)
Forrest Gump is what springs to mind straight away.
Now I have watched it more than once in my lifetime, but when I see it, although I know it's a good film, I never get the urge to just watch again
I can watch this repeatedly just for the incredible performance from Ralph Fiennes. He's deliciously evil.
Yeah, I think it's one of the great performances. Göth is like a child, or at least very immature, for all his empty malice.
:lol: Once was more than enough. Especially if you were stoned during that one time.

feck I remember trying to watch this like 4 times while stoned and every time I fell asleep because weed just makes me sleepy.
Apocalypto is one of my favourites and I have only seen it once. I have no appetite to see apocalypse now or the godfather again and they are 'greats'.
Hunger - Great film centred on the Irish Republican prison hunger strikes. Michael Fassbender brilliant in it but I have no intention of watching it again.
Have you ever watched one guy, one cup?

I’ve been told about it, but no. Is it the one where a guy sticks a glass cup/bottle up his arse and then it breaks into pieces?

fecking hell, that just made me heave just thinking about it.
I’ve been told about it, but no. Is it the one where a guy sticks a glass cup/bottle up his arse and then it breaks into pieces?

fecking hell, that just made me heave just thinking about it.
That's the one!
Irreversible a good shout. Antichrist too.
I watched that... then a little over a year ago decided to watch it again while tripping.

Absolutely riveting and yet so hard to sit through.

I'm not sure I've ever watched it all the way through. It's a great film in parts.
I barely rewatch movies, however some movies I love but I have no desire to rewatch are: Requiem for a dream, Schindler's list, Ikiru, Hachi: A dog's tale and Grave of the Fireflies.
I can't watch anything I can remember clearly, it's just boring knowing exactly what's about to happen.

If it's been a long enough then I don't mind rewatching anything.
Thought of another one. Winters Bone. Jennifer Lawrence is fantastic in it but John Hawkes who plays her uncle Teardrop is something else. Amazing performance from both and a fantastic film.
Thought of another one. Winters Bone. Jennifer Lawrence is fantastic in it but John Hawkes who plays her uncle Teardrop is something else. Amazing performance from both and a fantastic film.
Good call.

Call Me by Your Name was great, I’d like to watch it again but I have so good memories seeing at the cinema with my wife I don't wanna spoil them.