Television Game of Thrones TV Series | Season 2 | NO book talk!!

I've not read the books, the below is just my speculation in relation to the above point.
I think Stannis knows what she did because each time Davos wanted to discuss what he saw, Stannis didn't want to talk about it at all. Also, I think I recall him saying that they have to use the red-witch as you don't win wars with conventional methods (this was before the monster thing appeared). Also, he was present when the old guy died after taking the drink that was poisoned but she was completely unharmed so he must know there is something completely weird about her.

As I said before, I think Stannis left her behind because he was confident he good take King's Landing by himself and the army he obtained from Renly's death. He didn't expect Renly's lover to align with the Lannister's and for them to go to King's Landing to rescue cnut Joffrey.

Speculation is meant to spoilered according to the forum rules isn't it, but then we are talking about a past episode so I'm not clear on that. Anyway

Yeah he must know there is something weird about her, he left her behind, he saw her drink the poison, he made Davos take her to shore.

But it is weird, did he think she was pregnant? She promised him a son.
Speculation is meant to spoilered according to the forum rules isn't it, but then we are talking about a past episode so I'm not clear on that. Anyway

Yeah he must know there is something weird about her, he left her behind, he saw her drink the poison, he made Davos take her to shore.

But it is weird, did he think she was pregnant? She promised him a son.

I hope we get these questions answered, there is potential for her character and I don't think her true intentions have been made clear yet.

What is the policy regarding speculation on episodes that have aired? I know future speculation is meant to be spoilered but what if we're discussing what we think has happened in a scene that has already aired and how we interpreted that scene, should that be spoilered?
The next person who posts anything to do with the books, will be banned.

See, even if you've read them and don't want to say a word, but just comment on how you find the TV characters or show, it can still ruin things for us. How you perceive characters, especially knowing how they end up as a result, can give things away, even the smallest details are annoying as feck for us. I'm not saying everyone who has read the book and posted in here has done that, but bare it in mind that anything you say that doesn't just relate to what you have seen on screen, can hint at other things, and those are things not a single person in this thread wants to know.
Blackwater is definitely going to be a pivotal episode on GoT's run. Hopefully the success of this episode will convince HBO to shell out more money when required. Who ever was in charge of getting The National to sing Rains of Castamere should get a bonus - that was epic

"Oh feck me!" - Tyrion Lannister. That expression on Peter Dinklage's face should sow up another emmy for sure.
$6million per episode is the reported budget, so that's $60 million for a season. That's not bad for 500minutes of programming, considering most movies clock in at 120minutes and cost about the same, it's not bad at all.
"If any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fecking corpse"

The Hound is now a God tier character along with King Robert.
"If any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fecking corpse"

The Hound is now a God tier character along with King Robert.

Awesome line, maybe the best from the episode!

I loved Tyrion's speech before he led his attack.

"Those are brave men out there. Let's kill them!"
This thread is as deadly as trying to take the throne of Westeros, before the series is done more people will be banned as a result of this thread than die among the characters in the series.
The next person who posts anything to do with the books, will be banned.

See, even if you've read them and don't want to say a word, but just comment on how you find the TV characters or show, it can still ruin things for us. How you perceive characters, especially knowing how they end up as a result, can give things away, even the smallest details are annoying as feck for us. I'm not saying everyone who has read the book and posted in here has done that, but bare it in mind that anything you say that doesn't just relate to what you have seen on screen, can hint at other things, and those are things not a single person in this thread wants to know.

This is very true. I personally wouldn't ask someone whose read the books not to comment, but I'd ask them to be very, very careful what they say, and to think of the TV series as something completely separate. Which is somewhat appropriate as any particular detail could well be changed for the TV series.
Bronn, Jaquer Hagar or however you say his name, and the Hound are fecking badarse characters. Throw Tyrion and John Snow in there and my mind is ready to explode at the sheer awesomeness of the characters.

