Glengarry Glen Ross

A - Always
B - Be
C - Closing
You see this watch? That watch costs more than you car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? feck you! Go home and play with your kids.
Whenever I see a Glengarry post I'll be there.... Christ knows how many times I've championed this film on this forum alone. As an example of screenwriting (I know it was a play originally) and ensemble acting there aren't enough superlatives I can throw at it.

Proper mans film. And eminently quotable.

Christ I even quoted it earlier today. After my mate texted me he was getting shit at work from his bosses and doubting himself I replied "Hey feck that shit George, you're a good man." It got the requisite LOL.

"This tea is a bit weak..."

"Tea's weak? The feckin tea's weak?!? YOU'RE weak."

It never gets old....
You stupid feckin' cnut. You, Williamson, I'm talking to you shithead. You just cost me six thousand dollars. Six, thousand, dollars, and one Cadillac. That's right. What are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it, asshole. You're fecking shit. Where'd you learn your trade, you stupid fecking cnut, you idiot. Who ever told you that you could work with men?
I haven't seen the film. Though I know how well-regarded it is, is there anything special about it bar the dialogue? Cheers.
I haven't seen the film. Though I know how well-regarded it is, is there anything special about it bar the dialogue? Cheers.

Just the dialogue and the acting. You can tell it was written for the theatre put it that way. 95% of the film takes place in 2 locations.

Jack Lemmon just about steals the show from Pacino, Baldwin & Harris.
I haven't seen the film. Though I know how well-regarded it is, is there anything special about it bar the dialogue? Cheers.

Well its an all-star cast and all of them are on top form if thats any help?
Cheers, all. I've just watched the Youtube clip posted above - the film looks bloody great. Will watch it very soon. :)
Jack Lemmon said it was the best cast he'd ever been a part of. No surprise, they're all stellar.
Top top movie/play David Mamet is a genius.... to name but a few of his masterpieces "House of Games", "American Buffalo", "The Spanish Prisoner", and of course Glengarry glen ross
Just watched the movie. Absolutely brilliant. The only fault is that it's not 2-and-a-half hours long or more.
Definitely a classic. As has been said, the dialogue and acting is brilliant.
"That guy's a feckin' asshole. Anybody who talks to that asshole is a feckin' asshole"
Just an amazing film and criminally underappreciated.

"Patel? feck you. fecking Shiva handed this guy a million dollars, told him "Sign the deal!" he wouldn't sign. And the god Vishnu too, into the bargain. feck you, John! You know your business, I know mine. Your business is being an asshole. I find out whose fecking cousin you are, I'm going to go to him and figure out a way to have your ass - feck you!"
Task for the day - start up a conversation with the following -

"All train compartments smell vaguely of shit....."

...and see where you go from there.
It's biggest weakness is that it isn't really a film but a film of the stage play which means that it doesn't translate as well as it should to the big screen. Many great performances but perhaps too wordy to be a truly great film. IMO of course.
It's biggest weakness is that it isn't really a film but a film of the stage play which means that it doesn't translate as well as it should to the big screen. Many great performances but perhaps too wordy to be a truly great film. IMO of course.

Agree with the first sentence but for me the cast are so brilliant that it doesn't matter.
Could you imagine seeing that cast in an actual stage play version of it?
Glengarry fact: The Baldwin role is not in the stage play. Written specifically for the film.

I'd love to see this at the theatre. Sadly the cast assembled for the film is so good it could only ever be a downgrade from that.

I always liked the idea of this redux though....

One of my favourite films. "Bress bawls"

I lent it to some fecker and didn't get it back though :mad: