Frankie Boyle criticised for Down Syndrome jokes

Why any of you would want to troll this woman's blog I've no idea...that's incredibly retarded.
Not heard his routine and always thought him funny on tv and have always thought his targets were, on the whole, 'legitimate': Celebrities, Politicians, royalty. These are generally fair game. To misquote Peter Finley Dunne, to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted is a general rule I use to judge the legitimacy of offensive comedy.

But if the reports are true then for me it puts him firmly in the Jim Davidson, Chubby Brown, Bernard Manning category - twats who use mean spirited exploitation of the vulnerable for cheap laughs. For me it differs from the reported Jimmy Carr joke because he was making a point about injured soldiers rather then just mocking them.

He shouldn't be censored (and neither should the mother) but people are also free to think him a twat if he behaves like one. Doing the 'spastic' voice and making fun of young sufferers dying early (if he did this) is pretty poor in my book.
Also struggling to see how any of this make her an 'attention whore'? She doesn't appear to have gone looking for the publicity here, it just happened because Frankie pulled her up on it.

It happened because she wrote about it in her blog.
He didn't confront her, according to the article he just saw her talking to her husband and asked about that.

Well yeah, that's what I mean. He should've just ignored her and carried on with his act. I doubt she was making enough noise to detract from the show.

Never been that big on Boyle personally but I do agree that there should be no boundaries on comedy. I've seen Jerry Sadowitz live. Boyle aint got shit on him.