What a fecking story.
Finally all caught up. I'm not sure how many more seasons I can take of dragon lady and her people walking around; whining, waiting for dragons to grow.

Its a bit silly we haven't seen that fire woman ever since she gave birth to smokey. You'd think the fact that she controls a shadow monster would be useful when invading a city.

Also, why did one of the King's guard turn on Tyrion at the end?

Speculation on the last point:

Logically you'd have to think someone higher up gave the order, the Queen most likely? It doesn't seem as if Joffre wanted him dead anyway so I it seems it would be her, most likely.
Bronn, Jaquer Hagar or however you say his name, and the Hound are fecking badarse characters. Throw Tyrion and John Snow in there and my mind is ready to explode at the sheer awesomeness of the characters.

What a fecking story.

John Snow an awesome character? Are we watching the same show? Because so far he's been nothing but a disappointment; it's one mistake after another with him.
John Snow an awesome character? Are we watching the same show? Because so far he's been nothing but a disappointment; it's one mistake after another with him.

Well true, he's not a badarse mofo like the others (not to mention Drogo and King Robert from season one), but I like his character a lot. I feel for him, what with being a bastard and not feeling accepted, then being almost forced to go to the wall... I get the feeling he's going to become very important sooner or later.

(and no, I haven't read the third book)
In terms of badassery:

Bronn > Stannis > Arya > Tywin > Tyrion > Jamie, The Hound (lost his shit on the battlefield or would be higher)

In terms of being a bitch:

Joffrey > Sansa > Theon > Viserys Targerian
In terms of badassery:

Bronn > Stannis > Arya > Tywin > Tyrion > Jamie, The Hound (lost his shit on the battlefield or would be higher)

In terms of being a bitch:

Joffrey > Sansa > Theon > Viserys Targerian

I think Tywin's the most powerful of them all, he's a badarse, as ruthless as Stannis, as cunning as Tyrion, the best general in Westeros (now being rivalled by Rob Stark?), and as able on the field as Jamie (I think?).

Bronn > Tywin > Stannis > The Hound > Strange foreign assassin guy > Jamie > Tyrion > Arya

The Hound lost his shit because of the fire - which is why he's scarred, he can cut a man in half (as seen in the episode) but can't handle fire.

On a side note, I wonder what the feck happened to the original Captain of the Kings Guard? That old guy, Ser Barristan... He kind of wandered off into the sunset in the first season, but surely he's going to make a re-appearance sooner or later? I imagine he'd be up in that list somewhere when he does.
Stannis was first off the boat, first up the ladders and had to be dragged from the battlefield. He also is down with some funky black magic that creates smokey vagina monsters.

Tywin rocked up at the end of the battle surrounded by his guards.
Yeah but Stanis chickened out and let boring onion man convince him not to use smokey vagina monster when it mattered most. He lost a war to someone with no war experience.
In fairness he wouldn't have known Tywin was bearing down on him from behind to break the siege. He'd have won it otherwise.
feck there should just be a separate thread for people who want to discuss the TV show and have read the books. Oh wait, there is?
I just read Onsafs post, but fortunately haven't read what he is quoting. I'm not sure how bad it is but you gotta be pretty thick to do that after Hectics warning.

A lifetime of newbies and duplicate accounts looms large.
I just read Onsafs post, but fortunately haven't read what he is quoting. I'm not sure how bad it is but you gotta be pretty thick to do that after Hectics warning.

A lifetime of newbies and duplicate accounts looms large.

Its not too bad to be fair. Still irritating people can't grasp what you would assume to be a very simple concept.
I don't see how that would help. No one posts here because they think it's the Book thread. And people really should be able to avoid going into the other thread (which doesn't even have the words Game of Thrones in it).
Stannis was first off the boat, first up the ladders and had to be dragged from the battlefield. He also is down with some funky black magic that creates smokey vagina monsters.

Tywin rocked up at the end of the battle surrounded by his guards.

Stannis also led the charge on the beach.

Legend :cool: