Graphic Novels/Comic Collections


Full Member
Jan 18, 2004
I have never read comics before but the Planetary series was recommended to me and I quite liked it.

Any other recommendations out there?
Just read this:

A lot of classics. Apart from the obvious Watchmen (or anything by Alan Moore) and superhero ones, I'd recommend Preacher and Sandman.

That's a good list.

If you like Planetary, you must check out The Authority. It's JLA on drugs, literally.
Personal favorite include Hellblazer, Batman: Long Halloween and Year One, Ex-Machina for different reasons.

If you're like the whole apocalypse stuff, Y The Last Man and Walking Dead is worth checking out.
Transformers comics haven't been amazing for a while now but Last Stand of the Wreckers (2010) was excellent. 4 issues, you can probably get a trade paperback somewhere.

Aside from that the War Within series from about a decade ago was good (and unfortunately unfinished due to Dreamwave going bust).
Was discussing this the other day, got recommended Green Arrow doesn't show up on that list, but Kevin Smith is a big nerd and a solid writer, so I'm gonna check it out if I can find a copy(don't really like downloading comics really).

Killing Joke is fantastic, as are most of the big Batman ones, Death in the Family gets slightly underrated though. I think Arkham Asylum, while a great story, is somewhat dated.
Non-superhero ones I like - anything by Daniel Clowes and Chris Ware:

Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid On Earth:

Hellblazer, Kingdom Come, Sandman, Marvels, Batman year one, Batman the long halloween, Batman the dark knight returns, Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman All stars, Batman the killing joke, Superman All Stars, Preacher, Hitman, Kick Ass, Kick Ass 2, The Authority, Y the last man standing, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, Akira, Garth Ennis war stories, The Boys, Alan Moores Swamp thing, X-men Days of future past, Frank Millars Daredevil and Electra, We3, Tom Strong, Guts, Garth Ennis Punisher run (you'll love Barracda) 100 bullets, One dead rat, The day I sold my father for a goldfish, Maus (very powerful), League of extrordaniry gentlemen 1-3, Judge Dredd case files. There's loads more but off the top of my head thats some damn good reading. I'd start with Maus.
Also Understanding comics and reinventing comics by Scott McCloud which actually looks at comics as a medium, incredible 2 books that shows the power of the comic book.
From previous similar posts/threads, Gambit definitely appears to be the voice of authority on such matters.

I've read very few, but ones i'd recommend are:
Batman year one, Batman The Killing Joke, Batman the long halloween, Batman the dark knight returns, Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman All stars
Marvel Civil War
30 Days of Night
Out of the ones I mentioned you should first read Maus and the Preacher series. I can't reccomend Preacher highly enough. I wish they'd make a TV series out of it.
I love noir stuff that Bendis does earlier in his career. There's Fire about a kid got recruited out of college to join CIA. It's in black and white and it was really good. And there's Torso, about the Torso murders in the 1930s Pitsburgh, which has Elliot Ness as the lead character
30 Days of Night

I've read most of them and to be honest I don't really rate them that highly. 30 Days of Night: Red Snow was probably the best, and Dead Space was decent but I never really got the fuss about the others.

That said I've not read the most recent one (Dark Again) because I picked up a collection of them all from a local comic store at the end of 2010 before it was released.