Television Game of Thrones TV Series | Season 2 | NO book talk!!

Why not? Everyone else is trying to claim kings Landing, not the North.

Because it got burned to the ground and the stark kids didn't just go "alright guys, take us back to Rob will you?"

I'm guessing Theon snuck out (in a bag), then the 200 outside the walls where all like "feck it there is no one here now. Let's rape pillage and murder."
Zombies?! Don't suppose those were the 'white walkers' from the very first part of season 1?

Everything seems to be set up quite nicely now- Jon Snow going to the Wilding Kingdom, Denaery's leaving boring Qarth, Tyrion realising his family are utter pricks not worth honouring (at least that whats I got from his bedside rant) and of course the ending.

There's no way I'm waiting another year, going to jump straight into book 1 and take it all the way from there :devil:
Because it got burned to the ground and the stark kids didn't just go "alright guys, take us back to Rob will you?"

I'm guessing Theon snuck out (in a bag), then the 200 outside the walls where all like "feck it there is no one here now. Let's rape pillage and murder."
I suppose, but who else could it have been? Or is yet yet another new faction we've not been introduced to yet?

Zombies?! Don't suppose those were the 'white walkers' from the very first part of season 1?

Everything seems to be set up quite nicely now- Jon Snow going to the Wilding Kingdom, Denaery's leaving boring Qarth, Tyrion realising his family are utter pricks not worth honouring (at least that whats I got from his bedside rant) and of course the ending.

There's no way I'm waiting another year, going to jump straight into book 1 and take it all the way from there :devil:
I imagine it is the white walkers, the dead people in ep.1 stood up and starting walking about.
I suppose, but who else could it have been? Or is yet yet another new faction we've not been introduced to yet?

I imagine it is the white walkers, the dead people in ep.1 stood up and starting walking about.

Just watched that intro scene again from season 1:

At 00:48 you can see that those 'things' had the same blue eyes as those zombies at the end of this recent episode, so I assume they're one and the same.
That White Walker General at the end looked class.

I'm tempted to get the books but I feel like I should have read them before watching the show. No characters will have my own imagination to them, I'll just think of Sean Bean and the like. Also I'm sure there'll be lots of differences.
One of Robb's captains convinced him to send a company from a nearby castle to retake Winterfell, so those must have been the guys with the horns. Not sure how they got out of the castle, the Maester knew a secret way out he was trying to get Theon to take in order to 'take the black' but it wasn't clear that the other Iron Islanders would have known about it. But I guess that's the idea, they snuck out after setting the place ablaze.

Robb did say that the Iron Islander's would be allowed to return home if they surrendered, everyone but Theon. Draw your own conclusion there.

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: Why Bran didn't go to the soldiers outside Winterfell
Since they weren't from Winterfell perhaps Bran didn't know them or recognize them as friends and thus wasn't willing to risk his life surrendering to them.
That White Walker General at the end looked class.

I'm tempted to get the books but I feel like I should have read them before watching the show. No characters will have my own imagination to them, I'll just think of Sean Bean and the like. Also I'm sure there'll be lots of differences.

Wasn't he Ned Stark's lost brother? From what I remember, he had a black horse, long hair and a beard.
Spoiler your speculation please, I doubt that's right but if it is, I'll personally kill you.

Speculation onto the Zombie General.
As soon as the girlfriend saw it she was like: "Oh that's (john snow's friend who went missing beyond the wall). She hasn't read the books.
What I loved the most was how Theon got knocked on the back of his head after his speech :lol:

That was excellent :lol: I thought finally a Theon who looks like a leader and then the whole music and everything changed.

Glad Daenerys had done something this season. I did wonder what happened to her 'friend' and did expect that other guy to be talking shit about his riches so it was good they closed that up.
Spoiler your speculation please, I doubt that's right but if it is, I'll personally kill you.

Well, I'm sorry, but when I saw him I immediately thought of that, the resemblance is clearly there. So it's a matter of joining two, not too distant, dots.
One of Robb's captains convinced him to send a company from a nearby castle to retake Winterfell, so those must have been the guys with the horns. Not sure how they got out of the castle, the Maester knew a secret way out he was trying to get Theon to take in order to 'take the black' but it wasn't clear that the other Iron Islanders would have known about it. But I guess that's the idea, they snuck out after setting the place ablaze.

Robb did say that the Iron Islander's would be allowed to return home if they surrendered, everyone but Theon. Draw your own conclusion there.

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: Why Bran didn't go to the soldiers outside Winterfell
Since they weren't from Winterfell perhaps Bran didn't know them or recognize them as friends and thus wasn't willing to risk his life surrendering to them.

All the events at Winterfell made no sense. Something unexpected must have happened between the Islanders leaving and Bran coming out of hiding. I'm going to assume it was intentionally vague and will be answered next season.
Wasn't he Ned Stark's lost brother? From what I remember, he had a black horse, long hair and a beard.

I like where you're going with that. Though personally I thought the 'White Walkers' were a race unto themselves, and the zombies were simply that, zombies. They aren't White Walkers, they're just being used by them. Which suggests to me that you can't just become a White Walker, but you could become one of their zombie lackies.
It was a great season finale.

Tywin's horse shitting on the floor before he enters the throne room :lol:

Love this series,April 2013 seems so far away :(
I think many of you will agree that the Daenarys part was probably the best of the two seasons.It's the first time I truly enjoyed her part and I couldn't help but enjoy when her dragons did their thing on that bald cnut
When was Ned Stark's lost brother ever mentioned? In season 1? I don't remember any of that, what's the story behind that?

He was mentioned. Made an appearance at the feast for King Robert. Was the only guy in black and he also had a scene with Tyrion Lannister at the wall.
When was Ned Stark's lost brother ever mentioned? In season 1? I don't remember any of that, what's the story behind that?

Benjen Stark.Was mentioned in the first season.He joined the feast welcoming King Robert to Winterfell.
He invited Jon Snow to join the Night's Watch.
Benjen Stark
Terrific finale to season 2. I thought it was even better than last seasons finale because you finally got to see alot more of the fantasy element such as the White Walkers and Dragon fire.

Its going to be such a long wait for season 3. I wish they'd hurry up and make 20 episodes a year instead of just 10!!!
so who is the king behind the wall ? surely its not that white walker on the horse ?
My life is now just periodic seasons of waiting for the next game of thrones series. Nothing else matters.
Just watched it...holy crap the white walkers are sooo awesome...can't wait for season 3 :D white walkers, dragons and a bit more boob than the last couple of episodes lol
Superb end to the second season.

I can't believe Sansa stayed, stupid bitch is as stupid as her stupid mother. I felt bad for Tyrion, held his own but no one giving him any recognition.

Daenerys finally did something interesting this season, I'm looking forward to the Dragons next season. I hope Arya runs into the assassin again, I think that would make a really interesting storyline.

Snow is set up nicely for next year as are the 2 Stark lads and Robb who should look to move towards King's Landing at a faster pace. Still a lot of questions need to be answered regarding the witch and Stannis.

The zombies :eek:
I think it might be best to close this thread now because I can't see how the discussion is going to progress without book information being used or at the very least information not discernible solely from watching the TV show.

What thinks you Caftards?
Maybe leave it a couple more days so that anyone who has not yet seen the final episode can catch up and comment?

Although, I agree it would be a good idea to close it eventually as the discussion is not likely to go beyond what has already been said without getting into potential spoilers.
Spoiler: Speculation. Content: How Robb can keep Lord Frey happy
Just marry both girls! Doesn't Lord Frey have about 5 wives himself? He never said his daughter had to be Robb's only wife! Though somehow I'm sure this won't be the solution!