General Game/Demo Impressions Thread


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
I don't know if is a good idea or not, but sometimes we talk about demos of certain games that probably will not actually deserve a whole thread on their own, unless massive interest is generated of course. Just a waste of a thread IMO, so as I don't have PSN connectivity ATM, I'm still interested in certain lower key games that come out every now and then and what other people think of them.

Has anyone tried the Apache Air Assault demo on XB360 or PS3 yet? I used to love playing Gunship and the likes back in the day, and would be interested in a new game of this type.
No, but I bought "Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood" on the strength of the demo, a couple of weeks ago. It was ok, worth the £10 I paid for it.
OK this more a review than an 'impression', and its of the entire game as opposed to a demo.

So: Deadly Premonition (360,PS3)


I first came across the game when I was scouting for a Shenmue fix across gaming boards, and the one title that was often mentioned was Deadly Premonition, or 'Red Seeds' as it's more commonly known in Japan. I got curious so I did some brief research and I learnt that this was a budget release with a strong cult following. So I just bit the bullet and picked it up for the humble price of £15.

The Premise:

You play as FBI agent Francis York Morgan who has been assigned to investigate a rather disturbing murder in a small country town in the US called Greenvale. As you advance through the investigation more disturbing revelations are made along with thrilling twists and turns that shape the entire plot.

Francis York Morgan..or 'York' as he likes to be called, is as far as I'm concerned one of the most intriguing and charismatic protagonists I've seen in any video game. What makes him particularly unique is what appears to be his Schizophrenic-like personality where he's constantly talking to 'Zach' - his imaginary friend which the player represents. You, or 'Zach' is what controls York, guiding him through the investigation, combat and other actions throughout the course of the game.


York is one of the most charismatic and likeable protagonists you'll see in a video game


There's essentially two parts to the Deadly Premonition experience. One aspect has you explore Greenvale in a way similar to the Shenmue games. By that I mean that you are free to walk/drive around as you wish, mingling and interacting with the dozens of very interesting, albeit eccentric characters that inhabit the town. You visit locations such as diners, bars and hospitals as you communicate with the people who work or simply frequent there, trying to get a better understanding of the case or even just the people themselves.

Like Shenmue the game feels very life-like: All the locals have their own routines where in the mornings for example you'd see them at their place of work, whereas in the evenings they'll head down to the bar or simply visit a friend. On top of that the game follows a real-time clock with randomised weather, adding to the life-like immersion. And if that wasn't enough you also have to cater for York's human needs - i.e. making sure he gets sleep, is never hungry and even ensuring his beard doesn't grow too long!


Exploration and social interaction make up an integral part of the game

The second aspect of the game revolves around combat and what is known as 'the otherworld'. Here you find yourself in this creepy labyrinth where you must deal with zombie-like enemies by either shooting or clubbing them. Essentially, there's only two types of enemies you'll face in DP, neither of which are particularly difficult to dispatch of. Hence it surprising yet satisfactory that the game offers you such a wide range of weaponry. Furthermore the otherworld sections also has you dig for clues near the various crime scenes, which you piece together using a unique 'profiling' method. In addition to all that there are some truly tense moments where you're having to run and even hide from a psychotic axe-wielding killer.


The 'otherworld' sequences has you having to deal with zombies and pick up clues as you solve puzzles that aid your investigation.

My impression:

I'll be honest here - Deadly Premonition gives you a VERY bad first impression. For starters the the graphics look rather outdated and like they belong in the PS2-era, and the controls....oh god the controls are an absolute abomination - for some reason they decided it would be a good idea to copy that terrible Resident Evil system where you can't move while you shoot. So naturally, I can understand if you'd want to switch off your console after the first hour or so...and I suppose it might explain some of the poor reviews.

BUT after an uninspiring and somewhat tedious prologue, the game opens up and gets significantly better - thats when the game really starts to shine. For starters you're given full freedom to explore Greenvale as you wish and this is when you start to meet the most wonderfully eccentric and memorable group of characters in DP - each character has an intriguing story to them while most are involved in the plot in someway or another.

Deadly premonition is home to some truly unique and memorable characters.

The plot itself is also nothing short of terrific and I've seen very few that have surpassed it in both pacing and execution, and I don't say that loosely. There's so many twists and turns that the game keeps you guessing while simultaneously screwing with your head. Literally, the more you play the more intrigued you are in trying to piece what happens next - it really doesn't get anymore gripping than this I assure you. The plot also does a well crafted job of mixing so many emotions as you find yourself both disturbed and laughing out loud at certain moments, and on top of that there are some very emotional scenes which let you connect with the characters, including some real tear-jerkers.

Closing remarks: Because of its technical shortcomings it's very difficult to review this game but I will say this: if you are a fan of story-driven games, games like Shenmue or mystery/adventure games in general then you owe it to yourself to give this game a go - and for £15 you can't go wrong!

It'll be one of the most memorable games you will play, I can come close to guaranteeing that. Highly recommended!
I got Deadly Premonition but everytime I put it on, the wife always complains how shit it is, so still not finished it. My expectations were so low, that the gameplay was nowhere near as bad as I'd thought it was going to be.
Nowhere near that - think only about 5 hours in. Perhaps it's 'charm' is in the bad graphics, controls and certainly the outlandish, bizarre characters which obviously put off a lot of people. Reminds me a bit of an old (fairly unknown) PS2 game called Shadow of Memories - not in terms of gameplay but just the bizarre characters and 'out of this world' setting.

Complete rip-off of Twin Peaks too.
Nowhere near that - think only about 5 hours in. Perhaps it's 'charm' is in the bad graphics, controls and certainly the outlandish, bizarre characters which obviously put off a lot of people. Reminds me a bit of an old (fairly unknown) PS2 game called Shadow of Memories - not in terms of gameplay but just the bizarre characters and 'out of this world' setting.

Complete rip-off of Twin Peaks too.

Shadow of Memories - that the game where you keep dying and having to back in time? I think I have that buried somewhere, never got round to finishing it.

I wouldn't say DP ripped off Twin Peaks, perhaps heavily inspired by it, but really the game is far too unique to be called a rip-off of the TV series.
Shadow of Memories - that the game where you keep dying and having to back in time? I think I have that buried somewhere, never got round to finishing it.

I wouldn't say DP ripped off Twin Peaks, perhaps heavily inspired by it, but really the game is far too unique to be called a rip-off of the TV series.

Yeah that's the one...was pretty obscure and a bit weird but there was just something that grabbed me. If I played it now, I'd probably think it was shit!

Yeah you're probably right - it's not exactly the same but certain characters are pulled straight from it. Half expect (probably will happen at some point), the main character to order a coffee and cherry pie. As I said, perhaps it's the low production value that makes it, but the thought of Alan Wake's engine and money, with DP's story, characters and open ended world would have been amazing.

You've made me want to play it now!!
Prototype blows. I thought it was decent enough to start with, it's cool running up sky scrapers, drop kicking helicopters, etc. Unfortunately, the designers decided that when upping the difficulty level, 'more' is the way to go. By that, I mean, the enemies don't change, merely the amount of them. It gets to the point where you have no idea where the hell you are on screen. Incredibly frustrating, and a game breaker, for me.
Has anyone tried the Apache Air Assault demo on XB360 or PS3 yet? I used to love playing Gunship and the likes back in the day, and would be interested in a new game of this type.

I downloaded the Apache demo. I used to love Thunderblade so it has some appeal for me.

