kewell's not for me. i read that he doesnt talk to any of the other players and is very aloof indeed. now thats ok for a captin and leader like keano, but kewell no sir, and besides that he would be away with the barbecue merchents down under a good portion of the year, leading to more stress more friction and those bloody headlines again. i agree kewell is a good player and could do well anywhere, but to state a preference for him over our Ryan who's been United through and through for 15 years ever since he ditched the bluenoses
irony noted ) is a bit disloyal in my onion. giggs is struggling at the moment but we should wait with the stories of replacing him til the day he appears to give up. what is the average memory span of the united fan? divide it by twelve and then eat 68 hard boiled eggs when giggsy (fluffs) in the winner at OT this coming May <img src="graemlins/angel.gif" border="0" alt="[Angel]" />
what? no not you David, sit down, we havent won anything yet
what? no not you David, sit down, we havent won anything yet