General Game/Demo Impressions Thread

Is it set in space?

I'm bad with demos, though. I download them and don't play them.
I have tried both Shadows of the Damned, and Alice: Madness Returns.

SOTD was a bit too weird for my liking. Solid game, but not to my taste. A:MR bored me. Simple platforming which just didn't grab me. It was aesthetically pleasing, though.

Just bought LIMBO on PSN. Looking forward to getting into it.
Shadows of the Damned was weird, graphically it had some real issues with things taking ages to pop into focus and the aiming system was a tad awkward. Also the bosses were more annoying than they were difficult.

It was also really short and pretty easy even on the hardest setting. Fun but i'm annoyed i forked out full price for it.

Alice i've started and as Lance says it's pleasing to look at, but i can't get into it. I'll get round to finishing it eventually.
Anyone getting From Dust today on XBLA?

I've never tried one of these 'God Games' before but this one looks interesting and I'm tempted to give it a go at 1200msp.

Good reviews from Edge and Eurogamer

F'k that. Too fiddly on a controller. Looks lovely though. Shame.

I'm quite tempted by Backbreaker Vengeance though. The Euphoria physics are hilarious....

And I don't even like American Football.
New Dizzy game on the horizon.

Codemasters has begun teasing the return of 1980s egg-shaped gaming mascot Dizzy.

As well as a teaser trailer, which you can see below, the firm has launched a website - - featuring an egg box with a pair of eyes staring out from within and the words: "Guess who's back?"

Codemasters communications manager Rich Eddy tweeted: "Time for a fresh eggventure."


I loved the old ones.
Does anyone remember a game where you like some fox or something and you were rolling down a hill?
Super Meat Boy 400points on Xbox right now......GOATly game if you want to smash a few controllers in the process.
Looks like A run of the mill FPS. which is fine but I have played loads recently. So I shall wait till the price drop
I think this thread is a good idea and seeing as there are already 2 Walking Dead threads in here already (comics and tv) what does everyone make of the game that Telltale have been releasing in episodic content every few months?

The 1st part was good but the 2nd part which came out a couple of weeks back was absolutely superb I thought. Dare I say it, better than most of the tv series.

Although I could see it coming a mile off the
Cannibal family and the meal scene was absolutely inspired
, as was
the breeze block on that girls Dads head

Anyone else playing? What decisions did you make?
I just picked up Need for Speed Undercover and it is a terrible game. The AI are programmed to crash into you and don't pay attention to racing apart from one car which builds up a 5 second lead while the others take you out. It also has built in auto braking that you can't take off (i've not found it anyway) so you can be happily going around a corner and then find yourself slowing down to around 40 mph for no reason. Every bump slows you down a shit load too. Takes me around 3 tries each race. Maybe i'm just shit at it but i've no problem with any other racing game.

Anyway, anyone played the Game of Thrones game?
I just picked up Need for Speed Undercover and it is a terrible game. The AI are programmed to crash into you and don't pay attention to racing apart from one car which builds up a 5 second lead while the others take you out. It also has built in auto braking that you can't take off (i've not found it anyway) so you can be happily going around a corner and then find yourself slowing down to around 40 mph for no reason. Every bump slows you down a shit load too. Takes me around 3 tries each race. Maybe i'm just shit at it but i've no problem with any other racing game.

Anyway, anyone played the Game of Thrones game?

I liked it, good game. Although one pretty annoying bug was when you'd total all the cars in a race, but before long they'd appear in your rear view again.
Episode 3 of The Walking Dead came out this week. Not quite as good as the last one but still the best thing on Xbox live in ages.

Continues to shit on the tv show.