Gary Neville - Pundit

Sorry but this is just such an emotionally charged response. It's good to care and feel about these things but a) yes I have noticed as its literally everywhere. Twitter, newspapers, tv - the state of the UK is on almost 24/7 coverage, including punditry for the world cup final. It's disingenuous to suggest people havent noticed or that it 'hits close to home' for 'some people'. People are dealing with this shit day in day out in their family lives and professional lives and Gary Neville bleating on about it doesnt hammer home the point. b) It's just patently false to say 'no one seems to mention anything' re politicians. what news cycle are you following? You cant possibly miss the daily scathing and justified criticism of plenty of politicians. It's just too emotional and not rational to argue that nobody 'mentions anything'. It's hard to fathom how anyone can believe that to be true.

There are countless, near 24/7 outlets for people to use their platforms, and I doubt Im in a minority who believes 120 minutes of escapism might be healthy, without hypocrites like Neville beating their drum.

He was speaking about workers rights and therefore felt it right to speak up about UK ones. He didn’t just raise on the sly. Sure you may not want to hear it during a football broadcast but a lot of us do because as I’m sure you are away, the media coverage isn’t the same nor is there sufficient scrutiny. The fact people are upset is that because it’s been broadcast to many viewers who wouldnt ordinarily pick up points over social media etc hence the back lash.

And yeah, my response may be emotionally charged but I’m sick of this Government getting away with murder whilst the country rots and people suffer.
Why is anyone remotely surprised at Gary's take on 'punditry', he probably now makes more out of it than he ever did as a player?
What did Fergie say... "Gary can start a fight in an empty room" :lol:
Wait till all the people having a go at Gary realise what the Tories have been doing for the past 12 years.

And yeah, my response may be emotionally charged but I’m sick of this Government getting away with murder whilst the country rots and people suffer.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.
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He was speaking about workers rights and therefore felt it right to speak up about UK ones. He didn’t just raise on the sly. Sure you may not want to hear it during a football broadcast but a lot of us do because as I’m sure you are away, the media coverage isn’t the same nor is there sufficient scrutiny. The fact people are upset is that because it’s been broadcast to many viewers who wouldnt ordinarily pick up points over social media etc hence the back lash.

And yeah, my response may be emotionally charged but I’m sick of this Government getting away with murder whilst the country rots and people suffer.

That's all good and well but I'd suggest a more pragmatic assessment of people who think football punditry is probably best off staying as that. Forget neville, forget the latest headline grabber, as a general rule it's getting a bit tiresome and I can't remember the last time I watched a football match that I wasn't encouraged to engage with some or other latest cause from a person or platform dripping with hypocrisy. As I said, there are countless other outlets for the very same people to do it. I don't want my plumber's opinions on it while he fixes the shower either.

In this case, a lot of the backlash is against Neville himself, who I often find myself in strong agreement with. He made his point incredibly clumsily and has had his own hypocrisy exposed recently too. The idea that it's just a load of 'triggered' tories and farage followers who find sportspeople's half-baked analysis nauseating isnt rooted in reality.
That's all good and well but I'd suggest a more pragmatic assessment of people who think football punditry is probably best off staying as that. Forget neville, forget the latest headline grabber, as a general rule it's getting a bit tiresome and I can't remember the last time I watched a football match that I wasn't encouraged to engage with some or other latest cause from a person or platform dripping with hypocrisy. As I said, there are countless other outlets for the very same people to do it. I don't want my plumber's opinions on it while he fixes the shower either. In this case, a lot of the backlash is against Neville himself, who I often find myself in strong agreement with. He made his point incredibly clumsily and has had his own hypocrisy exposed recently too. The idea that it's just a load of 'triggered' tories and farage followers who find sportspeople's half-baked analysis nauseating isnt rooted in reality.

We’ll agree to disagree, I don’t think it’s raised enough by people with large platforms.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.

Really, that’s your best reply to the state of the country. Shall we talk about the people who died through Covid due to the Government?
There are countless, near 24/7 outlets for people to use their platforms, and I doubt Im in a minority who believes 120 minutes of escapism might be healthy, without hypocrites like Neville beating their drum. On that note Im going to escape this conversation as its a forum I use for football. Believe it or not I think it's possible to separate compartments of daily life.

