Frozen Planet

That penguin that got stuck on the floating ice when the whales were there made me laugh. The way he ran one way, then the next, visibily panicked and then must've thought 'feck it' and just dove in the water :lol:
Loving it... also loved the behind the scenes stuff in this one.

And holy feck how merciless the brawl between the two elephant seals was! I'd concede and go wank, straight away!

This bodes well ahead of no-wank November.
That poor slow bison thing that got eaten :( I thought the one from behind would try and save him, but not he just knocks him down and fecks off.

:lol: The same thing went though my mind. Me and the mrs were saying out loud "Why is 1 of the others not helping" as they all ran past. Then when that last 1 came from behind and intervened we were like "Yay!" Until it wolloped it up the arse and just literally tossed it to the wolves.

Its being hunted by Killer Wales.

Starts off safe on a large sheet of ice. The whales makes waves to knock it off, then it falls in but manages to get back on to a small piece of ice. They then play with it and it escapes one last time. It drags itself onto a large ice sheet but is to knackered to move, and you get a horrible shot of it's face as it accepts its fate and is dragged into the water slowly without giving any fight.

A bit like the end of king kong. :(

It was all in the eyes. Sad stuff that :(
Great show. I just never really fathomed the size of the polar regions. The recounting of Scott's expedition was really telling. The amount of obstacles and hurdles they had to get through was staggering, and then Attenborough goes: "...and what awaited them was 800 miles of nothing but ice until they reached the pole", and I just went feck OFF!
British viewers will see seven episodes, the last of which deals with global warming and the threat to the natural world posed by man.
However, viewers in other countries, including the United States, will only see six episodes.

The environmental programme has been relegated by the BBC to an “optional extra” alongside a behind-the-scenes documentary which foreign networks can ignore.
Campaigners said the decision not to incorporate the episode on global warming as part of the main package was “unhelpful”.

They added that it would allow those countries which are sceptical of climate change to “censor” the issue.

Others suggested that the Corporation should have offered “On Thin Ice”, the global warming episode, for free due to the importance of the issue.
However, the BBC said it was standard practice to offer international clients only the parts they wished to purchase.
Frozen Planet, on BBC One, is the latest big budget series from the BBC’s Natural History Unit in Bristol, which was made in association with Discovery Channel and The Open University.
Astonishing images already broadcast include killer whales swimming in parallel to wash their prey off lumps of ice; icebergs larger than any manmade structure on Earth “calving” from the icecap; and the spectacular plumage of a reclusive great grey owl.
It was filmed over four years and is thought to have cost over £16 million to produce.
Over 30 networks across the world have bought the series but a third of them have rejected the choice of the additional two episodes, including the one on climate change.
On Thin Ice features Sir David Attenborough, 85, talking at length about the melting of the ice and featuring hungry polar bears.
Viewers in the United States, where climate change sceptics are particularly strong group, will not see the full episode.
Instead, the BBC said that Discovery, which shows the series in the US, had a “scheduling issue so only had slots for six episodes”, so “elements” of the climate change episode would be incorporated into their final show, with editorial assistance from the Corporation.
However, the Frozen Planet DVD will be sold overseas - including the US - containing all seven episodes as broadcast in the UK.
A spokeswoman for the BBC said it was not be feasible to force networks to buy the climate change episode as it features Sir David talking extensively to the camera and there are many countries where he is not famous.
Many environmentalists are ardent fans of the show for highlighting the fragile beauty of the natural world.
But there are those among them who believe the BBC has not taken the steps it might have done to warn viewers of the dangers the planet faces.
Harry Huyton, the head of climate change for the RSPB, said: “Selling Frozen Planet in two parts seems rather unhelpful because it suggests that it would be perfectly reasonable not to show the bit with the climate message.
“We would encourage the networks that haven’t bought the whole thing to think again and not to censor the issue.”
Tony Juniper, an environmental adviser and former head of Friends of the Earth, said: “It raises questions about the BBC’s overall environmental coverage, which is patchy and inconsistent.”
He added that the BBC’s attitude allowed other countries to opt out of the climate change episodes for “political reasons” or because they had already covered the issue with previous programmes.
A spokesman for Greenpeace, the environmental group, said: “It’s a bit like pressing the stop button on Titanic just as the iceberg appears.
“Climate change is the most important part of the polar story, the warming in the Arctic can’t be denied, it’s changing the environment there in ways that are making experts fearful for the future.”
A spokeswoman for the BBC said: “In international sales it is normal practice to offer broadcasters the option to take which parts they want, as well as add-ons, such as the one-hour Making Of episode.
“On Thin Ice (Programme Seven) features David Attenborough in vision as it is his authored show.
“It would be impossible to do a presenter-less version. Only those countries that accept David as a presenter (and there are many where he is well-known – such as Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavia) could be expected to take episode seven as it stands.

“In the case of Discovery in the USA, they had a scheduling issue so only had slots for six episodes and have decided to combine elements of episode seven, On Thin Ice, with episode six, The Last Frontier. The BBC has been consulted on editorial decisions on this.”

On Thin Ice will be shown on BBC One on December 7 at 9pm.

fecking bullshit.

And who would reject Sir Dave as a presenter? As far as I'm concerned, the man's on the UNESCO world heritage list!

Can't wait to see it, though. And Attenborough to me is a hero, with the most complete and systematic detailing of our dying biosphere ever produced.
I'm willing to bet they get a different narrator for us in the States. They've done it with HP, Life, and PE as well.
Why don't they get it out and say which countries are censoring. Expose these twats.
It was awesome, don't listen to him.
Great show, as you'd expect from one of these mammoth BBC/Attenbrough productions.
Just re-watched episode 5, Winter.

That battle between the wolf and the baby bison is probably the most unforgettable footage of predator/prey struggle I've ever seen. So merciless and heart-wrenching that I find myself flinching at times.

I don't know what positive adjective I can put to it, beautiful seems wrong... But it's the most bittersweet and startling nature footage I've seen in an Attenborough documentary.

Oh, and if anybody is wondering whether to spend time getting down episode 6, the Last Frontier, it's a clip show... Nothing you haven't seen in the previous series, though I spooled through and don't recall seeing a new Freeze frame there either.
Don't know if I'm being an idiot but I can't see any episodes on iplayer except summer? Watched up till episode 4, maybe 5 I can't remember but bbc seem to have pulled it from the site pretty quickly after the end of the show.