Golden Globe Awards 2012


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
Starts in 15 minutes.

Hosted by Gervais again.

Anyone watching?
Nobody watches E! Entertainment. It's the TV channel equivalent of those glossy magazines that intersperse made up celebrity bollocks with stupid shit that's happened to real wankers, which themselves are the literary equivalent of a hairdresser in a shit salon in a bad chick flick that's actually aimed at gay men, which itself is the film equivalent of running down the street in pink lame hot pants and a gold glitter crop top flapping your arms like a Seal (the animal not the singer) whilst screaming "OMG OMG OMG OMG", pronouncing the letters rather than the word like a fecking retarded cock juggling homo-sponge.

So yeah....Wankers.
Lots of people watch E! Mockney. Sorry.

Well done to Plummer, Beginners was terrific. Even harder having seen it only a few months after my grandfather died of cancer :\
Yeah. They ROYALLY fecked up Gervais' opening monologue too. and just about the whole awards show so far by cutting to adverts for KOURTNEY & KIM GO TO NY.
This is fecking shocking. It was on Sky Movies last year wasn't it? And instead of endless ads they cut to Alex Zane & chums talking about it. Why the feck do E! have it this year?!
I wonder if he'll laugh so we know when to laugh.
The feck, Tony Soprano can't have long hair, even when in a different character.
Madonna still looks pretty good. Totally would.

Are they cutting out all things Gervais??
"Now John, theres a significant amount of gold bullion in the truck you are driving"

I dare you to not read that in Irons voice.
Get in, Boss was fecking class.

Everyone of you lot should grab it.
Everyone's grabbed Boss at one time or another. The slut.
What did Rogen say? E! bleeped it out.
List of winners
Best Picture, Drama: The Descendants

Best Picture, Musical or Comedy: The Artist

Best Actor, Drama: George Clooney, The Descendants

Best Actress, Drama: Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady

Best Director: Martin Scorsese, Hugo

Best Actor, Musical or Comedy: Jean Dujardin, The Artist

Best Actress, Musical or Comedy: Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn

Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, Beginners

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help

Best Foreign Language: A Separation

Best Animated Film: The Adventures of Tintin

Best Screenplay: Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris

Best Original Score: Ludovic Bource, The Artist

Best Original Song: Masterpiece (music and lyrics by Madonna, Julie Frost, Jimmy Harry), W.E.

Best Series, Drama: Homeland, Showtime

Best Series, Musical or Comedy: Modern Family, ABC

Best Actor, Drama: Kelsey Grammer, Boss

Best Actress, Drama: Claire Danes, Homeland

Best Actress, Musical or Comedy: Laura Dern, Enlightened

Best Actor, Musical or Comedy: Matt LeBlanc, Episodes

Best Miniseries or Movie: Downton Abbey (Masterpiece), PBS

Best Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce

Best Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Idris Elba, Luther

Best Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Jessica Lange, American Horror Story

Best Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones

Cecil B DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award: Morgan Freeman

Can see the Artist picking up the Oscar based off this then, and I think the main actor gongs will probably be the same.

Also, based on this, I might check Homeland out, though I haven't really heard much about it.
Has to be said that Gervais was no where near as funny as the previous 2.