Glazers / Woodward out! (One down)

I wonder how this greed will filter down to the fans. We already see it with sky sports and bt making football inaccessible to the average fan of the years.

No doubt these games will go to someone like Amazon and be blockbuster ppv prices. And with finals in Saudia Arabia no doubt too.

Fans need to get out in numbers and start protesting at stadiums. feck the glazers
Id like to think that once grounds are reopened after lockdown, the supporters of these 6 clubs will stay away, depriving the owners of at least some cash!
Id like to think that once grounds are reopened after lockdown, the supporters of these 6 clubs will stay away, depriving the owners of at least some cash!

100% stay away from matches.

But supporters should still go to the stadium to protest against this and show their discontent.

Unfortunately to be heard you need to hit the owners where it hurts and that's financially. Would be great to see fans gathering blocking off access to the stadium and possibly causing the postponement of a fixture. Drastic action which will get noticed and impact the club.
Im ashamed to support this club. I will not be a fan of this crap.. most fans are pissed. No way this happens
100% stay away from matches.

But supporters should still go to the stadium to protest against this and show their discontent.

Unfortunately to be heard you need to hit the owners where it hurts and that's financially. Would be great to see fans gathering blocking off access to the stadium and possibly causing the postponement of a fixture. Drastic action which will get noticed and impact the club.

Unfortunately the bill passed in parliament a few weeks ago will put a stop to any protests...
lets see how the bootlickers spin this one

not content bleeding United dry, they're ruining football for everyone else now too
This is will be breaking point for the Glazers, I know a few who were going to put their ST renewals on hold for a year but we can’t put any more money into this shit show.
Im ashamed to support this club. I will not be a fan of this crap.. most fans are pissed. No way this happens

The club is much more than the few dickheads who currently own it. They are the ones who should be ashamed and be the targets of our anger and disgust. We must fight to remove them.
Makes me sick that yankee leech scumbag is vice chairman of this joke proposal, like others have said in this thread now they are going to get the deserved hate from fellow fans of the big six clubs involved in this sham
I'd be surprised if this isn't 99.9% their brain child.
I’ve cancelled my membership. Kept it last year even though there was no access to tickets to support the club but now they’re spitting in our faces. I recommend the rest of you do the same. If we join this super league i’ll support another local club, this isn’t for me.
The club is much more than the few dickheads who currently own it. They are the ones who should be ashamed and be the targets of our anger and disgust. We must fight to remove them.
The idea of a super league has been around for ages, its one of the reasons the FA formed the Prem League in order to placate these same 6 clubs. Once Sky won the TV rights in 1992 the Prem was awash with money and the Prem clubs were happy, even if the rest of English fooftball wasnt. The Glazers bought United to make money and were always going to be pro a super league when the subject reared its ugly head again. I only hope EUFA get it quashed and that the Glazers sell United,
The Glazers killed Manchester United but I didn't know they could possible kill football too.

And that rat Joel Glazer, I won't speak my true words about him here.....
Funny thing here is that Perez at Real seems to have had a lot to do with this. Real flushing down their CL legacy is strange to say the least. Glazers being leaches was never in doubt.
This is will be breaking point for the Glazers, I know a few who were going to put their ST renewals on hold for a year but we can’t put any more money into this shit show.

Theres plenty of people gagging to take the tickets off them. Especially after a year of no pitch visits.
Absolute scumbags. All of this mess so they can make a quick buck.
What makes it worse is they'll not put a penny back into the club, but instead will put more funding into touch rugby or whatever the feck it is they play over there.
F em. The reason why would European footie is more fun is because it does NOT follow the franchise type league system we have in the NFL/MLB/MLS/NBA. It's kind of ironic that in this country (US) - we have all these nutters talking about how Europe is socialist but fail to see that a league system where no one can be demoted and the distribution of contracts etc is equalized is probably as socialist as you can get. Sorry to add a bit of politics in here but this felt like a good time to bring up what I've thought about that for a while. The beauty of footie is exactly that the smaller guys get to compete with the big ones. Yes too large of a gap now exists between some leagues and clubs but it these owners cared at all about more competition than maybe they should find ways to get more money in the pockets of these smaller clubs instead without handing it out freely.

Absolutely fuming about this.
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It's like watching Wolf of Wall Street, only it's even more mind boggling.

Glazers just sold United to be governed with other clubs by Fiorentino Perez.
The Glazers killed Manchester United but I didn't know they could possible kill football too.

And that rat Joel Glazer, I won't speak my true words about him here.....

Yeah good job I haven't got my twitter account anymore
Green and Gold must come back ASAP

Change the forum colours and drive the revolution Redcafe!

Yes, the Glazers have occupied an English club made by railway workers bridgeing the gap between Lancashire and Yorkshire, and now they want to move it out. It’s Milton Keynes all over again. Narcissistic capitalists. Green and Gold.
How are fans of the other clubs taking this? I hope they're as disgusted as most of us are. We could use a bit of help in organising and getting the fecking Glazers out of the club.
Not that im any way shape or form condoning it, but I hope their live matches on whatever subscription service gets illegally streamed to fk :)
This is absolutely disgusting and for once we can all 100% agree with Gary Nevill

But the point is - for once the power to stop this is in the hands of the fans. No matter how much we complain we probably cannot kick out Glazers or Woodward. However, if no fans watch this shit league's game, if we put pressure on sponsors who decide to participate in this crap, there will be mo money to be made and the league of entitled assholes will have no chance to live.

Do not watch it illegally, that doesn't help. Do not watch any of these "super league" games at all and this nightmare will be over. Guaranteed.
How are fans of the other clubs taking this? I hope they're as disgusted as most of us are. We could use a bit of help in organising and getting the fecking Glazers out of the club.

From what ive seen every prem side fans are lashing out
I'm assuming this super league wont become reality if the premier league doesn't endorse in some capacity?
I'd wait.

I don't have season tickets so no reason to wait. If they cancel the plans (lol), I can decide to renew my membership. Besides, I already wasted £50 on last year's membership without being able to go to a match and getting back to Manchester next season seems dubious. By cancelling, they'll at least see that people are upset.
When you make UEFA and FIFA the good guys, you know you really have fecked up big time. Wow. Almost lost for words.
The Americans wants to make more money, and copy their stupid system with no relegation etc to European football. They don't care about history, traditions and the fans. They probably don't even know the words fans and loyalty. They only see dollars and customers.

Drastic things must be done to first of all stop this madness of a league. And secondly to get the Glazers out of this football club. The passion for the club is slowly going away thanks to them. Shitbags.
It should be organized a huge protest march of some sort, where fans of all the clubs can show their disgust towards this proposition. It should gather quite a few million people from all over the world.
Sure it wouldn’t help much, but what a sight that would be.
I dont think the Super League will end up like the one proposed.

I think we'll see an extended Champions League where teams negotiate their own TV deals. Similar to the other proposals, I think it might be based off performances from the last 5 years which will allow for some movement between European and domestic competitions.

At the moment, It strikes me as the clubs wanting to see what they can get away with...