Gay as feck - BOSE...


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
The bloke is a total queen, but I can't get this out of my head as you cannot turn the radio or TV without seeing or hearing the bloody thing (done with his niece I think).

When I first came to Spain, Hispanic music was very very crap. But it's this and other shit that shows that production values are almost there, it's not so crap anymore, just annoying!

I thought this was a dig at BOSE the electrical company.
Whilst listening to his Bang and Olufsen hi-fi.
That's very very very gay!

Do you actualy know someone that has a Bang and Olufsen hi-fi?

Thankfully no, and if I did find out someone I knew had one, they would be ditched immediatly. They might as well make them pink ffs.
Obviously you're destined to be together. You should go find him and slap him round the face with your cock, he'll like that
Give him a good cockslapping for me
The interesting thing for me is why the UK (or even the Anglo Saxon market full stop) will never buy something like this, but will continue to fund the crap that they churn out week after week. This isn't what I would call high quality music, but it's far better crafted than most of the stuff in the UK charts, and at least original and not by some collection of teen gayers who still have wet dreams.

Why does the Anglo Saxon market rebuff music that is not in the English language? It's odd IMO!
The interesting thing for me is why the UK (or even the Anglo Saxon market full stop) will never buy something like this, but will continue to fund the crap that they churn out week after week. This isn't what I would call high quality music, but it's far better crafted than most of the stuff in the UK charts, and at least original and not by some collection of teen gayers who still have wet dreams.

Why does the Anglo Saxon market rebuff music that is not in the English language? It's odd IMO!

Because we've got enough crap of our own without importing even more crap that we don't even understand. The market is flouded.
Maybe you should import the crap you can't understand, and raise the level of your own crap? :smirk:

Or just stay away from the crap altogether and listen to the good stuff instead. There is some great imported music out there if you can be arsed looking.
Music from Spain isnt the best but we (Latins) speak and sing in Spanish also and some music from here are really good.

I agree with Weaste about Bose, i never liked his music, dont know if its gay but dont care anyway. Cant remember a good singer from Spain, the only one that came to my mind is Alejandro Sanz and some bands like Heroes del Silencio.
I have never heard any decent Spanish music I have to say, most of the good stuff comes from the Scandinavian countries. Not saying there isn't any just not heard any.
Is that it Weaste, I was hoping for some quality spanish recommendations from you? There must be some surely?
I have never heard any decent Spanish music I have to say, most of the good stuff comes from the Scandinavian countries. Not saying there isn't any just not heard any.

Man how the hell you pretend to hear good music in Spanish if you are not from a country that speak the language.
I have never heard any decent Spanish music I have to say, most of the good stuff comes from the Scandinavian countries. Not saying there isn't any just not heard any.

Depends what you like. Music comes in many forms outside of pop. Try Ketama, Tomatito, Camron. If that is not to your tastes, we'll try some more.

This is not the point I was making however. People will not accept music that where they cannot understand the lyrics. This is quite different to the rest of the world who gladly accept music in the English language whether they understand the lyrics or not.