No, not 'poor Catholicism'.
Maybe just a bit of understanding regarding the difference between being Catholic as part of a social group (born into a Catholic family and/or society) and being an active practitioner of the faith, not to mention respecting the distinction between the many different tenets of Catholic theology.
I'm not going to bore you with going through them, but just off the top of my head I can think of at least 15 different positions, all regarding themselves as Catholic.
It's possible to be an advocate of gay rights, a feminist, left wing -- and still be Catholic.
Ridiculing the stupid and unenlightened is always a good thing, and I'm more than happy to be ridiculed if you find I fit into any of those groups.
Holding the prima facie belief that every Catholic is stupid and unenlightened is just obviously false though, and deserves ridicule, cruel as it may seem.
With all due respect Waltraute - and I've always liked you as a poster - to me, the whole "I don't believe in most of it, but I'm still a Catholic - (insert any theology here) " attitude is possibly the worst.
How can you be a left wing, feminist advocate of gay rights catholic if you've actually read the book this entire thing is based on?
The whole thing is based on the theology...all of it. No word from God has come down and told you to amend this or interpret this like that. The Bible is still exactly the same. All that has happened is that the church, and those who call themselves Catholic, have bended here and swayed there to adhere to common moral practices to keep themselves afloat. But then what do you believe in? Modern common moral practices...not the word of God
Because what's the point of it all?..surely if you're a Catholic, you believe in a specific thing, and you go to heaven. That's the whole point of it. If you're amending this and that to suit what you think, you're thinking independently and doing what you think is right - which is exactly what you should be doing - but you're in no way a Catholic anymore than Ghandi was...
The greatest trick religion has ever pulled is convincing the world the possibility of a God, is a vindication of their God. A Catholic brought up in strict - and correct - Catholicism, will veer away from it eventually, but if they feel there may be a God later on, they'll say "yeah, well it's the Catholic God isn't it?"..even though they don't believe in half the doctrine...
And you know what?...Kids brought up Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Bubblebloopy do the same. Catholicism isn't tea on village greens with a vicar, it's a religious doctrine. One based in farcical fairy stories long since debunked and which has lead to outrageous miscarriages of justice.
So actually, in my opinion, you're just as much a part of the problem as the Pope's of this world...because at least they can be ridiculed. The moderates can't...even though their views are not based in their religion at all, merely their own...And so it's these type of "well we'll just go with it whilst simultaniously thinking it's silly" attitude that spreads it and encourages the power and corruption that leads to arguments like these...
and when you step back from the whole thing you see how absolutely ridiculous it is. And I can't
Not pick at that..
NEXT DAY POST THOUGHT EDIT: Sorry luv, I'd started my pre-friday night going out drinking by seems a little harsh in the morning. I could've put it less aggressively.