Gaming Consoles

:lol: we used to have that when I was a kid. probably the last time I've spent a decent amount of time playing. I skipped the intervening years until we got the Wii 2 or 3 yrs ago.
when I saw demos for these MW3 games I couldn't believe how great they looked. that's where it's at, for me anyways.

I just had another thought: I'm getting a nice new laptop off Santa: Costco - Lenovo G770 Laptop Intel® Core
I wonder if that be used for games such as MW3?

Check out them sites like "can-you-run-it" and see if you can enter the specs of the laptop and see what you can/can't run gaming.
It's stupid. If you have a Wii why do you want another box to replicate the same experience with an expensive camera that doesn't actually work?

utdalltheway, buy a PS3, all the Ratchet and Clank games and be happy. Then keep using the Wii for the games that the Wii is good at.
What's stupid about wanting something different for the family? As much as I hate recommending the Xbox, if the machine is to play MW3 online and replace the Wii for the family, it is for me the better choice.
See gb's reply.

Since Cod:MW was mentioned, might as well be the 360 since it's slightly better in all aspects, and though you have to pay a fee to play online (which isn't that much, though I don't) the servers tend to be better because of it.

It also tends to weed out a lot of unwanted gamers. They tend to stay away unless they're serious enough to pay for Xbox Live. Now i know both platforms get their fair share of dickhead gamers, but less so with the Xbox360.

It does tend to be better in terms of family and friends too. If I'm with friends playing, then its invariably an Xbox that we use. The Kinect is a pretty handy gadget for a fun night at home too with a gang. If I were to play PS3 it would be on my own, but the only reason you'd need it is for exclusives. Guess it all depends on how bad you want to play Uncharted or Resistance.
LESS dickheads on Live?? Not in my experience.

Certain games have also been ruined by cheating little bastards. Call of Duty 4, for example. My brother pays for Live and has done for years, so I have played quite a bit on it.
From my experience of Xbox and PS3, you get more idiots on the Xbox. A symptom of headsets being bundled with the console, so you end up hearing full on abuse, racism and just whiney fecks in most game. Not saying the PS3 doesn't have that issue, but due to headsets not being bundled and a large amount of 3rd bluetooth headsets being pap, you don't get as many idiots over the voice channels.
It also depends on if it is a family machine. My Ps3 is only used by me, the 360 is more suitable as a family machine, plus I do prefer it for FPS' and cross platform games (as much as I hate saying it).

Again the sticking point is paying for online play, but it is smoother on it too (usually).

What's your definition of "family machine"? If it touches on the multimedia aspect, then PS3 would win it hands down.

Utdalltheway, like its been suggested before, have a look at the list of exclusives for either console. If online gaming is hugely important to you, the 360 is much better. If you're okay with an acceptable standard of online gaming, then the PS3 will do you just fine.

If the 360 is your choice, be wary of which version you pick up, some of the earlier models are notoriously unreliable, even though you do get a 3 year warranty from Microsoft as standard for RROD.
Dont think you can get the old models anymore.

Speaking of which I need a new one. My xbox sounds like its going to explode everytime I turn it on. So I have gotten all games recently on Ps3

I must say I have not found much difference between online MW on Ps3 than on xbox. As in no issues at all.
Online won't be much different, it's all P2P. All live and PSN do is line the consoles up together. That's all they do, eveything about it is then up to the connections people have. It interests me when people go on about XB LIVE being a better gaming experience. If you remove the cross-game chat thing, none of it is going through XB LIVE, the consoles are simple talking to each other. XB LIVE is not a network, it's an arbitration service.
Online won't be much different, it's all P2P. All live and PSN do is line the consoles up together. That's all they do, eveything about it is then up to the connections people have. It interests me when people go on about XB LIVE being a better gaming experience. If you remove the cross-game chat thing, none of it is going through XB LIVE, the consoles are simple talking to each other. XB LIVE is not a network, it's an arbitration service.

Is the better connection usually experienced on XBL due to the fact that until recently most xboxes did not have built in wi fi, which made a lot more people use as ethernet cable, which in turn would explain the superior connection?

I've always found the online experience on the 360 just that much better tbh.
Is the better connection usually experienced on XBL due to the fact that until recently most xboxes did not have built in wi fi, which made a lot more people use as ethernet cable, which in turn would explain the superior connection?

I've always found the online experience on the 360 just that much better tbh.

It could be badly set-up home wireless networks, yes.

Really, the experience should be no different. Unless dedicated servers are used for a game (and this is rare), both PSN and XB LIVE work in exactly the same way.

If we want to go into the technical aspects, the PPE in the Cell is not very good at running a full TCP/IP stack, but then XCPU is basically 3 PPEs, so it's the same deal. PS3 was supposed to have the SCC (Super Companion Chip) made by Toshiba, but it seems it was replaced by something else at the last minute. There is still a chip there that should deal with networking, but what it is I don't think anyone outside of NDA knows.
It could be that Microsoft just have a better performing operating system in the XB360, that's a possibility also, but I've never seen any great issues with it. It's certainly nothing to do with network infrastructure or hardware capability, let's put it that way. All PS3s have had Gbit network ports on them since day one.
It could be badly set-up home wireless networks, yes.