I've only played it a few times, though. The first time I was really quite stoned and found it disorienting and complicated, believe that I crashed a fair bit...but really it flies like a slightly more difficult version of GTA: San Andreas. Definitely worth a look if you like that sort of thing. I could stand to give it more time but would hope the full version might have a less mission based environment to feck around in.
Prototype blows. I thought it was decent enough to start with, it's cool running up sky scrapers, drop kicking helicopters, etc. Unfortunately, the designers decided that when upping the difficulty level, 'more' is the way to go. By that, I mean, the enemies don't change, merely the amount of them. It gets to the point where you have no idea where the hell you are on screen. Incredibly frustrating, and a game breaker, for me.

I actually quite enjoyed Prototype. The problem ends up being when the majority of the city is infected abd the military can spot you and it becomes a constant game of 'hide and seek'. And some bits were infruiating - One of the boss fights towards the end was ridiculous - you have about 6 different factions (with tanks, RPG's, helicopters) after you whilst trying to kill a massive tentacle-esque 'thing'......all with shite checkpoints! The pad almost got thrown a few times.
Prototype blows. I thought it was decent enough to start with, it's cool running up sky scrapers, drop kicking helicopters, etc. Unfortunately, the designers decided that when upping the difficulty level, 'more' is the way to go. By that, I mean, the enemies don't change, merely the amount of them. It gets to the point where you have no idea where the hell you are on screen. Incredibly frustrating, and a game breaker, for me.

I remember one point where you're inside a hangar and theirs basically no floor space at all as the place is rammed with enemies trying to kill you. That wasn't much fun.
I ordered Crackdown over the weekend on my brother's recommendation. It was only £6.85 new. Any good?
I ordered Crackdown over the weekend on my brother's recommendation. It was only £6.85 new. Any good?

The first one? Good game and very fun, much prefer it to the sequel as it has more guns and a half decent (compared to half arsed) story. I wasted so much time just jumping around trying to find those damn orbs.
Since this is a general game thread, what downloadable games do you people recommend? I know the usual ones, Braid, Limbo and Castle Crashers. Any others?
Yeah, I have Deathspank (the first one) and the Monkey Island games on the PS3. I am looking for some for the 360. I played Trials before, it seemed to be pretty good. I might buy Limbo and Braid, too. They go for about £10 each, right?

Here's a stupid question, I always hear of people buying games with "points." Can I just use my visa card to pay for games without messing around with points?
14,757 if you take into account you can't buy the amount you actually need but a set amount, which means you'll probably have a few points left over that you'll never use.
14,757 if you take into account you can't buy the amount you actually need but a set amount, which means you'll probably have a few points left over that you'll never use.

Oh for feck sake. If I was buying a few games, do you think you could even it out?
Sweet, thanks for the info, as always.

What an irritating system.
I bought Trials HD and Splosion Man. Trials is a real son of a bitch. It has taken me over 80 attempts to do a couple of stages.

Started Gears of War, too. I didn't realise it was a 2006 release. Holds up quite well.
I read today at IGN that Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica are coming to PSN and Live in HD. Never having played RE4, I am :drool:.
One of the better titles in the series. Probably the most fun in replay value and generally messing around although it lacks the scare value of earlier titles.

Wish they'd remake RE2 and Nemesis like they did with the original on the Gamecube and the Wii.
tried Premier Manager the other day. Seemed like decent fun although probably not a patch on PC versions of manager type games.
I finished Gears of War. Pretty good, but a little on the short side.

Just started Fable 2. Liking what I see, so far. Beautiful looking game.
The horrendously long loading times really ruined my whole Fable 2 experience, slowed the pace down far too much for me to enjoy it.
I have just left the camp and gone through the temple/cave in the middle of the lake. I haven't really noticed the loading times yet, but I'm just starting.
Oh, I played the demo of that new WWE All Stars game. It's hard and I don't know what's goin on half the time (that's what she said) so err yeah. It's also ludicrously over the top if you like that sort of thing.

I personally won't be buying it but my mate loves it. Saying that, he's one of those people rapidly approaching 30 and still watching wrestling with a sense of childlike wonder. Wait until he discovers girls.