Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay

Thomas Hiltzelsperger came out after retirement if i remember correctly. Why come out though.... nothing to be gained from it other than influencing the next generation, which i am against personally.
I have read this three times and I still can't work out whether you're joking or not.
It's the same in tennis though. I can't name a single active male player that's gay, but several female players.
Whatever it is, it’s a sad world we live in. Can’t imagine having to go at least most of your life whilst trying to pretend to be something you’re not.
It's amazing how often seemingly intelligent people fail to grasp basic stuff here. Everyone is assumed heterosexual, unless they declare otherwise. If someone is not heterosexual, then choosing to contradict that automatic assumption can be an awkward, difficult discussion with family/friends which they should be allowed to do as and when they feel the time is best.

So, OBVIOUSLY, people that livee their life in the public eye (e.g. footballers) will want to be able to make their sexuality public on their own terms. How on earth can anyone with an ounce of common sense interpret this as some sort of over-sharing, or telling the world something it doesn't need to know?
I'm shocked that this thread turned into a trainwreck after 3 odd posts. Damn gays only declaring they're gay, because everyone knows life is so much easier when you're gay. Wot?

On a serious note, I would celebrate the day where it doesn't matter whether a footballer is gay or not. I would also bet the cumulative salary I will earn in this life time (a pitiful number I'm sure) that I will not live to see it happen. Hell, I don't think the day will ever come.

People suck di..that's a poor choice of words. People suck.
It's amazing how often seemingly intelligent people fail to grasp basic stuff here. Everyone is assumed heterosexual, unless they declare otherwise. If someone is not heterosexual, then choosing to contradict that automatic assumption can be an awkward, difficult discussion with family/friends which they should be allowed to do as and when they feel the time is best.

So, OBVIOUSLY, people that livee their life in the public eye (e.g. footballers) will want to be able to make their sexuality public on their own terms. How on earth can anyone with an ounce of common sense interpret this as some sort of over-sharing, or telling the world something it doesn't need to know?

I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense has.
India and China for example then are countries of homophobes?
Do you support Islam?
Do you support Christianity?
Do you support increasing refugees intake?
Do you support Israel in their conflict with Palestine?
Do you think it's possible to disagree with the way someone lives without treating them differently? My questions may have seemed irrelevant but I asked them to make my point in a roundabout way. Seeing as you don't support Islam at all, would it be correct for people to call label you as an Islamophobe? You don't support Christianity at all, you are a Christophobe then? People who don't want more refugees in their countries, they are Xenophobes?
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.

Imagine posting 328 times in 11 years and that's one of them.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.

See above.
The fact this even has to be a topic for conversation proves how unevolved we really are as a species.

When society is comfortable with ‘different’ in schools, local pubs and peoples homes then I guess we will start seeing it the sporting world more. Most people just Are not going to risk the potential damage to their career. And who can blame them?
I would also bet the cumulative salary I will earn in this life time (a pitiful number I'm sure)
If there's anything to take away from this thread then it's that you should tell your boss that you're gay and he will give you a massive raise.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.

Blimey. It's about helping to change society and a culture in sport - how have you totally missed that? You have essentially said that you would rather gay people just keep quiet.
The "being gay is totally fine, why do you feel the need to declare it" argument is beyond me.

In what fecking world is it considered to be totally fine to be gay? Not in this world, that's for sure. Sure, in an ideal world, being gay is totally fine, but that ideal world is a metric fecktonne of light years from where we are now. Plenty of countries where murdering a gay man is frowned upon less than being a gay man by the majority of the populations. And people wonder why these people feel the need to come out. It makes me wonder. Do some people just not really think about things before saying something, or are some people just thick as pigshite?

Totally fine my arse.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.
This is essentially what others in this thread have been saying and they have been ridiculed for it. A lot of people in our society have a bad habit of bashing whoever doesn't agree with their point of view or even a common and labelling it 'offensive'.
Ah, but you see prior to my reply to you I had made two posts in this thread. Both only with questions to another member, no viewpoint or opinion of my own was given. It was your choice to chime in without the previous context. I wished to understand another's views but thats considered being a "feckwit" according to you.

Your only contribution to a thread that is full of right-minded posters calling out rampant homophobia is to ask teasing questions about the meaning of homophobia.

It’s obvious where your priorities lie. It also says a lot about your view on the subject. My guess is that you’ll sidestep this and pretend to see this from a perspective best suited to hiding your true beliefs.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.

Try reading.
You can't be serious :lol::(

I'm deadly serious. I know many gay people, some elaborate who are loud and proud about it, some you wouldn't know one way or another until he is around his boyfriend (not that he becomes camp, but he's as affectionate as any other couple would be)

Maybe because in my social circle theirs a few and it's not something thats much a topic of conversation (unless pride is coming up) and I don't see what the big fascination is of making a big announcement about it. I just say get on with your life and not worry about what others think.
This is essentially what others in this thread have been saying and they have been ridiculed for it. A lot of people in our society have a bad habit of bashing whoever doesn't agree with their point of view or even a common and labelling it 'offensive'.
It's a homophobic view i.e. 'offensive', ergo people have a right to label it such.
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.
This has been explained and debunked 50 times by now in this very thread.
I'm deadly serious. I know many gay people, some elaborate who are loud and proud about it, some you wouldn't know one way or another until he is around his boyfriend (not that he becomes camp, but he's as affectionate as any other couple would be)

Maybe because in my social circle theirs a few and it's not something thats much a topic of conversation (unless pride is coming up) and I don't see what the big fascination is of making a big announcement about it. I just say get on with your life and not worry about what others think.
I agree. Straight people have suffered just as much as gay people do but you don't see us going on about it in public do you? Where is the equality dammit?
Why do people need to announce 'IM GAY'

I didn't announce 'I'm Straight' I just got a girlfriend and people worked it out.

I think in this day and age being gay is not that big a thing as it used to people 10/20 years ago.

I don't think any footballer should come out and make a huge announcement. They should live their life and if he has a boyfriend then everyone will cotton on quite quickly that he is gay.

Maybe some awareness that you haven't got a clue what you are talking about should be added to the thoughts you have?

Your argument is "Despite not being gay, I am going to assume I know what it is like to be gay and what they face and have to frequently endure from a society that is not ready to accept them for who they are."
It's a homophobic view i.e. 'offensive', ergo people have a right to label it such.
That is my issue. It's not a homophobic view, where has he expressed any dislike towards gay people? It isn't offensive, he hasn't actually said anything bad about gay people whatsoever. Why is it that everything that isn't common opinion is immediately labelled 'offensive' and the people who express these opinions (only when asked, by the way) are immediately laughed at or are essentially told they should be ashamed of their opinion? Is that not as bad as someone supposedly being homophobic in the first place?
It's crazy that this is still an issue. People who spew out hate are more accepted than a person who is born to fall in love with the same sex, feck they even become world leaders. It's fecking disguisting that this is even a problem.
Maybe some awareness that you haven't got a clue what you are talking about should be added to the thoughts you have?

Your argument is "Despite not being gay, I am going to assume I know what it is like to be gay and what they face and have to frequently endure from a society that is not ready to accept them for who they are."

Ahh right, because I'm not gay I haven't got a right to an opinion.:nono:
Slurs aren't the only forms of homophobia that exist, though they are the most obvious I'll give you that. There's a lot of more subtle homophobia that's still exists that wouldn't really be noticed unless you're on the other side of it.

Yeah, absolutely - I'd go further and say that most prejudice occurs outside of words that are overtly prejudiced, especially in the modern day and age.

It's something that people who don't suffer minority prejudice have trouble grasping - but are getting better at accepting.

In this day and age the average homophobe / racist etc know that they can't socially get away with slurs - and so a new style of prejudice has emerged where the offending party thinks nothing of keeping their own views mainly hidden (as in most cases they believe that they are the one being marginalized - by 'political correctness, and 'multi-culturalism' and 'gay agenda' etc), and it will be a more discreet and snidey form of discrimination that is experienced by the person on the other end.

Think about 'race debates' right here on Redcafe for example - no-one ever comes out and admits that they're a racist who doesn't like 'black culture', yet the chances of that being the case, statistically are very low, and then add into the equation that the conversation is often deeply unpleasant, full of insults (yet not racist ones) and there is a clear tone of hatred and racism.

The prejudice poster know that they'll be banned and / or completely ridiculed if they actually say what they feel (a fact which fairly obviously aggravates them more-so - they can't leave the topic alone, yet can't actually communicate freely within it) so the slurs are buried, and morph into a different, more complex form of prejudice.

All this, of course, lends itself wonderfully to the current climate of divisive politics.

Not so great for the people who actually live in the society though and have to deal with the new, sleek, subtle prejudice trends.
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That is my issue. It's not a homophobic view, where has he expressed any dislike towards gay people? It isn't offensive, he hasn't actually said anything bad about gay people whatsoever. Why is it that everything that isn't common opinion is immediately labelled 'offensive' and the people who express these opinions (only when asked, by the way) are immediately laughed at or are essentially told they should be ashamed of their opinion? Is that not as bad as someone supposedly being homophobic in the first place?
Homophobia isn't just shouting slurs at gay people. Being told to not come out is homophobic, @Rhyme Animal just posted a really good read. I'd suggest having a look at it.
Counter productive assumption.
So sombody who made a comment based on their life views, suddenly changes it because of a few other comments on a internet football forum? Unlikely, unless that held view was extremely fickle in the first place; which then would put into question the poster's character.
I understand the cynicism, to be fair. You’d have to be as thick as a brick to hold those views in the first place.

You'd also have to be as thick as a brick to change a life view based on a couple of comments on an internet football forum. I certainly wouldn't, even if it risked a ban.

My view is in the same camp as many others: "Why the need to announce it".

Just live your life, and let others live theirs how they see fit; as long as it's legal (not just referring to this subject, obviously, as I know there is a contention in some countries regarding this, which shouldn't be the case), and not harming anybody else.
Yeah, absolutely - I'd go further and say that most prejudice occurs outside of words that are overtly prejudiced, especially in the modern day and age.

It's something that people who don't suffer minority prejudice have trouble grasping - but are getting better at accepting.

In this day and age the average homophobe / racist etc know that they can't socially get away with slurs - and so a new style of prejudice has emerged where the offending party thinks nothing of keeping their own views mainly hidden (as in most cases they believe that they are the one being marginalized - by 'political correctness, and 'multi-culturalism' and 'gay agenda' etc), and it will be a more discrete and snidey form of discrimination that is experienced by the person on the other end.

Think about race debates on Redcafe for example - no-one ever comes out and admits that they're a racist who doesn't like 'black culture', yet the chances of that being the case, statistically are very low, and then add into the equation that the conversation is often deeply unpleasant, full of insults (yet not racist ones) and there is a clear tone of hatred and racism.

The prejudice poster know that they'll banned and / or completely ridiculed if they actually say what they feel (a fact which fairly obviously aggravates them more-so - they can't leave the topic alone, yet can't actually communicate freely within it) so the slurs are buried, and morph into a different, more complex form of prejudice.

All this, of course, lends itself wonderfully to the current climate of divisive politics.

Not so great for the people who actually live in the society though and have to deal with the new, sleek, subtle prejudice trends.
Fantastic post, I've been trying to word this for a couple of hours now, but you've gotten to it better than I ever could. Thank you.
The fact this even has to be a topic for conversation proves how unevolved we really are as a species.

When society is comfortable with ‘different’ in schools, local pubs and peoples homes then I guess we will start seeing it the sporting world more. Most people just Are not going to risk the potential damage to their career. And who can blame them?
This forum is really shite when it comes to discussion these matters. A ton of 'Yer Dad' views on here sadly.
Ahh right, because I'm not gay I haven't got a right to an opinion.:nono:
I didn't say you didn't have a right to an opinion.

I just said that you reached an assumption based on you thinking you know what it is like to be gay, and then told gay people how they should live their lives.
Just live your life, and let others live theirs how they see fit; as long as it's legal, and not harming anybody else.
It's not legal in many countries. Even in places like the US where it is legal, employees in some states have "at will" status where they can be fired for being gay.
Yeah, absolutely - I'd go further and say that most prejudice occurs outside of words that are overtly prejudiced, especially in the modern day and age.

It's something that people who don't suffer minority prejudice have trouble grasping - but are getting better at accepting.

In this day and age the average homophobe / racist etc know that they can't socially get away with slurs - and so a new style of prejudice has emerged where the offending party thinks nothing of keeping their own views mainly hidden (as in most cases they believe that they are the one being marginalized - by 'political correctness, and 'multi-culturalism' and 'gay agenda' etc), and it will be a more discrete and snidey form of discrimination that is experienced by the person on the other end.

Think about race debates on Redcafe for example - no-one ever comes out and admits that they're a racist who doesn't like 'black culture', yet the chances of that being the case, statistically are very low, and then add into the equation that the conversation is often deeply unpleasant, full of insults (yet not racist ones) and there is a clear tone of hatred and racism.

The prejudice poster know that they'll banned and / or completely ridiculed if they actually say what they feel (a fact which fairly obviously aggravates them more-so - they can't leave the topic alone, yet can't actually communicate freely within it) so the slurs are buried, and morph into a different, more complex form of prejudice.

All this, of course, lends itself wonderfully to the current climate of divisive politics.

Not so great for the people who actually live in the society though and have to deal with the new, sleek, subtle prejudice trends.
Wow. Great post.
Yeah, absolutely - I'd go further and say that most prejudice occurs outside of words that are overtly prejudiced, especially in the modern day and age.

It's something that people who don't suffer minority prejudice have trouble grasping - but are getting better at accepting.

In this day and age the average homophobe / racist etc know that they can't socially get away with slurs - and so a new style of prejudice has emerged where the offending party thinks nothing of keeping their own views mainly hidden (as in most cases they believe that they are the one being marginalized - by 'political correctness, and 'multi-culturalism' and 'gay agenda' etc), and it will be a more discrete and snidey form of discrimination that is experienced by the person on the other end.

Think about 'race debates' right here on Redcafe for example - no-one ever comes out and admits that they're a racist who doesn't like 'black culture', yet the chances of that being the case, statistically are very low, and then add into the equation that the conversation is often deeply unpleasant, full of insults (yet not racist ones) and there is a clear tone of hatred and racism.

The prejudice poster know that they'll be banned and / or completely ridiculed if they actually say what they feel (a fact which fairly obviously aggravates them more-so - they can't leave the topic alone, yet can't actually communicate freely within it) so the slurs are buried, and morph into a different, more complex form of prejudice.

All this, of course, lends itself wonderfully to the current climate of divisive politics.

Not so great for the people who actually live in the society though and have to deal with the new, sleek, subtle prejudice trends.
great post.