Really, the experience should be no different. Unless dedicated servers are used for a game (and this is rare), both PSN and XB LIVE work in exactly the same way.

How rare? What games have had a dedicated server?
How rare? What games have had a dedicated server?

Several have had them. On PS3 at least Warhawk was the most famous.


Yep, that's a massive rack of PS3s.
It's stupid. If you have a Wii why do you want another box to replicate the same experience with an expensive camera that doesn't actually work?

Weaste, unless you're actually going to comment based on extensive usage of the device, im going to take your opinion with a huge pinch of salt!

I have used the Kinnect camera now for almost a year, have never had a problem with it, it does exactly as it says on the tin and more
It's a laggy bit of shite and I can prove it. XCPU can't deal with the image processing because it was never designed for that type of work.

Example number 1.

All actions are at least 1 second behind the player, and at times even the on-screen buttons don't actually work.
i've said before, dont bore me with irrelevant processor nonsense. I'm speaking from real experience of using it, and my 3 brothers who also have 1 each. None of us have ever had an issue, the games play perfectly and the video is very good

Lets not forget that its also reliant on one's broadband connection if he's playing an XBL game or doing a video chat (i cant see the video you have posted as i am at work)
I can post a multitude of videos GB that all show the same thing.

The capabilities of XCPU is not irrelevant as Kinect was supposed to have a bespoke DSP to do the signal processing. That got removed for cost reasons so all of the processing was lumped onto the XB360 itself, and it can't cope with it. It's the same as the HD-DVD add on where they had to use XCPU and XGPU to decode the video. Cell can decode 8 HD video streams in realtime on its own, because it was designed to do that sort of thing.
I can post a multitude of videos GB that all show the same thing.

The capabilities of XCPU is not irrelevant as Kinect was supposed to have a bespoke DSP to do the signal processing. That got removed for cost reasons so all of the processing was lumped onto the XB360 itself, and it can't cope with it. It's the same as the HD-DVD add on where they had to use XCPU and XGPU to decode the video. Cell can decode 8 HD video streams in realtime on its own, because it was designed to do that sort of thing.

But what about all the people who says they have no issues with the Kinect Weaste?

I know 2 people who have the UFC trainer game on Kinect. They love it and say it runs perfectly. Both have been gamers for years and would know if they were using something shit or not.

I think I would prefer the opinions of people I know than some lad on YouTube to be fair. You are the most bias person when it comes to this kind of stuff and you will search the depths of the web to find faults with anything non Sony to suit your own agenda. It’s really sad
I think I would prefer the opinions of people I know than some lad on YouTube to be fair.

That was not from some anonymous person on YouTube, it was from GiantBomb.

If you and others see no problem with the lag and the fact that quite a lot of the time it misinterprets gestures, then fine. However, the evidence is clearly there for all to see, from review sites such as IGN to GiantBomb to videos taken at trade shows (even when it's being shown off by Microsoft themselves) etc.

Don't you think that there is a reason why when Kinect was shown at E3 they used an actor with recorded game footage, and even the actor couldn't keep in synch with the recorded footage - the footage was in front of the player. There are a lot of examples to provide as evidence.

Instead of complaining, do the opposite and show some videos of it working as it should.
People will find a problem if they want to find a problem - as with anything in life

for me, it works well and thats all i care about. Based on my experiences i would recommend Xbox360 and Kinnect
Even on here you can't ask a simple question and just get honest opinions rather than being led up possibly the wrong path by agendas.

Forget kinect, the things mentioned were cod:mw3 and family. Now having actual experience with both subjects with both consoles, I have to say that mw3 is slightly better in all areas on the 360, the controller is better suited and the machine works better at family entertainment, at least for my brood.

As for the kinect, yes it does lag slightly ,but the movement problems are greatly exagerated and the games on it don't exactly need millisecond reactions. Plus I've not had anyone I know ever complain about it. But obviously number crunching is more fun than, you know the actual games for some ;)
Redlambs is right, you're unlikely to get too many unbiased opinions.

If Kinect offers enough variety to differentiate it from the Wii for your kids to enjoy it then it's probably worth a look. I don't own an xbox, so I can't really offer much insight.

The PS3 offers Blu-Ray and some good exclusives for you to get your teeth into, but it's probably not very family orientated from my experience. Little Big planet, Ratchett and Clank, Buzz and Singstar are the only quality family orientated games that come to mind. I don't really shop for these sort of games though, so somebody else could probably offer more insight.
The move controllers probably lend themselves to family orientated stuff, but it's not much different to what the Wii already does so I'm not sure they'd be worth the additional money when you already have a Wii.
Even on here you can't ask a simple question and just get honest opinions rather than being led up possibly the wrong path by agendas.

Forget kinect, the things mentioned were cod:mw3 and family. Now having actual experience with both subjects with both consoles, I have to say that mw3 is slightly better in all areas on the 360, the controller is better suited and the machine works better at family entertainment, at least for my brood.