Politics is in all sports, be that football, athletics, rugby. It's everywhere. Black lives matter movement is political, are you against that too? You could always just turn the TV off immediately after the game and simply just watch the match. Nobody's pointing a gun at your head to listen to pointless punditry.
It’s whatboutism. ‘Oh yeh I may have taken a shit load of money from a nation with an abhorrent human rights record, but hey look the tories aren’t giving the public sector a pay rise!’
The guy’s a gobshite.
You could always just turn the TV off immediately after the game and simply just watch the match.

I always do!
Don't switch on until 5 mins to go to KO, go make a brew during the halftime period, at the final whistle watch the celebrations on the pitch until it returns to the studio then, switch channels, or switch off... perfect!
Politics is in all sports, be that football, athletics, rugby. It's everywhere. Black lives matter movement is political, are you against that too? You could always just turn the TV off immediately after the game and simply just watch the match. Nobody's pointing a gun at your head to listen to pointless punditry.

I already said I happily mute it. This isnt about my personal viewing experience. And your question isn't exactly clear, the Black Lives Matter group - yes, I think it's an organisation that needs far more scrutiny and one that has lost credibility in recent months and will continue to do so. The idea that sport and life should be free from racism? That's not even worth answering. At some point among the taking the knee, armbands, laces, punditry encompassing everything from gender to strike action i would argue some resonance gets lost and im massively sceptical of most large corporations efforts in the name of 'social justice'. That can be true while also believing in the causes themselves.

As I said above im excusing myself from this now. To me this is a football forum and nothing more and my pontificating on the world on redcafe isn't going to affect any sort of change in the world. God speed to those who believe it does
It’s whatboutism. ‘Oh yeh I may have taken a shit load of money from a nation with an abhorrent human rights record, but hey look the tories aren’t giving the public sector a pay rise!’
The guy’s a gobshite.

Did you just moan about Gary’s ‘whataboutism’ by… doing a whataboutism?
Not sure why you can't comment on both especially when there's been plenty of politics involved in this World Cup that's for sure

yes I hear what you are saying but we dont want them mixed, I certainly dont. He could have kept his mouth shut about politics just for the hour.

Its hard enough to escape the shit show of modern politics and then here he is again talking about it at a world cup final whilst his bank account swells from the pay he is getting to be there.
Yeah, shut up rich people! We don't want your kind defending the workers, go back to your mansions and pools full of money!

(very odd argument to make, someone's wealth has no baring on whether they can or cannot stand up for workers.)
yes I hear what you are saying but we dont want them mixed, I certainly dont. He could have kept his mouth shut about politics just for the hour.

Its hard enough to escape the shit show of modern politics and then here he is again talking about it at a world cup final whilst his bank account swells from the pay he is getting to be there.

Like I said in this World Cup, it is inexplicable to split out the politics from sport. In any case we have the likes of Macron and the Qatari Emir's out at the final and no one has criticised them, The bloke that is getting criticised is the one sticking up for the workers.
Like I said in this World Cup, it is inexplicable to split out the politics from sport. In any case we have the likes of Macron and the Qatari Emir's out at the final and no one has criticised them, The bloke that is getting criticised is the one sticking up for the workers.

in this thread anyway since its about Neville.

Macron and the other cnuts are also cnuts.
no politics in sport please. say people after watching a world cup in qatar. after a final in which we saw more of macrons mug than we did of girouds.
Ok Nigel.

Always makes me laugh when former banker Farage tells celebrities to stick to Films/Football etc.

If only he'd have stuck to banking!

Politics effects everybody. Everybody is entitled to speak out about it if they want to.

Neville does contradict himself and often speaks more with his heart than his head on political issues but by and large he's well within his rights to call out the Tories on this.
Who is Nigel Farage?

A right wing/Nationalist politician. One of the main architects of Brexit. Friend of Donald Trump. Survived a Plane crash!
Anti immigration, a big part of the reason that England/The Tories have moved further to the right politically.
Has tried (and failed) to be elected as an MP in England seven times, but was much more successful as an MEP due to the lower turnout of voting.

If you've ever watched Game of thrones he's a bit like Mance Rayder, in that for years the right wing were pretty hopeless, yet he has managed to gather them all up and make them more of a unified outfit.

After Brexit happened I thought that would be the end of him, but he seems determined than ever to keep the country/The Tories to the right.
A right wing/Nationalist politician. One of the main architects of Brexit. Friend of Donald Trump. Survived a Plane crash!
Anti immigration, a big part of the reason that England/The Tories have moved further to the right politically.
Has tried (and failed) to be elected as an MP in England seven times, but was much more successful as an MEP due to the lower turnout of voting.

If you've ever watched Game of thrones he's a bit like Mance Rayder, in that for years the right wing were pretty hopeless, yet he has managed to gather them all up and make them more of a unified outfit.

After Brexit happened I thought that would be the end of him, but he seems determined than ever to keep the country/The Tories to the right.
he's tried seven times to get elected to parliament and failed seven times - once being beaten by a guy dressed as a dolphin
I’m shocked at how many here are crying like babies about it
Honestly I think that

1. Some people just like the dopamine hit of pointing out vague contradictions of our economy(A rich guy like Neville supporting workers on strike)

2. They see the contradictions as a reason to ignore/not care, about whatever issue is currently getting discussed.

It’s very shallow and silly. Gary backed striking workers in the UK and linked the connection between them and workers in Qatar. The boy done good here.
Honestly I think that

1. Some people just like the dopamine hit of pointing out vague contradictions of our economy(A rich guy like Neville supporting workers on strike)

2. They see the contradictions as any reason to ignore/not care, whatever issues is currently discussed.

It’s very shallow and silly. Gary backed striking workers in the UK and linked the connection between them and workers in Qatar. The boy done good here.
with you totally on this. the nonsense that well-off people can't be left wing is so... well, so Rees Mogg mentality. And the best the cretins can come up with is "champagne socialist" which is (a) so 1970s and (b) pathetically juvenile
A right wing/Nationalist politician. One of the main architects of Brexit. Friend of Donald Trump. Survived a Plane crash!
Anti immigration, a big part of the reason that England/The Tories have moved further to the right politically.
Has tried (and failed) to be elected as an MP in England seven times, but was much more successful as an MEP due to the lower turnout of voting.

If you've ever watched Game of thrones he's a bit like Mance Rayder, in that for years the right wing were pretty hopeless, yet he has managed to gather them all up and make them more of a unified outfit.

After Brexit happened I thought that would be the end of him, but he seems determined than ever to keep the country/The Tories to the right.

He's a grade A cnut who used immigration and race as a weapon. Brexit is a complete failure. Now he just stands on the coast with his binoculars and spews his shite on GB news.
Why would anyone have a problem with anyone taking shots at our absolute shit-show of a government live on national television?
Honestly I think that

1. Some people just like the dopamine hit of pointing out vague contradictions of our economy(A rich guy like Neville supporting workers on strike)

2. They see the contradictions as a reason to ignore/not care, about whatever issue is currently getting discussed.

It’s very shallow and silly. Gary backed striking workers in the UK and linked the connection between them and workers in Qatar. The boy done good here.

Not to mention its the fecking lazy approach some people have that has got this country to it's current pathetic state. They'll rely on headlines and voice notes but won't ready anything else.
Sorry but this is just such an emotionally charged response. It's good to care and feel about these things but a) yes I have noticed as its literally everywhere. Twitter, newspapers, tv - the state of the UK is on almost 24/7 coverage, including punditry for the world cup final. It's disingenuous to suggest people havent noticed or that it 'hits close to home' for 'some people'. People are dealing with this shit day in day out in their family lives and professional lives and Gary Neville bleating on about it doesnt hammer home the point. b) It's just patently false to say 'no one seems to mention anything' re politicians. what news cycle are you following? You cant possibly miss the daily scathing and justified criticism of plenty of politicians. It's just too emotional and not rational to argue that nobody 'mentions anything'. It's hard to fathom how anyone can believe that to be true.

There are countless, near 24/7 outlets for people to use their platforms, and I doubt Im in a minority who believes 120 minutes of escapism might be healthy, without hypocrites like Neville beating their drum. On that note Im going to escape this conversation as its a forum I use for football. Believe it or not I think it's possible to separate compartments of daily life.
And therein lies the problem with the UK population, never making enough noise to make a change.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.
You can curl up with that article while the NHS, education and most public services crumble.

I'm no fan of Keir Starmer or Blair. But bringing this up in defence of the Tories is fecking backwards looking and pointless.

I'm glad Neville brought it up. It is a major part of everyone's life in the UK and is relevant when taking about workers rights in Qatar.