Lance Uppercut
'Vanquish' 22/10/20
'Enslaved: Odyssey to the West' 8/10/10
'Castlevania - Lords of Shadow' 8/10/10
'ArcaniA: A Gothic Tale' 12/10/10
'Fallout: New Vegas' 22/10/10
'Pro Evo 11' 08/10/10
'FIFA 11' 1/10/10
'Medal of Honour' 15/10/10
'Black Ops' is released at the start of November, also. I want pretty much all of these. This will be painful.
'Enslaved: Odyssey to the West' 8/10/10
'Castlevania - Lords of Shadow' 8/10/10
'ArcaniA: A Gothic Tale' 12/10/10
'Fallout: New Vegas' 22/10/10
'Pro Evo 11' 08/10/10
'FIFA 11' 1/10/10
'Medal of Honour' 15/10/10
'Black Ops' is released at the start of November, also. I want pretty much all of these. This will be painful.