As for the kinect, yes it does lag slightly ,but the movement problems are greatly exagerated and the games on it don't exactly need millisecond reactions. Plus I've not had anyone I know ever complain about it. But obviously number crunching is more fun than, you know the actual games for some ;)

No Lambs, Kinect is broken, it was a step too far in terms of how it was implemented. Software behind it is probably great, but it doesn't have the hardware to run it. And you shouldn't be letting your kids at that age play COD.
No Lambs, Kinect is broken, it was a step too far in terms of how it was implemented. Software behind it is probably great, but it doesn't have the hardware to run it. And you shouldn't be letting your kids at that age play COD.

As usual you are right, but also very wrong.

And who said they let their kids play cod?
I went with the PS3 (after the years of quality service the PS2 gave me) and I have a young daughter. To answer the OP's question about CoD & kids, well I play the CoDs and the Killzones/Uncharteds/WipEouts online and have never had any trouble (I am mostly a single-player type chap, so can't speak with any great authority on the matter).

I will say that my daughter absolutely loves the Move controller and it's games. We got her the Eye-Pet game when it launched and she has been obsessed with it ever since. She has put tons of hours into that game. It's also nice that periodically they give away freebies (like clothing and toys) on the network to keep her interested. We've got her the sequel this year and I know she's gonna go ballistic when she opens it. She has a few other favourites like Start the Party, which she plays with her cousins and an educational title called Learn with the PooYoos (I think this was originally on the Wii?).

The Mrs & I also use it a lot as a BluRay player, to catch up on TV and to stream movies. Just a pity the web-browser is still a bit poo...
To the OP,

The people who own Xboxes will tell you to buy an Xbox, the people who own a Playstation will tell you to buy a Playstation.

The people who own or have owned BOTH are the ones to listen to. Both are fantastic gaming consoles and there are advantages to owning an Xbox 360 and there are advantages of owning a PlayStation 3. I've had nothing but fun on both consoles over the years. I no longer own the PlayStation but that's because I wasn't playing it as all of my friends were on Xbox Live, not Playstation Network. If you want one for FPS titles, there isn't anything to choose between PS3 or 360. The Xbox has the superior driving game in Forza if that's your thing but I personally find all driving simulation games boring as hell after a few hours. The Xbox has some really good titles in Gears of War and Halo (again I'm not keen on the franchise but millions love it) but I prefer the Playstation's exclusives in LBP and Uncharted.

You'll have to pay for Xbox Live but it does provide an excellent service for the money and you can get vouchers on ebay these days giving you Live for £20 a year, which is peanuts. The PS3 has an excellent BluRay player built in and PSN costs nothing. The Xbox has the better controller according to many people as well, some Playstation owners even buy a converter so you can use the 360 pad with a PS3.

It's horses for courses. Whatever you one you buy, you'll be very happy with it I guarantee.


Plan M x

PS: In regards to Move and Kinect - they both work perfectly fine from all of my experiences with them. But I personally found BOTH gimmicky and lacked real quality games.
You know as well as I do that if the software behind Kinect was implemented on PS3 it would actually work as intended, because of those little programmable DSPs on a ring bus.... you know what they are!

I don't disagree with you, you are right.

However you are wrong to suggest it is 'broken' because it's good for it's purpose here, not to mention it'll be used heavily in the next gen xbox where it'll work better anyway.

I'm not a fan of Kinect myself, and I hate having to recommend a 360 over the Ps3, but in this scenario I'm being honest and trying to help someone who has asked for it. In his specific circumstance, the 360 is definitely the choice to go for for reasons I've stated more than once. It just makes much more sense.
I don't disagree with you, you are right.

However you are wrong to suggest it is 'broken' because it's good for it's purpose here, not to mention it'll be used heavily in the next gen xbox where it'll work better anyway.

I'm not a fan of Kinect myself, and I hate having to recommend a 360 over the Ps3, but in this scenario I'm being honest and trying to help someone who has asked for it. In his specific circumstance, the 360 is definitely the choice to go for for reasons I've stated more than once. It just makes much more sense.

You didn't mention that he will have to pay extra to play MW3 online. :p
Trouble with Weaste is you have to read through a colossal amount of technical jargon and arguments to actually get the answer you are looking for.

I'm pretty sure the OP could care dick about the merits of a consoles XCPU and whilst it is interesting to discuss (for those that are interested in that sort of stuff) it just derails every single advice thread into a technical debate between Weaste & Redlambs with neither backing down and one probably wearing womens clothing whilst doing so.

So, OP. Buy whatever appeals best to you in terms of exclusive games, cost & future titles. I've owned both, I now own just a PS3 simply because it offers me what I like best but that doesn't mean the same for everyone.
I caught a mini break: one of the younger work colleagues is going skiing in Vermont over the New Year and his wife won't let him bring his x-box with him (just picturing that conversation makes me laugh) so he said I can borrow it while he's away. and he bought MW3 a few weeks ago.

so, I'll get the chance to check it out 1st hand and then I can decide if it's something I'd like to have.
as I said before, I'm not a gamer but I am mildly interested in the new games because of the amazing graphics.