Television Graham Norton Show

Salma or Beckinsale?

Exotic vs quintessentially English
Salma or Beckinsale?

Exotic vs quintessentially English

Salma Hayek easily. Really funny woman, great accent, great stories. Was a great show. Loved Alicia Key's song too (also very hot!).
Salma all the way.. That pair of milk glands still catches the eyes at 50..
Gotta be Beckinsale, although I'd certainly consider Salma if she asked me out.
Beckinsale ftw! Although you'd have to hastily retreat when you're done in case she violates your bumhole while you sleep. Odd woman.
Beckinsale ftw! Although you'd have to hastily retreat when you're done in case she violates your bumhole while you sleep. Odd woman.
It's pretty funny if it isn't you on the receiving end of the prank
Both beautiful women, each with a mostly terrible filmography, but I'll go with Beckinsale.
Not a brilliant show tonight. Isn't Jeff Goldblum a bit creepy??
Very. You'd swear he's gay but hasn't realised it's entirely OK to admit it these days.

Couldn't be more camp if he tried! Was beginning to wonder myself till pics of his baby and 'teenage contortionist' wife popped up. The poor old fecker's probably still in a daze! :lol:
Couldn't be more camp if he tried! Was beginning to wonder myself till pics of his baby and 'teenage contortionist' wife popped up. The poor old fecker's probably still in a daze! :lol:
:lol: yea the contortionist wife is a win!
:lol: yea the contortionist wife is a win!

Yeah...lucky bastard! Suppose I too wouldn't know what year I was in if I came home to that every night. Did you see his face just talking about her? :lol:
Wasn't a great show. The kick to the chest story was pretty funny though.
I liked how they brought out Nicola Adams for her to tell everyone here hero is Ali and then The Rock and Jeff Golblum completely top trumped her with actual stories of Ali and she just looked on like a spare part.
I liked how they brought out Nicola Adams for her to tell everyone here hero is Ali and then The Rock and Jeff Golblum completely top trumped her with actual stories of Ali and she just looked on like a spare part.
That's was pretty funny
I liked how they brought out Nicola Adams for her to tell everyone here hero is Ali and then The Rock and Jeff Golblum completely top trumped her with actual stories of Ali and she just looked on like a spare part.

To be fair though she did say she only had his videos and stuff to go on. She would have been born long after he hung up his gloves. The Rock and Goldblum did have the advantage of being around when he was younger. She did look out of place though in that lineup. But fair play to her. I see that her and Raheem Sterling use the same hairdresser though.
What the feck was that Jurassic Park song lyrics bit all about?
When Charlie Sheen is the most sane guest on the show, you know something is wrong.
I don't understand why it's okay for four women to spend 5 min drooling over how hot a male colleague is. Imagine that the other way round :lol:

Stupid ghost buster ruiners
Whatever you think of the man, that Charlie Sheen interview was fantastic. Graham knocked it out the park again.