Gaming Gaming RedCafe's Greatest Video Games Of All Time Contest (ROUND 9)

Look at the contributions per round and the games being voted for this round. The older consoles received a lot less votes. It's not a complaint, just a reality. I'd imagine the average age of voters in these polls have been mid 20s.
I'm in my late 30s and have gone through a lot of console generations. I still prefer newer games though. I feel games as a medium (barring customer bullshit) have come on by leaps and bounds. For me it's gone from a really good time (which is how I remember the classics) to an experience that hits me on more levels (which is how I feel about many modern games).

Something like Outer Wilds for example is not even graphically impressive but as piece of work, it's astoundingly good and a testament to the creativity and quality that's being put out (amidst the trash as always of course).
I was hoping you would say Sonic 2...

Alex Kidd needs another vote... Anyone? Please? :lol:

Feck it I'll change mine. I didn't even vote Sonic 2 that high in it's original round so not sure why I put it in here.

Scrap Sonic 2 and give it to Alex Kidd.
Feck it I'll change mine. I didn't even vote Sonic 2 that high in it's original round so not sure why I put it in here.

Scrap Sonic 2 and give it to Alex Kidd.
Good man!!!! My master plan is working :lol:
There is a weird disturbing obsession with the Dirty Schwein and Alex Kidd.
Just to go back a few posts have you thought about doing a best soundtrack round? I bet probably GTA would win it :( Not that i'm saying GTA soundtracks weren't great but the songs weren't made purely for the game (although I guess by that restriction i couldn't vote for Death Stranding either)
Everyone can do their respective service to human kind by choosing sonic 2 as their sega game.

Remember, the future generation's prosperity is hinged upon the actions you take , choose wisely.
Everyone can do their respective service to human kind by choosing sonic 2 as their sega game.

Remember, the future generation's prosperity is hinged upon the actions you take , choose wisely.
You shouldn't try swing votes. It's not ethical.
Just to go back a few posts have you thought about doing a best soundtrack round? I bet probably GTA would win it :( Not that i'm saying GTA soundtracks weren't great but the songs weren't made purely for the game (although I guess by that restriction i couldn't vote for Death Stranding either)
Once this is over, we can do another, depending on what people want. I'm always happy to host.
Nier Automata would be my top choice followed by Final Fantasy 9.

Nier Automata clearly has the best soundtrack from any game.
I somehow never managed to 'get' the appeal of Nier Automata.

I think the moronic main character design just ruins it for me.
This is objectively the correct answer

Its crazy how strong nostalgia is, i never bothered with shenmue when it was originally released so thought i'd try the remasters when the latest one was released and it lasted about 30 minutes the game was so bad it was unbelievable the control scheme had aged so badly i couldn't move past it.
Its crazy how strong nostalgia is, i never bothered with shenmue when it was originally released so thought i'd try the remasters when the latest one was released and it lasted about 30 minutes the game was so bad it was unbelievable the control scheme had aged so badly i couldn't move past it.
It was very ambitious for its time and still is , but it has aged terribly.
+1 for this. I'd be genuinely interested to see what games people choose
Same. I know we'll have so many people picking games like Zelda in the round and arguements starting but it should be fun nonetheless :lol:
Its crazy how strong nostalgia is, i never bothered with shenmue when it was originally released so thought i'd try the remasters when the latest one was released and it lasted about 30 minutes the game was so bad it was unbelievable the control scheme had aged so badly i couldn't move past it.
Shenmue 2 is much better than 1, but both have aged very poorly. When they release they were quite ground breaking though. Even if the controles were already clunky for standaards back then I'd say.