France - "coordinated arson attack" on rail network

The fires must have been responded to pretty sharply then, or they use a different technology than we use in Britain. The amount of wiring in 1 case would take a team several days to knock up, and then testing each and every circuit probably the same again.

If they are just spot rewiring it, or replacing whole modules the time decreases dramatically.

Years of wiring and maintaining these things on the railway in Britain finally pays off, and I have my moment on the caf.
From the photos I've seen so far it looks like it's been the cable ducts that have been damaged and they're replacing cable segments. I doubt we'll hear much officially until they get sections of track back in operation again and they really know all the damage.
SNCF latest:


Dans un nouveau communiqué, la SNCF indique que la "mobilisation exceptionnelle" des cheminots "va permettre des circulations de TGV" ce samedi sur les axes touchés par les actes de sabotage.

▶️ Sur la LGV Est, les circulations vont reprendre normalement dès samedi matin à 6h.

▶️ Sur l’axe Nord, 80% des trains vont circuler samedi avec des retards de 1 à 2h.

▶️ En Bretagne et dans le Sud-Ouest, deux trains sur trois circuleront, aussi avec des retards de 1 à 2h.

▶️"A ce stade, le trafic restera perturbé dimanche sur l’axe Nord et devrait s’améliorer sur l’axe Atlantique pour les retours de week-end", précise la SNCF.

Elle indique aussi que les voyageurs vont être recontactés par SMS et email pour leur confirmer la circulation de leur train. Quant aux athlètes olympiques et leurs équipes, leur transport "sera assuré".


In a new press release, the SNCF indicates that the “exceptional mobilization” of railway workers “will allow TGV traffic” this Saturday on the routes affected by the acts of sabotage.

▶️ On the LGV Est, traffic will resume normally from Saturday morning at 6 a.m.

▶️ On the North axis, 80% of trains will run on Saturday with delays of 1 to 2 hours.

▶️ In Brittany and the South-West, two out of three trains will run, also with delays of 1 to 2 hours.

▶️"At this stage, traffic will remain disrupted on Sunday on the North axis and should improve on the Atlantic axis for weekend returns", specifies the SNCF.

It also indicates that travelers will be contacted by SMS and email to confirm the running of their train. As for Olympic athletes and their teams, their transportation “will be assured”.
From the photos I've seen so far it looks like it's been the cable ducts that have been damaged and they're replacing cable segments. I doubt we'll hear much officially until they get sections of track back in operation again and they really know all the damage.

Ah makes sense, I thought it was the actual cabinets that the cables supplied that had been targeted. The worst part of restoring that is going to be ID'ing each cable if they have several of the same size.

The speed and achievements of modern engineering never fails to amaze me though.
The fires must have been responded to pretty sharply then, or they use a different technology than we use in Britain. The amount of wiring in 1 case would take a team several days to knock up, and then testing each and every circuit probably the same again.

If they are just spot rewiring it, or replacing whole modules the time decreases dramatically.

Years of wiring and maintaining these things on the railway in Britain finally pays off, and I have my moment on the caf.

I don't have clue, the only thing I know and it's apparently not the same everywhere is that the SNCF, EDF and GDF work 24/7 and they will bring all the manpower they need from anywhere in the country.
Ah makes sense, I thought it was the actual cabinets that the cables supplied that had been targeted. The worst part of restoring that is going to be ID'ing each cable if they have several of the same size.

The speed and achievements of modern engineering never fails to amaze me though.

This is the moment of truth where you find out how good everyone was about sticking to the rules about labelling the cables.
Really looking forward to my trip to Paris now. It's sure to be ultra chilled.
I don't know anything about train signalling, cabinets or cable segements, but from comments already made I would assume that destroying the cabinets would have been the most effective way of disabling the network,..

If that assumption is correct then I doubt this was the Russians because they would have known what to target
I don't know anything about train signalling, cabinets or cable segements, but from comments already made I would assume that destroying the cabinets would have been the most effective way of disabling the network,..

If that assumption is correct then I doubt this was the Russians because they would have known what to target

Are we talking about the same russians that are involved in Ukraine? :lol:
The longer this goes on without anyone accepting responsibility the more I suspect someone like Russia. I'm not sure exactly what they gain here but I'm sure they gain more from sowing confusion than they do from accepting culpability.
Are we talking about the same russians that are involved in Ukraine? :lol:
There's nothing funny about the Russians in Ukraine, and if they were responsible for the mess in Paris they'd be using trained FSB agents not conscripts and former jail birds
There's nothing funny about the Russians in Ukraine, and if they were responsible for the mess in Paris they'd be using trained FSB agents not conscripts and former jail birds

The funny thing is still assuming that competency is a given. It's not.
I don't know anything about train signalling, cabinets or cable segements, but from comments already made I would assume that destroying the cabinets would have been the most effective way of disabling the network,..

If that assumption is correct then I doubt this was the Russians because they would have known what to target
There's nothing yet on what actually got damaged, just a couple of photos of work in progress.

If the cabinets are undamaged then my guess would be that they're hard to access and more highly monitored than what are effectively thousands of Km of cabling running alongside the tracks.
There's nothing stopping you creating one, doesn't mean anyone will read it though :)
I don’t think any of my threads have ever seen a second page
Years of wiring and maintaining these things on the railway in Britain finally pays off, and I have my moment on the caf.
Better with French signal boxes than French footballers - you should definitely have your tagline updated. @moses ?
Sadly I know nothing about power tools, I just am a tool
The Rugby Union thread surely?
Probably my best shout, despite predicting every result wrong
Might be a far-left group after all. Though remains to be seen whether it's real or fake.

An email claiming responsibility, sent using a secure domain name used by the far left, has reached French and international media. Investigators are exploring this email, which links the sabotage to an operation aimed at destabilizing the Olympic Games.
The authors claim responsibility for the arson attacks on the high-speed lines and suggest that the motive for this massive action, which penalized 800,000 French people who were going on vacation , was to disrupt the Olympic Games. "They call it a party? We see it as a celebration of nationalism, a gigantic staging of the subjugation of populations by states," they write in particular. These remarks clearly suggest the signature of radical anti-system groups. Investigators are trying to determine whether this is a real or opportunistic claim.
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