Television For All Mankind

I hope we get Season 5, if only to have more episodes of Solius Reviews For All Mankind.
I hope we get a season 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and forever and ever just to see Ed's corpse being reused in various states of decomposition in various locations around the universe: an asteroid, a moon of Jupiter, a black hole, back to Earth for a season as a twist where his 300 year old corpse struggles to readapt to Earth life, back to the Moon. Forever and ever.
I was meant to be given a helmet? WTF?
Finished S1. Loved it. The tension of the space stuff is very well done.
I'd go with an "eye rolls/episode" as a reliable indicator of how you found it.
We just finished series 3. Still many good things but the increase in melodrama vs drama was a huge step down. I'll watch S4 but I'll look at S3 as mostly a swing and a miss. The drama of space exploration is where the drama was/should be and they should stick to this. I have the feeling that S4 will be more of the same.
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We just finished series 3. Still many good things but the increase in melodrama vs drama was a huge step down. I'll watch S4 but I'll look at S3 as mostly a swing and a miss. The drama of space exploration is where the drama was/should be and they should stick to this. I have the feeling that S4 will be more of the same.
Season 4 is much worse. It has about 15/20% tolerable stuff, sadly.
Someone sold this to me as "the prequel to The Expanse" .... Is that correct? Should I take a look?
Someone sold this to me as "the prequel to The Expanse" .... Is that correct? Should I take a look?
It's that or it could be the origins series for star trek. It's very watchable. Personally absolutely loved it. The less you know about it the better, just watch it. By the time season 4 ends you'll be clamoring for season 5.
Someone sold this to me as "the prequel to The Expanse" .... Is that correct? Should I take a look?
The last season did feel a bit star treky. The tone is pretty different to the expanse. But yeah it works as an intro / prequel to most sci fi.
Its a mixed bag, the first season is very different to the fourth though. Not just in quality, which takes a dive after s2. First 2 seasons are definitely worth a watch.
It's that or it could be the origins series for star trek. It's very watchable. Personally absolutely loved it. The less you know about it the better, just watch it. By the time season 4 ends you'll be clamoring for season 5.
Ok I'll check it ou......
The last season did feel a bit star treky. The tone is pretty different to the expanse. But yeah it works as an intro / prequel to most sci fi.
Its a mixed bag, the first season is very different to the fourth though. Not just in quality, which takes a dive after s2. First 2 seasons are definitely worth a watch.
.... ummmm, at some point....
Yea it sounds like someone was talking shite, or maybe I'm getting shows mixed up. Do they go to Mars in this?
If you don't care about spoilers,
yes they do in the latter seasons.

I don't really see the Expanse connection, unless you are desperate to find connections between things set in space.
If you don't care about spoilers,
yes they do in the latter seasons.

I don't really see the Expanse connection, unless you are desperate to find connections between things set in space.
Fair enough
Yea it sounds like someone was talking shite, or maybe I'm getting shows mixed up. Do they go to Mars in this?
If you squint really hard, you can see the birth of the political machinations of space colonization that are front and center in The Expanse. But this is more alternate history drama with sci-fi than the hard sci-fi of The Expanse.

I could be wrong, as I wasn’t highly interested in pursuing this beyond S1.
I hope we get a season 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and forever and ever just to see Ed's corpse being reused in various states of decomposition in various locations around the universe: an asteroid, a moon of Jupiter, a black hole, back to Earth for a season as a twist where his 300 year old corpse struggles to readapt to Earth life, back to the Moon. Forever and ever.
You ready for more Cryptkeeper Ed? It's getting a 5th season and a spin-off.
You ready for more Cryptkeeper Ed? It's getting a 5th season and a spin-off.

Ed’s corpse floating around Jupiter’s moons.

They really should’ve spent some time in the last few seasons building up a newer generation of characters instead of wringing out Ed, Danielle, etc for all they could get. All we really got like that was “here’s the main character’s kid” and they were usually annoying.
I totally lost interest a few episodes into season four. Miles arc bored the shite out of me. Does it get any better?
I totally lost interest a few episodes into season four. Miles arc bored the shite out of me. Does it get any better?

He had the most punchable face. I hated his character before he even said a word.

Didn’t really get much better, no.
I totally lost interest a few episodes into season four. Miles arc bored the shite out of me. Does it get any better?
I didn't hate the Mars part of that season. Everything else was awful. I started skipping some scenes towards the end
Just the S4 finale to go.

We have moved from alternative space history to space melodrama over 4 seasons.

Yet I'll watch S5.
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He had the most punchable face. I hated his character before he even said a word.

Didn’t really get much better, no.
Saw him and didn't bother googling later, but that's the kid from Rockn Rolla right?

EDIT - Googled. Yes it is. He had a less punchable face earlier. Bit like Zach Braff in progressively becoming more punchable.
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Mistakenly dove into season 4 of this shortly after finishing Fallout and mid-way through Shogun. Bad idea. Had to drop it after the asteroid scene in episode 1. So bad. Will give it another go when there's a dearth of quality TV shows to choose from. 2029-ish, maybe.
Am nearing the end of season 3. I agree it’s not the same quality as the first two seasons, but I’m still loving it.

I’m a sucker for sci-fi and the space race, and it makes me wish the world was this gung-ho on exploration (minus cold war tensions) when we see the progress they make.