Gareth Bale | Golfer, ex-Footballer, Elbower of racists, Philosopher, Golf Ambassador, Bar Owner, Real Legend, Defibrillator

I seen a stat last night that he had played just 20 MINUTES of football since March which is crazy.

I do actually think him not playing a lot in the past 2 years or so will actually help his career longevity.
He's still good. Even without his pace he's still quite effective as he's a great passer, crosser and amazing at free-kicks. The main issue is injuries obviously but now his Madrid contract is up he shouldn't be too expensive.

We need a right-winger too, and he's free.
I adore Bale, but he’s saving himself for Wales and I’m more than happy with that. His next club will be more of a training and run out club to prep for the world cup imo.

I would have loved him here a few years ago but not now.
He’s clutch. Would’ve been an all time great if he was properly dedicated and didn’t semi-retire around the age of 30.
Unbelievable player.

If it weren't for injuries over his career I genuinely think he would be second to Messi and Ronaldo over the last 15 years.

So happy for him that he gets to play for Wales in a world cup. You can see how passionate he is when he plays for them.
I adore Bale, but he’s saving himself for Wales and I’m more than happy with that. His next club will be more of a training and run out club to prep for the world cup imo.

I would have loved him here a few years ago but not now.

Yeah I'm happy with it too (I'm welsh). I wouldn't entertain the idea if we weren't so short in the attackers department. But yeah, it'll never happen anyway.

If I had to guess I'd say he'll go to Cardiff to keep his fitness up, and call it a day next summer.
Unbelievable player.

If it weren't for injuries over his career I genuinely think he would be second to Messi and Ronaldo over the last 15 years.

So happy for him that he gets to play for Wales in a world cup. You can see how passionate he is when he plays for them.

So third then....? :nervous:
I mean, it was an OG yesterday and he was overall quite transparent (Daniel James was probably better than him), but you just know he's gonna bring his A game to Qatar now. I imagine he'll sign for Newcastle on massive wages, which is a win/win for both parties (they get their high profile signing, he gets a training ground), play now and again until the WC, and be up for it when Wales start their first game.
I'd love to see him sign for Cardiff now, he won't when he could get better wages at Newcastle but you never know. Lots of his friends live in Cardiff and he loves being back home.
I mean, it was an OG yesterday and he was overall quite transparent (Daniel James was probably better than him), but you just know he's gonna bring his A game to Qatar now. I imagine he'll sign for Newcastle on massive wages, which is a win/win for both parties (they get their high profile signing, he gets a training ground), play now and again until the WC, and be up for it when Wales start their first game.
Yeah, he didn`t do much last night, it was Wales keeper and defense that won it for them .
Undoubtedly one of the best British players of all time. Five Champions League titles, multiple league titles, getting Wales to two Euros (and a semi-final in one of those Euros), and now the World Cup. Incredible.
I adore Bale, but he’s saving himself for Wales and I’m more than happy with that. His next club will be more of a training and run out club to prep for the world cup imo.

I would have loved him here a few years ago but not now.

He needs regular football. He was OK yesterday and obviously played a pivotal role in the winning goal, but he was absolutely gassed in the second half. He needs to be sharp for the World Cup.
He needs regular football. He was OK yesterday and obviously played a pivotal role in the winning goal, but he was absolutely gassed in the second half. He needs to be sharp for the World Cup.
I agree he’d need more regular football but I still don’t think he is going to bust a gut or risk injury. It will be all about getting fit and match sharp.
He needs to play for someone that will let him play no more than an hour and sit out any games against any physical sides as everyone knows his only concern is the World Cup and he is so injury prone now. A pay as you play would probably suit him. Needs to be much fitter than he is now though as he looked really cumbersome last night and the 3 group stage games will be tough if he isn`t fit, by the last game he will be buggered. Will he feature in the upcoming Nations league games or sit them out to avoid injury so he can find a club?
He needs to play for someone that will let him play no more than an hour and sit out any games against any physical sides as everyone knows his only concern is the World Cup and he is so injury prone now.
Completely agree ... He doesn't really need the money ... he should join a lower mid-table team (to mimic Wales') on reduced wages and only play a limited set of matches - home & away against the top-10 clubs, plus any cup semi-finals/finals ... 6-8 serious games prior to November and he should be fit for the finals. He doesn't need the money, he needs match practice.
Undoubtedly one of the best British players of all time. Five Champions League titles, multiple league titles, getting Wales to two Euros (and a semi-final in one of those Euros), and now the World Cup. Incredible.

