Playing through this now.
Nowhere near as good as what the bumming of it suggests.
If this was made by Ubisoft it would have been like a 6/10 game. It's got all the same downfalls as the ubisoft games. Feels very A to B back to A for reward or to progress. I know that's pretty much every game ever, but this really feels disjointed ATM. Upgraded weapons and they seem to somehow do less damage

camera angles can jump weirdly too and no locking on took some getting used to, still doing air swings all over the shop though.
I've also visited a couple areas where something is clearly going to happen at some point in the story, but because I've visited too early it's just empty. Komatsu Forge, apparently enemy territory with zero enemies there.
I do like how the enemies don't always die and crawl about making noises though, even through the cut scenes, had some great times with that.
It's an alright game, pretty run of the mill imo, enjoyable but nothing amazing really.
Annoying how when you want to stealth, whoever you're helping just charges in, bellends.
The wind thing is a neat way to show you where to go. I actually quite enjoy the bad guys dialogue and his presence, very cool. Not sold on the guy I play as though, seems very dense and whiny.