Gold Rush Alaska

It amazes me how much devatation they cause and don't even break even. Pretty much all the indepenadnt gold mines spend more on fuel than they ever recover in gold and they totally destroy the land they are mining. Madness.
I have only watched the first 4 ep's and I have no idea how anybody makes any money, it showed one guy who spent 2 years digging one hole and spending $200000 and he never made him money back.
There has been a boom in gold digging the last few years because of the rising price of gold BUT they us a hell of a lot of oil and that has gone up in price even more.
Found another gold program Bering Sea gold, the season lasts only 120 days but one guys says he will get 1.5 million if all runs right
Thata a lot of money but feck it's hard work dregging the Bering Sea floor about a mile offshore