Him and Rooney are for me personally the only British players I would replicate in every position for United since I started following football. I've never understood the hate some people have for Bale.
I'd love to see him sign for Cardiff now, he won't when he could get better wages at Newcastle but you never know. Lots of his friends live in Cardiff and he loves being back home.

Isn't that a risk given championship is every 3 days for games unless he has some deal he only plays twice a week.

Not sure where he goes given everyone knows he just wants to keep warm until Qatar. Would also have to question his motivation for whole season once world cup is over given he'd have probably retired if they'd lost yesterday.
I've never understood the hate some people have for Bale.
Seriously? Just look at his face when others score a goal. What he did to his girlfriend when she had that problem that time. Look at how he always takes corners when the box is too far to run to. You can tell he'd rather spin off his man than dance. He was by all accounts bordering on violent in the Spurs changing room. He grins on tap. His hair is trolling the 70s. He backed up Atkinson. No one at Forest has a good word to say about him. He still eats meat. On Thursdays he does. Have you heard him speak out against Lukashenko me neither. He prob has an enviable length. He fought what McGrath Whiteside brevity shirked. His dad mouth organed saturated trumping noise. The fire in southport. Bledrarst im see me now. Need I go on?
Really enjoy watching him play, would've loved to have him at united. Considering how injury prone he is, somehow he has managed to make a lot of money and win a lot of trophies, more than his fitness would've allowed him to do ideally.

Does anyone have stats on what % of CL minutes has he played out of the minutes possible? also his goals and assists. In the CLs medals he's won.
Seriously? Just look at his face when others score a goal. What he did to his girlfriend when she had that problem that time. Look at how he always takes corners when the box is too far to run to. You can tell he'd rather spin off his man than dance. He was by all accounts bordering on violent in the Spurs changing room. He grins on tap. His hair is trolling the 70s. He backed up Atkinson. No one at Forest has a good word to say about him. He still eats meat. On Thursdays he does. Have you heard him speak out against Lukashenko me neither. He prob has an enviable length. He fought what McGrath Whiteside brevity shirked. His dad mouth organed saturated trumping noise. The fire in southport. Bledrarst im see me now. Need I go on?
This was a ride
Seriously? Just look at his face when others score a goal. What he did to his girlfriend when she had that problem that time. Look at how he always takes corners when the box is too far to run to. You can tell he'd rather spin off his man than dance. He was by all accounts bordering on violent in the Spurs changing room. He grins on tap. His hair is trolling the 70s. He backed up Atkinson. No one at Forest has a good word to say about him. He still eats meat. On Thursdays he does. Have you heard him speak out against Lukashenko me neither. He prob has an enviable length. He fought what McGrath Whiteside brevity shirked. His dad mouth organed saturated trumping noise. The fire in southport. Bledrarst im see me now. Need I go on?
You've got some issues and I love all of them.
Him and Rooney are for me personally the only British players I would replicate in every position for United since I started following football. I've never understood the hate some people have for Bale.

Not sure about hate, but there's definitely a sense that he's underrated and I honestly think it has a lot to do with his personality. He's a very private person who can come across as aloof when he does speak. I think personality goes a long way to how people perceive certain football players. Doesn't really bother me. I just judge him as a player, and on ability, he's up there with the best British players of all time.
Not sure about hate, but there's definitely a sense that he's underrated and I honestly think it has a lot to do with his personality. He's a very private person who can come across as aloof when he does speak. I think personality goes a long way to how people perceive certain football players. Doesn't really bother me. I just judge him as a player, and on ability, he's up there with the best British players of all time.

I think the "hate" he was referring to is more like a "hater" of him as a player and I definitely agree there is that sentiment.

I personally think along with the stuff you mentioned, it's also because he is British. There is the stereotype of British talent getting overrated beyond their technical abilities. On top of that, Bale, burst onto the scene when he was eating up fullbacks with his rapid pace and a lot of people think he's just a speed merchant.

He also just hasn't played that much and that will always be a negative in people's perceptions.

So would Woody.

Take him where? His new Job? It's the #murtough era
I think the "hate" he was referring to is more like a "hater" of him as a player and I definitely agree there is that sentiment.

I personally think along with the stuff you mentioned, it's also because he is British. There is the stereotype of British talent getting overrated beyond their technical abilities. On top of that, Bale, burst onto the scene when he was eating up fullbacks with his rapid pace and a lot of people think he's just a speed merchant.

He also just hasn't played that much and that will always be a negative in people's perceptions.

Fair enough.

That's sort of what I was getting at with the underrated part. I do think the lack of game time over the last few years have contributed to that, yes, We're all guilty of recency bias to some extent, and the picture we have of Bale is of someone who has been a bit-part player, but also someone who genuinely doesn't seem that bothered by it. Which I think may rub some people up the wrong way. Perhaps if he played for United and was happy to collect a check and was seemingly not that arsed about playing, then it may change my perception of him. But, he doesn't, so I would have him top five British players.
I know it wont happen but I would take him at United on a pay per play basis in a heartbeat
With an ego like his there’s no way he would accept pay per play. He would just replace Pogba as you £350,000 (or whatever he is on) sulking bench/injury room warmer.
I know it wont happen but I would take him at United on a pay per play basis in a heartbeat
We need players that will run through walls for the club and manager that are totally committed not has beens using club football to prepare for a world cup. I would have serious doubts about Ten Hag if he wanted Bale.
We need players that will run through walls for the club and manager that are totally committed not has beens using club football to prepare for a world cup. I would have serious doubts about Ten Hag if he wanted Bale.

If he accepted pay per play though I feel it's a different equation. He never would so it doesn't matter anyway.

Even if we could secure him for 150k PW or something as a backup/option to come on in the last 30 mins it would be quite the addition.
If he accepted pay per play though I feel it's a different equation. He never would so it doesn't matter anyway.

Even if we could secure him for 150k PW or something as a backup/option to come on in the last 30 mins it would be quite the addition.
Got to disagree, we are at a stage at United where we need totally committed players and not players using United as a means to gain fitness to play international football.
I love Gareth Bale in ways that are quite disturbing for all he has done for Wales but I don't want him anywhere near United. He is still capable of greatness but he is not what is needed for a rebuild. I think his best option would be a 6 month contract at a club like Fulham where he could have the sort of impact Eriksen did for Brentford over half a season and then evaluate what he wants to do after the World Cup. If he just plays a dozen games for them he is still more than capable of being the difference in them picking up 2 or 3 extra wins in that time which could be the difference in staying in the league when all is said and done so well worth the money and the short term nature of it is not an issue as their prime goal will be short term.
Got to disagree, we are at a stage at United where we need totally committed players and not players using United as a means to gain fitness to play international football.

Again, he'd never come but wouldn't you rather have 1 Bale instead of Lingard or Cavani. I feel our squad was full of players who didn't want to be here. One such player doesn't hurt.
Honestly, a part of me would love Bale to come but he has no motivation except to stay fit for the World Cup - he absolutely will not risk injury so will hardly play to his full potential or risk getting smashed by a player and missing it

He would be in for the training mainly