Games Released in the Next Month

Lance Uppercut

'Vanquish' 22/10/20

'Enslaved: Odyssey to the West' 8/10/10

'Castlevania - Lords of Shadow' 8/10/10

'ArcaniA: A Gothic Tale' 12/10/10

'Fallout: New Vegas' 22/10/10

'Pro Evo 11' 08/10/10

'FIFA 11' 1/10/10

'Medal of Honour' 15/10/10

'Black Ops' is released at the start of November, also. I want pretty much all of these. This will be painful.
For me coming up there is

Fallout: New Vegas
COD: Black Ops
Little Big Planet 2
Assassins Creed Brotherhood

Gonna leave a burning hole in my wallet.

Nothing else is really appealing to me. Only other game I can think of that's coming out any time soon is FM11.
Ah ok, I got a game catalogue with my Dead Rising 2 and it had it down as November, must be out of date.
Ah ok, I got a game catalogue with my Dead Rising 2 and it had it down as November, must be out of date.

Yeah, I think it was announced on Thursday.

LittleBigPlanet 2 has officially been delayed until January 2011, developer Media Molecule has just confirmed.

The UK developer made the announcement on its website, where it told fans it's "truly sorry".

"We've all been working like powered-up space ninjas and we're almost there, but because we love what we've made, and we love our little sack-friends, and most of all we love all our fans out there, we couldn't let you all get together until we knew we were giving you the best experience imaginable," it said when announcing the slip.

"We know this will come as disappointing news for all you LittleBigPlanet fans, and believe us, we are disappointed too. We are a tight-knit team and we take enormous pride in our work, so to raise the bar we've set with the original LittleBigPlanet, a game that has been so embraced by all, we've agreed to allow ourselves a bit more time to deliver the experience that our great fans and community deserve.

"We are truly sorry, but hope you understand that we have to build the best possible game, as it is the foundation of our community."

On the upside, the studio says it's going to "find a way to give more of you a taste of LBP2 prior to launch, so stay tuned".
You forgot about super meat boy
I'm interested in the Force Unleashed II if they have attended to the flaws in the original.
GT5 is the only one I really like the look of, but I don't have a PS3 so until my Xbox dies that's on hold.

Will end up with PES and maybe Fifa, because I nearly always do, and might be tempted by Black Ops if it's going for cheap in Morissons like Modern Warfare 2 was.
No takers for 'Castlevania?' First reviews have been 9/10. It supposedly features 50 levels and a campaign that lasts 20-plus hours. Day one purchase for me.
Only really intrigued by fallout new vegas, some of the games on that list is just last years shit recycled
Also look out for the new world of warcraft expansion 'Cataclysm' expected around November
Only really intrigued by fallout new vegas, some of the games on that list is just last years shit recycled

I haven't really followed New Vegas, but what exactly is so different about it this year? The screens I saw made it look pretty much exactly like Fallout 3 but with slight differences. I'm still buying it but just wondering what made you think it wasn't just 'recycled'? Would be a good thing if there were lots of differences.
I haven't really followed New Vegas, but what exactly is so different about it this year? The screens I saw made it look pretty much exactly like Fallout 3 but with slight differences. I'm still buying it but just wondering what made you think it wasn't just 'recycled'? Would be a good thing if there were lots of differences.

It has a different name.
I haven't really followed New Vegas, but what exactly is so different about it this year? The screens I saw made it look pretty much exactly like Fallout 3 but with slight differences. I'm still buying it but just wondering what made you think it wasn't just 'recycled'? Would be a good thing if there were lots of differences.

Remember the first 2 fallout games released almost 15 years ago? Well the original developers of those games 'black isle studios' played no part in developing fallout 3. They're involved however in developing new vegas, so quite a lot of the original fallout fans are excited to see the pioneers of the series' take on a next gen sequel. Besides that the game has a completely different setting as well as characters. There are also a few subtle gameplay alterations and additions but nothing too substantial since it was already pretty solid in fallout 3.
There is a demo out?

Just played it Lance, it's very very short. One boss fight and a section where you're riding a horse fighting things off the side of you.


Near seemless switch between video and game.
Patrick Stewart is the narrator.
Fighting is pretty fun but is just button mashing, might get more complex.
Graphics are very nice, and the game is very cinematic almost God of War esque.


Some of the voice acting is very average, with some accents being very strange.
It mentions the game has lots of puzzles, would have been nice if they'd added one into the demo!

It looks very nice though, i kept thinking of Fable when playing it but that's probably because the first thing you do is fight off a load of werewolves in a rainy village. I don't know if i'll buy it because hack and slash isn't always my cup of tea, but i may well do after i've read some reviews of the full game.
Just played it Lance, it's very very short. One boss fight and a section where you're riding a horse fighting things off the side of you.


Near seemless switch between video and game.
Patrick Stewart is the narrator.
Fighting is pretty fun but is just button mashing, might get more complex.
Graphics are very nice, and the game is very cinematic almost God of War esque.


Some of the voice acting is very average, with some accents being very strange.
It mentions the game has lots of puzzles, would have been nice if they'd added one into the demo!

It looks very nice though, i kept thinking of Fable when playing it but that's probably because the first thing you do is fight off a load of werewolves in a rainy village. I don't know if i'll buy it because hack and slash isn't always my cup of tea, but i may well do after i've read some reviews of the full game.

Sounds encouraging. Latest review I've seen gave it 94% (PSM). I don't mind hack and slash for the most part, I just want to know that I am playing a Castlevania game, as opposed to a GOW clone. Every reason to be confident at this stage, it seems.
Why do you say surprising Weaste?

They are normally very very picky when they want to be. MGS4 got an 8, GOWIII got an 8, Uncharted: DF got an 8, GTA IV got 10. They are weirdos basically, but an 8 from them basically means it's very good, normally. On the other hand, if the mood takes them, they can go and give quite decent games a 3.
Edge have been full off tarts for years. Around the PSone days they were cool, but it went to their heads a bit once they got their feet under the table.

Still, you occasionally get a good review from them.
They are normally very very picky when they want to be. MGS4 got an 8, GOWIII got an 8, Uncharted: DF got an 8, GTA IV got 10. They are weirdos basically, but an 8 from them basically means it's very good, normally. On the other hand, if the mood takes them, they can go and give quite decent games a 3.

Most of those ratings seem fair. GOW3 maybe deserved a 9. But its short and no replay value so an 8 is fair. GTA 4 is fantastic and would get a 9 or 10 from me.

MGS4 is a horrible game. Id give it a 4 or 5 at a push. Not played the 1st Uncharted but Id give part 2 a 10, and assuming it improved a good bit on the original Id guess 8 is fair too?
Most of those ratings seem fair. GOW3 maybe deserved a 9. But its short and no replay value so an 8 is fair. GTA 4 is fantastic and would get a 9 or 10 from me.

MGS4 is a horrible game. Id give it a 4 or 5 at a push. Not played the 1st Uncharted but Id give part 2 a 10, and assuming it improved a good bit on the original Id guess 8 is fair too?

I generally agree with their reviews (although I didn't think GTA IV was anything special I could see why they gave it the score they did). Other games reviews sites hand out 9/10s far too readily.

They seem to irritate Weaste which is an added bonus.